The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 11 One month later

Next to the square in the center of the town.

"... Later, Alibaba told his son the secret of pushing open the stone door, and his son told his grandson, and his descendants all lived a prosperous life."

"Alibaba's descendants cherish their good luck and are never arrogant or extravagant. Therefore, they have prospered from generation to generation and have been praised by future generations for a long time."

Ino was sitting on his pony, telling the story of "One Thousand and One Nights" vividly.

A large group of children surrounded him, including some elderly people and adults who happened to be free.

"Amazing Ino, one more!"

"Yes, one more!"

"I haven't heard enough today."

As the story ended, before Ino could say anything, the children around him were already impatiently asking for a new story to start.

As a client, Ino calmly faced the numerous requests from around him. Even though the surroundings were noisy and messy, he still remained silent, a typical example of not letting go of rabbits before sight.

That look made the onlookers scratch their heads and scratch their heads. They knew what Ino was waiting for, but they couldn't do anything about it.

The scene remained deadlocked for several minutes.

Until a basket of freshly baked whole wheat bread was placed on the floor.

"Little Enoch, tell me one more story. I think these breads should be enough to pay for the next story."

The person who spoke was an old woman with graying silver hair and a fat and round body. Coupled with the long linen dress that was starched until it turned white, she always looked a bit funny.

Ino only glanced at the basket on the ground, and instantly made a judgment in her heart. She immediately put on an enthusiastic face and said with a smile:

"Look what you said, Aunt Ayesha! This basket of bread is worth at least three stories."

In exchange of equal value, even if it is just a few toasts, he is not willing to take advantage, thus unknowingly nourishing the greed in his heart.

What's more, it is the principle of all bards to value the audience who have the actual ability to buy tickets. In the final analysis, they are just relying on others to eat.

Ino would never fool or deceive Aunt Ayesha. After all, there were very few people in the entire town who were willing and able to pay to listen to stories.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to speak, he quickly picked up the basket on the floor, opened it, and put the bread inside into his bag one by one, and then politely handed the empty basket to the other party.

"Now that you've received the reward, let's start quickly, you little guy!" Aunt Ayesha took the basket and urged.

"Ahem... Next, I'm going to tell a story about a tailor, an elf, a treasure and a princess."

Ino cleared her throat, and after everyone remained quiet, she slowly spoke: "This is a story that happened in a far away country, a long, long time ago..."

Different from the bustle of the central square, there is a slightly deserted old street on the other side of the town.

Under the simple shack, a worn canvas was spread on the ground, covered with all kinds of leather, velvet and iron nails.

What's surprising is that even though no one is visiting, its owner is still squatting there, knocking on something.

The tinkling sound was continuous and could be heard from far away.

This is where Old John works every day, the only remaining shoe repair stall in the town.

If you are careful, you will find that compared to before when there was no business and he would sit at the stall in a daze, during this period of time, Old John was always working alone.

It lasted for almost a month. No matter it was windy or rainy, no matter whether there were people or not, I was either hammering nails or whittling wooden soles every day.

Day after day, I repeat the work that no one cares about.

Time always passes unconsciously.

In the center of the town, after Ino finished telling his last story, the crowd around him gradually dispersed.

It's not that they have heard enough, but that life does not allow them to waste a whole day for entertainment.

Even young children have to return home before dinner to help their parents who have been working all day to burn firewood.

When everyone was about to leave, Ino also stood up and stretched beautifully.

After packing up the baggage beside him and picking up the folded pony, he finished his work for the day.

"A month has passed before I knew it..."

Looking down at the 31 marks carved with pencil on the old canvas bag, I couldn't help but sigh that time is like running water.

Quietly, he has stayed in this ordinary town for a whole month, and of course the gains are huge.

In the morning, I went to practice magic on the mountain behind the town, and in the afternoon, I went to the square fountain to tell stories to earn daily necessities. Every day was extremely fulfilling.

Now, Ino can fully release the 7 standard first-year magics, including the slightly difficult floating spell.

As his magic power improved, his story reserve also shrank sharply.

Thinking about it, an afternoon cannot be passed by telling three or five stories.

If things go on like this, no matter how many stories are stored in my head, they will not be able to withstand the intense consumption for a month.

Just like today, we are obviously talking about "Alibaba and the Forty Thieves", but the original story is really short.

He also had no choice but to add fuel and vinegar to it, including scorpions, poisonous insects, cave man pupae, and others that were not there.

I was stunned to tell a short story of a few hundred words into a desert version of the ghost blowing out the lamp. After a lot of manipulation, I continued to tell it for dozens of minutes, and finally it ended under the eyes of everyone who still had unfinished thoughts.

Compared to these daily routines, what puzzled him most was that he could not feel the time to return so far.

The sun was setting.

Ino walked alone on the street, and the shadow behind him was stretched thin and long.

As he walked, he nodded and smiled to the residents of the town from time to time, making everything look full of warmth.

To be honest, nothing is more convincing than time, because time can change everything silently without notifying anyone.

Time made this town accept him unconsciously, but he did not really integrate into this town.

It was like loneliness was never on the mountain, but on the street, not in one person, but among many people.

"It stands to reason that a place where a story has ended has no reason to stay here for so long!" Ino murmured secretly.

According to the past habits, in this kind of town where the story has ended, he can return to the original world after staying for a week or two at most.

Unlike now, he has been there for a full month, and there is no sign of returning, which also makes him feel slightly bored.

"Hey! Let's take it one step at a time..."

With a sigh, although there were too many doubts in his heart, there was nothing he could do about it.


More than ten minutes later.

Ino returned to Old John's old house again and found that he was already squatting under the simple stove, using a pair of broken flints, constantly fiddling with firewood, obviously planning to make a fire and cook.

"Old John, stop busying around! There is fresh toast today."

Hearing the shout, Old John threw down the flint in his hand, stood up decisively and walked towards the dining table.

"I smelled the tempting wheat aroma from a long distance, but I'm not sure if you will invite an old guy like me to taste it together."

Faced with the ridicule, Ino relentlessly retorted: "Come on! It's as if there is something you don't want to eat, and you eat the most every time."

After a month of getting along, he and Old John had already become friends, and they always made some harmless jokes with each other.

A bowl of mushroom soup with wild vegetables, two boiled eggs, and a basket of whole wheat bread.

The dinner alone is considered middle-class in the whole town.

New book release, new journey, thanks to all the big guys for their support.

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