The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 128 Encounter between Magic Beans and Greenhouse

In the Slytherin dormitory,

Ino gently plucked the harp on his lap and began to compose music slowly according to the melody in his memory.

Because it was about to enter December, and after the Christmas vacation, the Hogwarts Quidditch Academy Cup was about to start in the second half of the year, so he didn't have much time left.

After half an hour of continuous arranging, Ino slowly put down the harp, and what came into view was Draco's hesitant and troubled face.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say, and go to sleep if nothing happens." Unlike Cedric, he was still willing to take the initiative to ask Draco.

"Eno, I feel like you haven't finished telling your story! What happened to Leon and Annie's child in the end? It's that Rick. He can't live on the island all his life."

Draco analyzed the storyline with determination.

"Hahaha!" Ino couldn't help laughing.

I thought it was something else, but it turned out that I was waiting for the follow-up story. However, where does this impromptu story come from?

But after seeing a pair of expectant eyes, after thinking about it, he still planned to satisfy Draco, and immediately began to make up something unreliable:

"Later, when Rick grew up, he secretly left the island behind his parents' back. Because he looked exactly like his father Leon, without knowing it, he met the young, beautiful but vicious aunt Anna, and the two started to develop again. A relationship."

About a minute passed.

"No more? Where's down there?" Draco sounded anxious.

"Sorry, there's nothing more down there!" Ino spread his hands with an innocent look.

"You..." Draco was stunned! It took a long time to regain consciousness.

He had a feeling now that it would be better not to listen. At least the first story was over, and it would be even more uncomfortable to not be able to do it now.

"Hahaha, it's really gone!" Ino smiled a little proudly. After a while, the laughter gradually stopped: "Wait until later. I'll tell you when I figure it out. Now go to bed!"

"Then you must tell me as soon as you figure it out!" Draco reluctantly walked to the bed.

It seemed that he was really upset. He turned around halfway and said calmly:

"How about you write it! I will help you contact Obscurus Publishing House. My father is a good friend of their editor. Believe me, the sales of this story must exceed Lockhart's book!"

Hearing Draco's suggestion, Ino was also a little moved.

There is probably no bard who would refuse to publish a book and write a biography, just like the Brothers Grimm, who collected and copied stories from all over the world, with the purpose of publishing a complete book.

"This is a good suggestion, but wait until this summer vacation and let me sort out some high-quality stories."

Hearing that he still had to wait for the summer vacation, Draco was instantly disappointed. He stood there muttering to himself: "Why do you have to wait for the summer vacation? The story just now was very exciting. Can't we publish a single volume first? I will publish another story during the summer vacation.”

Why? Of course it’s because of face! For a boy who is less than 14 years old to write such a twisted and vulgar love story, I don’t want to be embarrassed.

Eno is very aware of the gap between this. Telling stories and publishing books are really two different things. The former can be just hearsay, while the latter can really become a signed work!

Although I thought so in my heart, I couldn't say this to Draco.

"Instead of publishing a single volume, I will come up with a more exciting story during the summer vacation! Then I will give you a signed limited edition, how about it? I can also draw you an illustration."

In order to fool the past, he did not hesitate to make a heavy promise.

"Then it's settled!" After hearing the promise, Draco walked towards the bed with a smile on his face.

A night of silence.

The darkness faded quietly, and the morning light appeared on the horizon.

Ino also woke up from a deep sleep due to the vibration of the alarm clock. As usual, after waking up, he finished washing in an orderly manner.

After tidying up, he gently opened the bedroom door and walked out of the castle with light steps.

On Sunday morning, the castle was slightly quiet.

There is no hustle and bustle of the past, even the air is filled with a touch of leisure, and the Forbidden Forest in the distance is looming in the morning mist.

After glancing at the slightly mysterious Forbidden Forest, Ino walked towards the greenhouse without looking back.

He has no interest in exploring the Forbidden Forest or anything like that. Maybe he will go there openly in the future, but not as sneakily as he is now.

Outside the greenhouse for the herbal medicine class.

Ino squatted outside a pile of defective flower pots and began a new round of screening work. He wanted to find a few 'new homes' for the magic beans.

Gift from William Green, blessing from the Harvest Goddess! Who wouldn’t look forward to the sprouting of a magic bean blessed by such a halo?

However, fate didn't seem to want him to grow this bean. He squatted here and selected a dozen flower pots in succession. They either had cracks or hidden damage, but none of them were usable.

Just when he was about to use transformation magic to make an emergency flower pot, a gentle voice came from the greenhouse.

"Silly boy, you can't pick one here. They just took it out yesterday and they all screened it!"

Hearing this, Ino raised his head in surprise: "Good morning, Professor Sprout!"

Pomona recognized the students in front of her. Although there were many Hufflepuffs, she could still remember everyone accurately, but occasionally could not remember the name.

But the student in front of her was still very impressive to her. He also loved herbology class. Just like the fat boy in Gryffindor, he was a good boy.

"Come with me. It happens that the jumping bulbs in the No. 7 greenhouse need to be appeased. After you finish, I can give you a few new flower pots as a reward! The premise is that you are willing to do so."

"Of course! It's my honor!" Ino agreed without thinking.

The flower pot is small, and it is important to have a good relationship with Professor Sprout. In the later stage of planting magic beans, it is estimated that the other party's various guidance will be indispensable.

More importantly, he wants to learn Professor Sprout's magic of sensing plants. The magic wand can be used to point the soil to know the needs of the plants. It is so practical.

Hothouse No. 7.

The jumping bulb is a magical plant. It looks like a hyacinth flower ball, but the difference is that this plant is very active and likes to jump around in the flower pot. If it is not appeased in time, it will make a mess of the whole greenhouse.

Pushing open the glass door of the greenhouse, countless jumping bulbs are like stimulants, jumping constantly, and their figures are all on the flower pots and the ground.

"You..." Professor Sprout hesitated.

"Ino Swinburne, just call me Ino."

Ino's timely addition avoided the professor's embarrassment. After all, he just saw that Professor Sprout probably couldn't remember the name.

But he also understood, after all, this year's Hufflepuff, there are an astonishing 103 first-year freshmen.

"Well, Ino! Do you know how to appease them?" Professor Sprout asked.

After a little thought, he found information about this plant and immediately replied:

"Professor, appease with fire! Mature jumping bulbs need to use fire because they like the feeling of warmth and brightness. For immature jumping bulbs, just grab them with your hands and press them into the soil."

"Standard answer, if this is in class, I will definitely give you extra points!" Professor Sprout said with a smile.

She really likes this kind of students who study attentively, especially those who study herbal medicine attentively.

Because of this bunch of naughty little wizards, they even ranked her herbs third from the bottom, just after History of Magic and Astronomy, making it the third most useless course in Hogwarts, even worse than the divination class that fools people!

Meow meow meow, thank you for your support!

Xiaodi finally finished coding at 7 o'clock!

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