The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 139: Practice in the Forbidden Forest, Control the Eight-eyed Giant Spider (fourth update)

Hogwarts Christmas holiday is a standard half-month.

From December 21st to January 5th, if the first day of the holiday falls on a weekend, the 15-day holiday will be extended to 17 days.

In the room on the second floor, Ino glanced at the brand new 1993 calendar on the table, and suddenly it was time to go back to school.

Unlike the train that must be taken at the beginning of each year, Hogwarts has no hard and fast rules for returning to school during the holidays. This also leads to many pure-blood wizards going to Hogsmeade through the fireplace at home, and then walking back to the castle.

After watering the magic beans on the windowsill again, Ino packed up his luggage and prepared to return to the castle.

Although the holiday time was like turning on the accelerator, he had no complaints about it. The gains from this short 15-day Christmas holiday were really worth the past year.

Not only can he use Apparition skillfully, but even several other spells, including the Iron Armor Charm, can also be cast smoothly.

Of course, it is only casting, and both the quality and proficiency need to be improved. Especially the traceless extension spell, the most successful experiment was just to expand the capacity of a coffee cup twice the volume.

But magic is like this, as long as it can be successfully released, what is lacking is only time and practice.


January 5th, Hogwarts near noon.

Probably because the train arrived in the evening, the castle seemed a little deserted at this moment.

On the lawn outside the castle.

Ino looked around, and after confirming that there was no one, he drew out his wand and pointed it at himself.


A cool feeling rose from the top of his head, as if someone was standing on a stool and pouring a basin of sticky coolant.

Even though he had the blood of the White Witch and was not afraid of any cold, the feeling at the moment still made him shiver involuntarily.

After a while, as the cool feeling spread, he also saw that his body gradually became transparent.

Transparency rather than disappearance, this is the effect of the Disillusionment Charm.

It can be regarded as a kind of optical invisibility. As long as the distance is far enough or the surrounding environment is dim, it is difficult to be discovered.

The periphery of the Forbidden Forest.

After placing the suitcase properly on a tree branch, he waved his wand again.


An invisible barrier rose up. As the ceiling of single-body defense, the Shield Charm can not only effectively defend against all physical damage, but also deflect the spell to a certain extent.

It is very practical, so this magic is also the basic condition for the recruitment of Aurors in the Ministry of Magic.

But one thing is certain, the upper limit of magic always depends on the upper limit of wizards. A very simple example, even Mad-Eye Moody's Shield Charm still can't stop Voldemort's casual attack.

In view of this, he also planned to try his hand in the Forbidden Forest this time, not only to test the Shield Charm, but also to verify the hypothesis of the shelter.

Holding a sharp one-handed sword in his right hand and holding a wand in his left hand, he slowly walked towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest.


The Forbidden Forest in winter is a bit depressed.

Not only does it not have the vitality of the past, but it is full of killing.

Ino frowned and looked at the surrounding environment. This is a cave covered with spider silk.

Of course, this is nothing strange, because many spiders will choose to find nests to hibernate and lay eggs, and usually the caves will be covered with thick spider silk.

But the problem is that he found the right place, but he didn't see the real owner - 5X eight-eyed giant spider.

There was not even a spider shadow in the huge cave of dozens of square meters. Of course, there was also a bottomless tunnel in the cave, and everything in sight was covered with spider silk.

However, he declined to use this tunnel. This trip was for training, not for excitement.

However, just as he was about to leave the cave and search for the target again, he felt a weak sense of danger behind him.


Before he could react, the whole person was like being hit by a high-speed motorcycle, and rolled forward in weightlessness.

Then there was a piercing scream of "squeak...".

Taking advantage of this gap, he also saw the creature behind him clearly.

A spider that was as big as an adult horse, covered with thick black hair, and eight pebble-sized eyes flashed with fierce and cruel light.

This is a young spider. After seeing its size, Ino understood it instantly.

Because the width of a real adult eight-eyed giant spider can reach 15 feet on both sides, which is as big as a large bus.

Although the giant spider in front of him looks extremely scary, he is not afraid at all. The previous attack has proved that this eight-eyed giant spider cannot break the armor spell.

Since there is no worry, he picked up the fallen one-handed sword and rushed towards the eight-eyed giant spider.


In a cave of dozens of meters.

Holding the one-handed sword, Ino looked helplessly at the eight-eyed giant spider wandering around.

Although this thing is huge, it is extremely flexible, especially in a cave full of spider silk, flying over the eaves and walls are basic operations.

After fighting for seven or eight minutes, he was thrown down three times, but he didn't hurt the giant spider at all. Except for a lucky chance to give the opponent a slight adjustment on the forelimbs, there was no other achievement.

Seeing the still energetic eight-eyed giant spider, he slowly put down the long sword in his hand.

"God's Edge Without Shadow!"

There was no gorgeous light or shadow, but the eight-eyed giant spider froze in place, and then its huge body, along with the spider silk on the wall behind it, split in two and completely shattered.

As an intelligent species, even though the eight-eyed giant spider was dead, its pebble-sized eyes were still full of doubts and puzzlement.

"Hey! Don't blame me. I wanted to play for a while, but who told you to be so flexible..." As he spoke, Ino squatted down and took out the glass bottle he had prepared in advance from his pocket.

Having followed Snape to deal with medicinal materials many times, he also knew some basic market conditions. Just like the venom of the eight-eyed giant spider in front of him, although the price is expensive, the fundamental reason is that the output is scarce.

At present, this giant spider the size of a horse only received half a bottle of venom, at most a few dozen milliliters.

After finishing the work, he cleaned up the scene, and he also planned to verify the second thing.

After more than ten minutes of careful search.

Finally, in the hidden corner of the cave, Ino saw the material he needed.

A silk cocoon the size of a washbasin, which contained more than a dozen quail-sized spider eggs and several translucent small spiderlings.

He gently picked up the silk cocoon, and then he disappeared into the cave with a thought.


A four-foot-wide frozen path, with a washbasin-sized silk cocoon placed in the middle of the road.

Ino squatted next to the silk cocoon, and this person was a little trance.

The things were brought in, but all the transparent spiderlings died on the spot, of course, this was not the point.

The point was that at this moment, there seemed to be some vague connections in his mind, and all these connections came from the silk cocoon in front of him.

The spiderlings were all dead, but the spider eggs were magically alive and had established connections with each other.

Submission, obedience, trust... The information coming from his mind gave him a different feeling, as if his own miracle had once again played a magical role.

"It's getting more and more interesting, adults, embryos, birth..." Ino murmured as he looked at the dozens of spider eggs in the silk cocoon, which was an absolute sense of control.

Xiaodi kept his promise and was really squeezed dry for a whole day, from 7 am to 7 pm.

Today, the sharing class is suspended. We will continue sharing new magical animals tomorrow. Xiaodi really doesn’t want to move now.

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