The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 142 Quidditch Field, Classic Singing

Sometimes people always wonder what happy education looks like.

If someone is really puzzled, then I recommend him to visit Hogwarts. Hogwarts really achieves half a year of study and half a year of play.

After the Christmas holiday, the class schedules of all the little wizards were reduced sharply, and basically there were only a few classes a week.

Of course, strictly speaking, the school has left enough time for review so that students can better cope with the end-of-term exams.

As for whether to review or not, it depends on the degree of personal self-consciousness. Anyway, there is enough time.

As time goes by, the warmth of Valentine's Day is gradually dissipating.

Although the scene of Ino and Cedric receiving gifts in the hall is occasionally mentioned, just like the Lockhart incident, there is no eternal topic in the castle, nor is there eternal heat.

The second week after Valentine's Day, the College Cup Quidditch started.

Saturday morning at nine o'clock.

Today is the first game of this school year, Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin.

In the morning, before half past eight, everyone in the castle rushed to the Quidditch field in groups.

At this moment, no one was thinking about Hogsmeade anymore. On the contrary, some people from Hogsmeade came to Hogwarts. They were some Quidditch enthusiasts who would choose to buy tickets to watch the game.

Quidditch field.

Ino did not join the audience stand, but stood quietly on the open space at the edge of the field with a broom, with ten kinds of musical instruments floating around him.

The game had not started yet, but the Slytherins and Ravenclaws who were watching the game had already begun to habitually compete with their voices, and all kinds of dazzling slogans and banners began to light up on the audience stand.

Just as no one wanted to miss such a grand event, no one wanted to miss such an opportunity to make money.

George and Fred, each with a one-foot small box hanging on their chest, flexibly wandered among the crowd, selling their two-knut-a-bunch of small fireworks.

"Give me twenty fireworks!" A crisp voice sounded.

Although the surroundings were noisy, George still heard the shopping news, and after accurately locating, he quickly walked towards the other party.

"Why did you buy so many fireworks? This is not our game." Ron looked at Hermione in some confusion.

Twenty bunches of fireworks cost forty knuts, nearly two Sickles. Wouldn't it be better to save this money? He couldn't figure it out.

"If I were you, I should learn to keep my mouth shut, dear little Ronnie! This bunch of fireworks is for you, as a reward for an obedient child."

George was a little depressed. He had been here for a quarter of an hour, but he hadn't sold more than a dozen bunches of fireworks. It was hard to get a big business of twenty bunches, but his good brother was still trying to ruin it.

"I'm not doing this for the competition. Ino will sing before the game, so I bought some fireworks for him to set the mood."

Hermione explained while taking out two Sickles and handing them to George.

"Ino will sing?" George didn't reach out to take the money, but asked curiously.

"Yes! Cheerleading is a Muggle sports competition..." Hermione quickly popularized the knowledge of cheerleading.

George left, and also took away 20 knuts.

"Fireworks are on sale! Buy one get one free! Selling at a loss! Really only cost price..."

Time passed by every second.

9 o'clock in the morning.

A figure riding a broom suddenly appeared in the air of the Quidditch field. Looking carefully, it was not the first referee Ms. Hoochie who appeared in the past.

Although it was a bit unexpected, the little wizards did not make too much noise, mainly because the figure on the field was very beautiful.

Exquisite facial features, blue-black hair, and a gorgeous silver dress, all of which sparkled in the sun. Like a magnet, it firmly attracted everyone's attention.

Floating in the air.

After Ino settled all the instruments, he put his wand against his throat.

"Welcome everyone to the first game of the season, Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin!"

Under the effect of the amplification spell, the sound was clearly spread over the entire field.

"Before that, I begged Professor McGonagall, and she allowed me to delay everyone for a few minutes, so that I could use my singing to praise the next wonderful game!"

On the other side, Professor McGonagall also showed a gratified smile. When she listened to the song in the office, she was convinced by the song.

In the sky, after two simple opening remarks, Ino waved his wand and let all the instruments play.

Accompanied by the passionate and steady rhythm of the music:

"Ahhoo... Give me freedom, give me fire! Give me truth, so that I can go higher! Aim for the championship, gallop through the sky, justify my name, create glory..."

"Wavin' Flag", the theme song of the future 2010 South Africa World Cup, now sounded in the Hogwarts Quidditch Stadium in 1993.

The passionate singing resounded throughout the sky under the effect of magic.

Regardless of the college, race, professor or student, everyone's emotions were driven by the music at this moment.

This is the power of classic music.

After the first verse, taking advantage of the gap in the rhythm, Ino flew around the stadium on a broom, and at the same time stretched out his hand to signal everyone to sing along.

"Under this sun, let us sing to our heart's content! Let us celebrate this wonderful competition and accompany each other until the end of the world! Time flies, when we are old and strong..."

As the lyrics say, under the sunshine, all the little wizards on the court sang to their heart's content. Even if some people couldn't remember the lyrics, they still followed the rhythm and pronounced them. No one laughed at them.

Because at this moment, everyone cheered from the bottom of their hearts and was immersed in the music.

In the audience stands, bunches of fireworks were lit one after another.

Although it was daytime and each bunch of fireworks was very weak, when these colorful little beams gathered together, it seemed to really compete with the sun for glory.

Looking at the sea of ​​fireworks in front of him, Ino couldn't help but raise his wand.

There was no spell or mantra, but the wand seemed to hear his inner appeal.

Countless flames representing hope and salvation continuously flowed out from the tip of the wand, and gradually the flames gathered in the sky, forming a huge orange-red cloud.

The flames all over the sky gathered together and covered the sun.

In this scene that seemed like a natural disaster, everyone was not afraid, but instead showed a trace of longing smile, as if they saw the scene they most wanted to see in the sky covered by flames.

In the audience, Dumbledore smiled, with some nostalgia and some relief in his smile, and his blue eyes were as pure as a baby at this moment.

Professor McGonagall, Snape, Professor Sprout... all of them raised their lips unconsciously.

In the Gryffindor audience, Colin held his treasured camera and kept pressing the shutter, as if he wanted to remember this wonderful moment forever.

Today Xiaodi shares Fantastic Beasts: Swamp Digger

Level: xxx

Features: Swamp Diggers look like a piece of wood when they are not moving, but if you look closely, you will find that they have sharp claws and teeth.

Habits: They usually lurk in swamps and feed on small and medium-sized mammals. Their favorite food is mandrake.

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