The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 152 The Lantern Bearer Outside the Moonlight Tavern

The sky in Hetton Mar is always so blue, with a few white clouds floating leisurely occasionally.

According to legend, this city was founded by a great magician named "Mar" using a powerful magic circle in the desert.

However, all this seems insignificant to the adventurers living in Hedunmar.

When the past becomes history, history becomes legend, and adventurers prefer real gains compared to illusory legends.

For example, two months ago, a strange magician came to Hedunmar.

He always holds a paper and pen and an old bronze oil lamp, sitting alone at the door of the Moonlight Tavern. Whenever someone passes by the Tavern, he always asks if there is anything novel.

At first, everyone always thought he was crazy, and many people even avoided him. After all, a crazy magician is still relatively dangerous.

However, routines are always meant to be broken.

About a week ago, a female gunman took out an old leather belt and handed it to the magician in front of everyone. The magician illuminated it with his oil lamp and told a wonderful story on the spot.

The female gunner also received a gold coin as reward.

Although the reward is not much, it is a real gain.

Since then, every adventurer who came to the Moonlight Bar would bring one or two things to the strange magician for inspection.

Because he always held an oil lamp to look around, everyone nicknamed him the lamp-bearer.

Early in the morning, it’s another day full of energy.

Ino came to the door of Moonlight Tavern as usual and put down the maza he was carrying.

Leaning against the outer wall of the tavern, basking in the sun leisurely, he waited for adventurers to come to his door.

It has been two full months since he came to Hedunmar. Although he has experienced the prosperity of the combination of magic and alchemy, he has also revised his subjective assumptions.

First of all, this is a city with a huge population. Not counting the original civilians, Hutton Marr has more than hundreds of thousands of adventurers. And in the vast Grand Forest, countless cat demons and goblins have successfully fed these hundreds of thousands of people with their own flesh and blood.

Secondly, as the president of the Alchemy Guild, Norton Massimogle is not the bad old man standing on the street in the original story, who can be talked to by anyone.

As the learned president of the Alchemy Guild, if you want to see Norton, you not only need considerable fame and status, but more importantly, you need to make an appointment. After all, the master alchemist's time is always the most valuable.

Therefore, after learning more about it, he gave up on his delusions and settled down to his old profession.

Either stay in front of the tavern and collect stories, or go into the Grand Forest to practice magic and earn some extra money along the way.

And while he was thinking, a shadow blocked the warm sunshine, and when he raised his head, he saw a bright and brilliant face.

"Let's go collect the cat demon claws!" the female gunner Caitlin said pitifully.

"If you don't go, you are a drag!"

Glancing at the two new pistols on the opponent's waist, Ino decisively refused.

He was very curious and didn't know what was causing Caitlin's madness. He also ran to Hutton Mar a week ago. Even though he couldn't kill many goblins, he was still thinking about cleaning up the cat demon all day long.

"Wouldn't it be better for you to just stay at Erwin's line of defense? The cat demon is not what you imagined, let alone one who can show off his strength by changing two guns."

"This is the gun that Teacher Kelly gave me to strengthen and modify, and I'm not a burden." Caitlin pouted with some dissatisfaction.

Ino turned a deaf ear to Caitlin's complaints and couldn't get used to her fault, otherwise something would happen sooner or later.

"Listen to me, you can play in Hutton Mar, and go back when you have had enough. This is not suitable for you. Go back to kill goblins, pick wild strawberries, and run your and Celia's hotel well. Taking risks is not stupid, don't You’re kidding with your own life!”

Facing Caitlin, I really felt sympathy. It would be a pity for a girl of eighteen or nineteen to lose her beauty.

On the other side, just as Caitlin was about to retort, she heard a gloomy voice:

"He's right! Taking risks is not stupid. When you die and your bones stink, no one on this continent will remember you anymore."

A middle-aged man carrying a long knife appeared three meters away from the two of them.

"I don't mean any harm, I just heard someone said there is a lamp-bearer here who can see the stories behind the items. So I came here from other places and wanted you to see my old man! Don't worry! No one dares to do it in Hutton Mal takes action."

As he spoke, the middle-aged man spread his hands to indicate that he was harmless.

As the man finished speaking, Ino slowly put down the wand in his hand.

Indeed, no one dares to take action in Hedunmar. Even the most unruly adventurer will become docile here.

This is not magic, this is an order that has been bought with blood for hundreds of years.

"Sorry! I'm a little nervous." Ino looked apologetically at the man who was surrounded by resentment.

"It's nothing!" The man waved his hand nonchalantly, as if he was used to being misunderstood.

"The power of the curse has been eroding me, but my will is stronger than it. But today, I want you to see my old friend."

As he spoke, the middle-aged man took off the long knife on his back.

An ice-blue luxurious long knife, with a long and narrow blade, shining with a faint blue light, as if it contained a frozen lake, cold and deep.

Even though he was sitting under the warm sun, Ino still felt a chill. It was not simply cold, but the coldness was mixed with extreme resentment and regret.

Although he had some guesses, he still picked up the oil lamp at his feet.

The feather pen lying flat on the side also floated up, as if it was ready to write.

"Dance of fine snow! This is a princess's sword! A sad and beautiful love story..."

Sitting on a small stool, looking at the weapon placed horizontally in front of him, Ino began to narrate the story behind it.

The core content is not long. The prince and princess of the two countries are engaged, and they love each other deeply.

But because of the interests of the border, the two countries went to war. The prince gave up love for his subjects, and the princess took up the sharp blade because of pain and hatred. She won and led the army into the palace to question her former lover.

"...Even if he was defeated, the prince still chose his subjects. In disappointment and anger, the princess killed him with her own hands. But even though her lover was dead, she could not let go of the resentment in her heart, so she chose to commit suicide. Endless resentment turned into a curse, and also attached to this weapon."

After the story was told, Ino put down the oil lamp in his hand, and the same feather pen stopped recording.

"What a sad and beautiful story!" A melodious voice sounded behind everyone.

The proprietress of the Moonlight Tavern, Sosia, was holding a cocktail and leaning against the door frame of the tavern with a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry for turning you away last time, but if I had known there would be such a story earlier, I would definitely not have made the previous choice. Can I buy you a drink? Just consider it my apology."

Facing Sosia's apology, Ino shook his head: "There is no need to apologize at all. After all, I am not a real customer. Your refusal at the beginning was completely reasonable."

While speaking, he also took out a gold coin from his pocket and handed it to the middle-aged man. The rule of paying for stories can never be changed.

There is a suspicion of watering the word count when telling stories, but Xiaodi hit the charging node of 199, and the chapter word count is 2199, which is still counted as 2000.

Meow~ The story content is free, let's say whether Xiaodi is good or not~

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