The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 160 Extreme resentment is also an emotion

Compared to the sudden thunderstorm in London, the sky in Massachusetts, USA, was clear.

After finishing a morning discussion, Ino and Newt were sitting in the shade of the trees in the courtyard, leisurely drinking afternoon tea.

"Mr. Scamander, perhaps we can change our thinking. The birth of the phoenix can be seen as two conditions, quality and quantity! Just like the ancestor of the Dumbledore family, Fox was born with great self-sacrificing emotions! But he only has one person."

Hearing this, Newt turned his head slightly: "Theoretically, it is possible, but I still prefer the majority. Although a single self-sacrificing emotion is great, it is undeniable that this condition is a bit too harsh."

"Extreme emotions often do not carry any other factors, just like when we discuss the phoenix, if you think about it in your heart, it will not be born anyway."

After Newt's explanation, Ino also nodded frequently, and he agreed with this very much.

Just like someone asked a wise man, saying that after so many years, have you let her go? And the wise man's answer is: Who is she?

There is no saying to let go, nor to let go, just a simple forgetfulness.

"Ino, don't feel pressured! Although I'm old, you're still young and there are plenty of opportunities."

Newt persuaded comfortingly. In his opinion, the boy opposite was still a little impatient.

"I have contacted L.A.A. Publishing House for you. According to our plan, we will publish books and records first. After accumulating fame, I will go to talk to Fudge in person. Let you open the Quidditch World Cup next year. The emotions of 100,000 wizards should be able to give birth to a phoenix, otherwise our guess is wrong!"

"Thank you, sir!" Ino thanked sincerely.

He also felt that Newt was very pure, without the smoothness and shrewdness of the world. He wanted to do anything he wanted to do purely, without any emotions and interests.

Perhaps, this is also the fundamental reason why Newt can be recognized and pleased by magical animals. Just like magical animals, if you are good to me, I will be good to you, it's that simple.

Just like this topic about the phoenix, Newt wants to study it, so he will do it with all his strength. Even if the phoenix will not recognize him when it is born, he still devotes all his energy, time, connections, and even a large amount of Galleons.

Not to mention the publisher, just looking for Fudge and adding an event to the Quidditch World Cup is already something that many people can't even dream of.

Similarly, Newt seemed to hear the emotion behind it, and waved his hand with a smile.

"No need to do that! I'm also curious about the birth of the phoenix. This species is too perfect, so perfect that it shouldn't be a magical animal. If our research is successful, the phoenix may be removed from the magical animals and classified as a spiritual magical creature like a patron saint. I hope I can see it in my lifetime..."

Listening to Newt's sigh, Ino suddenly made a decision: "Wait for me here for a minute."

After saying that, the figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

A moment later, when Ino appeared again, he suddenly had a blue straight knife in his hand. The blade was about 3 feet long and about one meter long, and there were exquisite patterns carved on the blade.

But the moment this weapon appeared, Newt suddenly opened his eyes, and the three cats and cats playing not far away also arched their backs, and made low threatening sounds from their mouths.

"Strong curse, full of resentment!" Newt made an accurate evaluation after just one glance.

"Right! I got this by chance." Ino placed the Dance of Snow horizontally on the small coffee table under the shade of the tree.

"This is what I think! If the phoenix is ​​born only from extreme feelings, then is there any requirement for this feeling? Extreme resentment is also an extreme emotion, sometimes even more extreme than love and sacrifice!"

As Ino narrated, Newt's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"You can try it! Use your magic flame to roast it, don't worry! I will compensate you if it burns."

Somehow, after seeing Newt's eager expression, he always had two children standing under the window in his mind.

One encouraged the other to use a slingshot to hit the glass opposite.

Although he thought so, Ino did not refuse. When he took it out, he had already made plans to burn it. After all, Newt also paid a lot for this matter.

"Burn it now?" Although he had already made plans, he still hesitated before starting.

"What else? Burn it now. Don't worry, I have collected a lot of interesting things, and the quality is not worse than this alchemical weapon."

Looking at Newt's excited look, Ino said helplessly: "I mean, don't you need to take notes? After all, if there are really changes, it's better to write them down for future reference."

"Yes! Write it down! Qiqi." Newt patted his head, then called the house elf, and a thick notebook instantly appeared on the small coffee table.


Under the shade of the trees in the courtyard.

The old and the young gathered together. Although there was a huge gap in age, the same look was revealed in each other's eyes - expectation and uneasiness.

This is a crucial experiment.

Whether it succeeds or not, as long as the flame changes, even the slightest change, it proves that their speculation is correct.

On the contrary, if there is no change...the subsequent plan does not need to be implemented, after all, the entire argument has been overturned.

"Then I really burn it?"

"Burn it!"

"Are you ready to record it?"


"The flames are blazing!"

As the words fell, a warm orange flame rose from the elder wand.

Ino held the wand and carefully let the flame drift towards the weapon on the ground.

"Zizi! Zizi!" When the flame approached the weapon, it seemed to hit an invisible barrier, making a harsh sound like oil boiling in a raging fire.

The moment the sound rang out, the three curious catkins not far away also fled with their tails between their legs.

Similarly, as two people who were in close contact, Ino and Newt were not feeling well. Now they felt like two extreme collisions.

Hope and redemption collided with extreme resentment and despair.

Time passed by every second.

Just when the two extreme emotions were confronting each other at the most intense, Newt quietly pulled out his wand, which was also the first time he held a wand in his hand in thirty years.

"If the situation is not right, you run. Disappear like you did just now, leave this to me!"

In the face of Newt's instructions, Ino did not distract himself from speaking, but just nodded silently.

It seems that everything follows the basic rules. The curse and resentment on the weapon are always limited. When facing the endless flames, it seems to have reached the critical point.


A sound like a mirror being broken sounded.

The more than one-meter-long dance of fine snow on the ground also changed. First, its blade began to become shorter and thinner, like snow under the rising sun, melting little by little.

The flames that burned it also changed.

The orange flames were stained with a trace of light blue thin lines at some point, which felt like tiny veins.

Xiaodi shared magical animals today: Phoenix

British Magical Department Classification Level: xxxx

Origin and Distribution: Phoenix is ​​a very rare bird magical animal. Currently, there are only two known domesticated phoenixes, one is Fox, and the other is Sparky, the phoenix mascot of the New Zealand Mottola Macaw Quidditch team.

Appearance characteristics: Phoenix is ​​a luxurious, bright red bird, similar in size to a swan, with a long golden tail, and a long, golden beak and claws.

Habits: The phoenix usually builds its nest on the top of a high mountain. The phoenix has an extremely long lifespan because it can regenerate. When its body begins to fail, it throws itself into the fire, and a young phoenix will fly out of the ashes. The phoenix is ​​a gentle animal. It is known that it never hurts people and only eats herbs. Like the ball bird, the phoenix can disappear and reappear at will.

Powers and effects: The phoenix's song has magical powers. It is generally believed that it can enhance courage for those with pure hearts and release fear for those with dirty hearts. The phoenix's tears have strong healing effects.

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