The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 164 The real purpose of the oil lamp

London, Diagon Alley.

Nearly a month has passed since Sirius escaped from prison, and in the first week people were still worried.

However, as time slowly passed, and Sirius seemed to disappear, the popularity of this incident also dissipated, and Diagon Alley gradually regained its former popularity.

Especially when Hogwarts is about to start school, many shops open early. As for Sirius? Sorry he's not as important as galleons.

Life seems to have returned to its original rhythm.

But all this is for ordinary wizards. This summer vacation is extremely difficult for Harry.

Not only was the scope of his activities limited to Diagon Alley, but he was always followed by an Auror even when he went out every day. All he could do was sit by the window on the second floor every day and look at the bustling crowds in Diagon Alley outside. .

Today, after Harry finished his homework, he still moved a chair and sat by the window, preparing to start his daily observations. It had been like this for more than a month. Sometimes he thought that even if he met Malfoy and had a good fight, his current life would be better.

However, fate always plays tricks. Within a few minutes of sitting by the window, Harry suddenly stood up and walked downstairs.

Because he saw two familiar figures on the corner of the street. Hermione and Ino were walking towards Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, talking and laughing.

On the cobbled streets of Diagon Alley.

Ino suddenly realized that Hermione was a little abnormal, especially after hearing him say that the number six represented the absolute success of divination, the smile on her face never stopped.

But as for the second 'six' that appeared on the dice, he actually had a rough guess in his mind.

It seems that this dice can identify people. Otherwise, even if Hermione divines whether Hogwarts will be able to open normally this year, the result will most likely be '5', rather than absolute divination.

But don’t tell the truth. Sometimes divination is like psychological healing. It just makes the person involved happy. There is no need to spend every penny.

"Eno, what elective course do you plan to take in your third year?" Hermione asked curiously as they walked on the road.

"Ancient Runes and the Protection of Magical Creatures, just take two courses that interest you."

Perhaps he had already expected Hermione to ask, so Ino revealed his plan without thinking.

Two electives are enough, choosing more is a waste of energy. Besides, he didn't plan to work at the Ministry of Magic, so even if he got twelve certificates, there would be no use for him.

"You don't plan to choose divination?" Hermione stopped, her tone a little incredulous.

Facing Hermione's doubts, Ino expressed his inner answer:

"Divination is very mysterious and very powerful! But I don't want to rely too much on divination."

While the two were chatting, a faint call came from behind them:

"Hermione! And Mr. Swinburne! It's so good to meet you!"

As Harry said this, he trotted towards this side, and a few meters behind him, there was an adult wizard following.

"Long time no see, Mr. Potter!"

Ino smiled and said hello, while turning his eyes to the adult wizard opposite, who also returned a friendly smile.

"Harry? Are you here too?" Hermione's tone was weak, as if she heard the doorbell ringing while having dinner.

"Of course I'm here, and I've been here for more than a month, living in the Leaky Cauldron..."

When asked about his sadness, Harry said with a somewhat depressed expression.

But after a brief depression, Harry began to talk endlessly about his experiences during this period. It seemed that he had really been alone for a long time, so he talked a little endlessly, and he didn't notice Hermione's face at all.

The three of them walked all the way to Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore.

After entering the bookstore, several people also discovered that today's bookstore is very different from the past.

The store usually displays gilded magic books as thick as paving stones, but now there is a large iron cage behind the glass, which contains about a hundred "Monster Books of Monsters".

The books were all tangled together, fighting each other fiercely, like a fierce wrestling match, with broken pieces of paper flying everywhere.

"Why does the boss want to enter this kind of book?" Harry asked strangely.

"Because it is listed as a textbook for Care of Magical Creatures. Didn't you even read the school year notice sent from Hogwarts?"

Hermione said, looking at Harry in surprise.

After hearing Hermione's words, Harry suddenly felt that the Magical Protection Professor at Hogwarts might have something in common with Hagrid.

He also took out the book list from his pocket and took a good look at it for the first time.

It clearly says: "The Monster Book of Monsters", a textbook for the Care of Magical Creatures class.

Looking at Harry who was stunned, Ino said softly:

"Actually, it's not Mr. Potter's fault! Anyone who is protected by this kind of almost imprisonment will probably not care about anything else."

Hearing someone defend himself, Harry also cast a grateful look.

Similarly, after Ino spoke, Hermione said nothing more and cleverly changed the subject: "Let's buy books first, but they don't seem to be easy to get along with."

"You're right!" A complaint suddenly came from next to a few people, and the person who spoke was the manager of the bookstore.

This well-dressed middle-aged man in the past looked a little embarrassed now.

"They are not only difficult to get along with, I will never buy them again, never again! What a mess! That time we bought two hundred copies of "The Invisible Book of Invisibility" and spent a lot of money. Later, I didn't even find a shadow, so I thought it couldn't be worse than that."

Invisible book? Listening to the manager's complaints, Ino suddenly thought of something and immediately said:

"Sorry to interrupt! Did you just say that the "Invisibility Book of Invisibility" is for sale here?"

"Theoretically! It's for sale, but as you can see, I can't find the books."

The bookstore manager spread his hands helplessly. He recognized the boy in front of him, who had appeared on the cover of the Daily Prophet a few months ago.

Therefore, he also chose to tell the truth instead of selling his customers a bunch of air as before.

"Are you sure you have purchased the goods? And put them in the bookstore?" Ino asked again.

"Sure! I keep all the receipts. If it weren't for them... Well! Anyway, according to them, those books have been placed in my bookstore!"

The middle-aged manager sighed deeply. There was something he didn't say. If he hadn't been unable to offend the other party, he would have come to the door with the receipt slip.

"Hermione! Mr. Potter, please wait here for me for a moment. I'll be back soon!"

After saying that, Ino walked towards the door, because the bookstore manager's words just now made him suddenly realize - "You can't even see the shadow of those books."

What situations create shadows? It must be illuminated by a light source.

Thinking of this, he remembered the oil lamp that could illuminate the illusion.

That's why I left in a hurry and found a place where no one was around to take out the oil lamp from the shelter and experiment.

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