The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 18 Hello, Hogwarts

The boat floats quietly on the black lake.

Ino was also happy to be quiet after seeing Hermione's sudden silence.

Compared to Malfoy and Hermione, who were at the center of the story, he really didn't want to be too involved.

But things didn't go as planned. After a few minutes of silence, they heard the brown-haired dumpling beside him start talking to himself.

"I've obviously forgotten about that incident. Besides, if we meet here, doesn't that explain the problem?"

Although it was a disguised form of submission, Ino still didn't want to talk to her. After all, this girl was a bit of a tiger in the later stages.

However, Hermione had no intention of stopping there. She stared at the lake and suddenly said loudly:

"Yes! Your divination is very accurate, and there is no problem with the one pound reward. That is what you deserve, Mr. Swinburne!"

Ino was startled by the sudden high pitch.

At the same time, he also heard that there was a hint of obvious grievance and crying in Hermione's voice.

"Okay! I just used the fire-making spell." Ino replied.

Faced with this situation, if he continues to remain silent, it will feel like he is really bullying the little girl.

"I know it! The lighting spell is white light, and the only orange light is the fire spell, but how do you make it stay on the wand? I also tried this spell during the summer vacation, but it was like... …Hmm, a lighter that doesn’t work very well.”

Hermione changed her previous sluggishness and spoke eloquently about her views on magic.

"Well, the original function of the fire-making spell is to allow the wizard to have a flame that can be used at any time. You use a lighter to describe it, which is actually very appropriate."

Ino deliberately slowed down his speaking speed.

Because he found that when Hermione was talking, her hands always clutched her robe tightly unconsciously. Psychologically speaking, this was a sign of inner tension.

In fact, if you think about it, it is understandable for an 11-year-old girl to be nervous when she is in a strange environment.

Thinking of this, Ino couldn't help but apologize for her previous indifference. In the final analysis, she was just a girl who had left her parents.

"Miss Granger! You should have read "Elementary Standard Spells"..."

When it comes to mastery of language, no one can compare to the Bard.

Although Ino was only an apprentice, he controlled the rhythm of the conversation quite well. In a few words, Hermione gradually relaxed.

"Call me Hermione. As for "Elementary Standard Spells", I finished reading it during the summer vacation..."

Time passed quietly while chatting.

The boat carried everyone through the ivy curtain covering the front of the cliff and arrived at a platform similar to a dock.

Under Hagrid's arrangement, everyone finally arrived at the castle after walking along a cobblestone path for a few minutes.

In front of a huge oak door, Hagrid raised his huge fist and knocked on the castle door.

Bang bang bang!

The door was opened from the inside, and a tall, thin witch walked out.

Some people come out with their own laughs, and some come out carrying speakers.

But the man in front of him, wearing an emerald green robe and a pointed wizard hat, didn't say anything. His unsmiling face made all the little wizards feel a sense of oppression.

The scene that was slightly hilarious just now suddenly became silent.

"Thank you! Hagrid. Leave the rest to me."

As the head of Gryffindor, Professor McGonagall knows these little wizards all too well.

If they don't show off at the beginning and calm down the situation severely, God knows how naughty they will become in the future. It will not be that easy to discipline them at that time.

"First of all! Welcome to Hogwarts."

Professor McGonagall said with a serious face, waving her wand at the same time, causing the towering oak door behind her to open completely, like a lion with its huge mouth open, ready to roar at any time.

This scene made the little wizards below remain silent. Ino even saw a little fat man next to him who looked like he was about to cry.

This made it difficult for him not to praise Professor McGonagall.

This method was used to really control these freshmen to death.

"Now, be quiet and follow me!"

After saying that, Professor McGonagall turned and walked towards the castle.

Behind her, all the little wizards also formed a column consciously, following behind without saying a word, and no one even dared to look left or right.

All the way to the side hall of the auditorium.

"The opening dinner is about to begin, but before that, you must first determine your respective houses, which are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. There are no good or bad houses. They all have their own glorious history and have produced many outstanding wizards.”

Professor McGonagall glanced at the little wizard below, paused for a few seconds, and then said:

"Sorting is a tradition of Hogwarts, and it is also one of the most important things in your life, because it represents your life and study for the next seven years."

Professor McGonagall said in a serious tone.

"Now, you guys wait here quietly for a while, I'm going to prepare for the sorting ceremony. Remember! Wait quietly."

As Professor McGonagall left, the little wizards all breathed a sigh of relief. There is no way, the sense of oppression brought by a powerful wizard is really not something ordinary people can bear.

However, teenagers are always adventurous by nature.

A few minutes after Professor McGonagall left the side hall, the place returned to its original life, and everyone was discussing in low voices.

At first, he spoke tentatively, but when he found that no one really cared, he gradually increased his volume, and the chattering was very lively.

"Ino, which college do you want to enter? I want to enter Gryffindor, where there is the greatest white wizard of this century, Headmaster Dumbledore. Ravenclaw is also good. The book says that only truly smart people will be sorted into Ravenclaw."

After hearing the familiar voice beside him, Ino couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.

He couldn't understand why Hermione had the attribute of being a chatterbox. She had talked all the way on the boat, and she hadn't talked enough now? It was clear that she was a cold and smart girl in the original book.

"I don't know. No matter how they sort the houses, I don't care as long as they don't skip the level to study!"

However, with this casual answer, Hermione seemed to have discovered a huge secret, and her eyes lit up instantly.

"Further study? Isn't Hogwarts a seven-year system? There is also further study?"

"That's for the future. You should be more concerned about the present now."

He already regretted talking to Hermione, especially after knowing her attributes.

"But the future is also the present of the future, so what is the matter with skipping grades? The history of Hogwarts has never recorded this matter." Hermione still said with determination.

Faced with Hermione's relentless pursuit, just when Ino was about to make up a reason to perfunctorily pass it by, Professor McGonagall returned to the side hall again.

No need to say more, just a glance, the freshmen all shut their mouths as if they were released by magic, and the whole side hall was extremely quiet.

"Now, everyone line up in a single line, follow me!"

New book release, new journey, thank all the big guys for their support.

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