The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 179 Pansy's Confusion

Hogwarts Great Hall.

Starting from eleven o'clock at noon, many students have been arriving here one after another.

Although lunch has not yet been served, this does not prevent the little wizards from gathering together to chat and brag. Especially during this period, the Ministry of Magic has been in turmoil, which has become the best topic for conversation.

at noon.

Ino stepped into the auditorium, found a seat at random on the long Slytherin table and sat down, then gently buttoned the table.

A standard lunch appeared on the table.

Seeing such an efficient and convenient method, he sometimes thought about buying a house elf. But somehow, the thought of Dobby, that rebellious boy, made him give up the idea.

Because this is scary. When it has the idea of ​​rebellion, it will think and find loopholes within reasonable rules, such as... accidentally dripping in a little magic potion.

Of course, it is possible that Dobby is an alternative, but once a trust crisis occurs, it will be difficult to trust him again. After all, Dobby represents not only himself, but also the house elves as a group.

As for the alternative Dobby, he wrote a letter to Lucius last year, asking him to find a home and sell it quickly.

While thinking, Ino saw another lunch on the opposite side.

"I saw you sitting here alone in a daze, so I came over!" Pansy smiled and naturally sat on the opposite side of the long table.

"It's not like I'm in a daze. Sometimes I just get stuck in my thoughts out of habit." As he said that, Ino picked up the sandwich on the table and took a bite.

"During the summer vacation, I read History of Magic carefully again, from beginning to end." Pansy said calmly.

Ino put down the food in his hand and was a little curious about what Pansy would say. After all, the trajectory of the story had changed.

"From BC to the Middle Ages, from modern times to modern times, the entire history of magic describes the tortuous fate of wizards."

Pansy spoke softly, as if she were talking about the weather and stars.

But Ino was still not busy speaking, he knew that Pansy hadn't finished speaking yet.

Sure enough, after a short pause. Pansy suddenly raised her head, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes, and said in a somewhat uncertain tone:

"We are always busy solving problems after they arise, but no one ever considers why problems occur. We are always passive."

Listening to Pansy's statement, he finally understood the reason. This girl read history and read philosophy. This is a very typical existential philosophical thought.

"Pansy, I can't answer your doubts. In other words, you can only find the answer to your doubts by yourself."

Ino picked up the lemonade for lunch and organized the words in her mind while drinking water. Philosophical speculation is really difficult to answer because everyone has different ideas.

And once the answer conflicts with what you think in your heart, it will lead to a dead end in thinking. Compared to Muggles, wizards will be in greater trouble if they get stuck in a mental dilemma.

If Pansy really reaches a dead end, he must bear the blame. Because everything started from organizing a review class on the history of magic on a whim last year.

Looking at the confused girl in front of him, after thinking for a moment, Ino said seriously:

"Although I can't answer your doubts, I can give you some suggestions. Maybe you can read Muggle books. Their ideas are very valuable."

As he spoke, Ino held the wand and pointed at the tableware on the table. The cups and plates instantly turned into a piece of parchment and a quill inserted in the ink bottle.

After careful consideration, I wrote a series of book titles on paper: "Sartre on Freedom", "Beauvoir on the Hidden Mechanisms of Oppression", "Kierkegaard on Anxiety", "Camus on Rebellion", "Heide Geer on Technology"...

He did not write casually about Socrates, Plato, or Aristotle.

Obviously, Pansy's problem is due to history, or the root of the problem is sociology and humanism. Only by taking the right medicine can she get out of her blind spot as soon as possible.

After handing over the parchment, Ino also sighed that it was a good thing that he stopped the review class early. At the same time, he also made up his mind not to talk nonsense in the future. The thinking patterns of wizards and Muggles are really different.

After Pansy took the parchment, she glanced at it lightly, then folded it and put it in her pocket.

Since the tableware was turned into pens and paper, Ino could only ring the table again, and a steaming standard lunch was once again delivered to the long table.

This time, neither of them spoke.

The schedule at Hogwarts is actually pretty standard.

After lunch, classes started at three o'clock in the afternoon, leaving ample rest time for the little wizards.

But this is redundant, because in most cases, especially for little wizards in first and second grade, there is basically one class a day.

Slytherin common room.

Half past two at noon.

After a short period of silence during the lunch break, it gradually became active again, and the little wizards who had classes in the afternoon began to walk out of the lounge one after another.

On the fourth floor of the castle, Lupine also arrived at the Defense Against Dark Arts classroom on the fourth floor on time.

This class is a Defense Against the Dark Arts class for third year Ravenclaws and Slytherins.

Looking at the chandelier on the ceiling made him feel familiar again.

The little wizard below was also looking at the professor in front of him. His clothes were still too simple, but his complexion looked much better than on the train.

"Good afternoon!" Lu Ping stood on the podium and said in a gentle tone: "Please put all the textbooks away and arrange them in rows. Today we have a practical class, you only need to bring your magic wand."

To be honest, this move really surprised the students in the classroom, but because of Lupine's previous behavior on the train, everyone put away their textbooks and lined up in rows as required.

"Very good! Now please wait a moment!" Lupine said and waved his magic wand, causing the tables, chairs and benches in the classroom to be stacked against the wall.

Then an old single wardrobe slowly floated in from outside the door. This beautiful floating spell alone had dispelled everyone's doubts. After all, the professor in the previous two years had made them afraid.

The wardrobe landed firmly on the floor, but when Lupine approached the wardrobe, there was a 'dong-dong' knocking sound from inside.

This turn of events caused the little wizards in front to subconsciously take a few steps back.

"Don't worry! There's just a Boggart inside." Lupine explained with a smile, and then changed the subject:

"Boggarts like dark and closed spaces, wardrobes, the space under the bed, the cupboard under the sink. Once I met one who lived in a grandfather clock."

"Now, the first question we have to ask ourselves is: What is a Boggart?" Professor Lupine looked around the room at the little wizard.

Ino looked at the closet calmly, not intending to steal the limelight. At this moment, he was thinking about what he was subconsciously afraid of. Although he had experienced many stories, it seemed that he had never encountered anything that made him afraid.

But when it comes to horror, there are quite a few. I have encountered a man-eating old witch, Quirrell in the first-year Voldemort state, dementors in the sky, and even Santa Claus from Narnia...

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