The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 186 Ancient Magic

Muggle Studies Classroom.

Professor Bubbage felt bitter. She had taught at Hogwarts for many years. She knew that she had met two people who really attended classes this year.

Yes, real classes, not those little wizards who were just trying to get a certificate.

"Professor, I think some people's behavior is very dangerous, just like two people who have been grudged for a long time. Our best way is to separate them, rather than calling them together for face-to-face communication."

After raising her hand to get approval, Hermione expressed her thoughts.

Although she was talking to the professor on the surface, no one present was stupid, and they all knew who these words were directed at.

Especially Daphne, although she was also in class, her expression looked like she was waiting to see the fun.

But this sign of contradiction did not stump Professor Bubbage at all.

After she cleverly changed the topic, she continued to talk about something safer - Muggle phone calls.


At the same time.

After washing up, Ino ran to the Ancient Runes Classroom early.

The professor in charge of this course is Bathsheba Barbling, an unusually low-key professor.

There are even rumors that she has a magical bloodline, which allows her to teach at Hogwarts for many years without changing her appearance.

But Ino doesn't care about these, he only cares about the content of the class and the interesting magic knowledge.

Unlike other courses, ancient runes are a real unpopular course, with only two classes a month, and the content of the class is also pitifully simple.

Just like now, a month has passed since the start of school, and all the little wizards have only learned about the history of ancient runes.

Perhaps it is too early, the huge classroom is empty, and this just gives him time to review the content of the last class.

Ancient runes are also called runes. They are a magical language and also have the origin of ancient magic.

But as time goes by, ancient runes are gradually replaced by Latin, and the same ancient magic is also replaced by modern spells.

Ino is immersed in the textbook and doesn't notice the gradually lively classroom.

Until the voice of Professor Babeling rang in the classroom.

"Children, please pay attention and concentrate! Today we are officially learning ancient runes!"

Professor Barbling wrote a strange symbol on the blackboard, a vertical line, and two horizontal bars diagonally upward on the right side of the vertical line.

"This is the first letter of the ancient runes. It is pronounced as 'f'. The original meaning is livestock, cattle, success, wealth, prosperity and abundance..."

Professor Barbling explained the new content on the podium.

Below, Ino was rarely absent-minded. He thought of the spell class two years ago, or more precisely, the levitation spell two years ago.

The unlucky Balufio, he mispronounced the last note of the levitation spell and was killed by a wild bull that fell from the sky.

Coincidentally, that note was also 'f'.

It seems that no matter how modern magic changes, it can't get rid of the shadow of ancient magic.

Similarly, Ino also thought of the improved Disillusionment Spell. He changed 'Disillusionment' to 'Disillusionment', which directly upgraded the invisibility ability in all directions.

Although he figured out some problems, more problems followed.

"Professor!" Seeing the opportunity, Ino raised his hand to ask a question when Professor Barbling stopped.

"Ancient runes have magic power. I wonder if it is the magic power of the ancient runes or the magic power given by the wizard? In fact, I learned ancient runes privately last summer vacation, and I also used it to improve a magic."

Looking at Professor Barbling's encouraging eyes, Ino immediately used the improved version of the Disillusionment Charm.

"As you can see, the Disillusionment Charm has changed. I mean, is this magic changed by me or by the ancient runes?"

"Very clever question!" Professor Barbling nodded approvingly, and then looked at the blackboard. This time she did not use chalk, but took out the magic wand, and wrote the same rune again on the blackboard with the tip of the wand.

"Do you see the difference? You too, feel it carefully." Professor Barbling looked around.

The only seven or eight students in the classroom were also seriously feeling the difference between the two runes on the blackboard at this moment.

"This is a magical text!" Ino expressed his feelings. The runes written on the blackboard with a magic wand gave him a mysterious feeling.

Professor Barbling did not answer directly, but waited for a moment. After watching the other little wizards show an expression of sudden enlightenment, she continued:

"Back to your question, you can understand the ancient runes as magic wands. Although they have magic power, they still need wizards to play their role."

"This is the purpose of Hogwarts offering this course. The spell class teaches you how to use the magic wand, and the ancient rune class teaches you how to use the runes."

Professor Barbling said, while pulling out the magic wand and pointing it at herself. Under the gaze of everyone, her figure gradually disappeared.

Ino looked at the familiar scene, and he realized that he still underestimated magic and the professors of Hogwarts.

The world of magic is not just about the protagonist of the story.

After a brief disappearance, Professor Barbling's figure appeared in the classroom again.

"Rick's 'The Invisible Book of Invisibility', he explains 'invisibility' so thoroughly that the book produces a powerful self-hiding magic effect."

Professor Babel chuckled, and a flash of reminiscence seemed to flash across her eyes, but she quickly adjusted her state and said seriously:

"The most important point of ancient runes is a deep understanding! You'd better write this sentence down. If you don't understand it thoroughly, you can't use them. Just like this 'f', after you understand it thoroughly, you can make it into the simplest amulet."

"Only after you deeply understand its meaning, content, and metaphor can you really use it. Otherwise, whether you read it or write it, it will not produce the corresponding power."

Listening to Professor Babel's explanation, Ino gradually figured out the essence. It was probably like an alternative embodiment of "knowledge is power". 24 ancient rune letters plus the 'empty stone' can show powerful power when combined together.

But this power requires corresponding understanding to use. This understanding is a key to the magic power in the body.

Without this key, the ancient runes are like a Muggle holding a wand for the little wizard, just a small stick.

In Norse mythology, Odin hung himself on a tree for nine nights, and what he realized was not the power of runes, but the wisdom of runes!

It seems to be the same reason, only when you understand can you use it.

At this moment, he thought of Rowena Ravenclaw, who symbolizes the raven. She was a scholar, but she became a legendary wizard and the founder of Hogwarts.

While Ino's thoughts were divergent, Professor Barbling was explaining the meaning of "f" in detail in the classroom. As for how much the little wizard could understand, it all depended on himself.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the ancient rune class was coming to an end.

"I'll assign you an assignment. Before the next class starts, everyone will hand in an "f" written by themselves. It can be parchment or amulet. It's up to you."

After that, Professor Barbling turned around and left without any nostalgia.

The little wizards in the classroom were smiling, probably because of the assignment of a letter, which made them sigh that they chose the right course.

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