The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 189 The remaining Horcruxes

Harry had been very happy recently, happier than ever before.

It seems that the past 14 years have been a nightmare, but now it feels like waking up from a dream.

Not only was there an extra godfather, but the culprit who caused his parents' murder also died in Azkaban. Everything seemed to be moving in the right direction.

Most people can't sit still when they are happy, and Harry was the same today. In his spare time, he and Ron came to Hagrid's hut as a guest.

After knocking on the door, he saw another person on the chair, who was also the key person who made the whole thing happen.

"Good morning, Ino!" Harry greeted warmly.

"Long time no see, Harry! And Mr. Weasley!" Ino responded with a smile. The protagonist who once had a permanent frown on his brows finally showed his true self at this moment.

After the two sat down, Ron looked at Ino immediately and sighed in a pretentious tone:

"If you ask me, you should ask George and Fred to collect the royalties. They made a lot of money selling straw rings. I feel that they both made at least 5 Galleons in profit."

As he spoke, Ron also drew a big circle in the air with his hands, coupled with an I-do-you-good expression, which at first glance seemed to be quite serious.

Seeing this familiar operation, Harry turned his head to the side helplessly. During this time, Ron had mentioned this matter more than once, whether in public or private.

Although he shouldn't talk about his friends in his heart, he always believed that jealousy was not a good thing, especially when the object of jealousy was his brother.

Similarly, Ino could easily detect Ron's intentions, but this time was different from the past, and he no longer looked at the other person in the context of the story.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Weasley! But George and Fred have told me about this, and I have authorized them to make straw rings. Besides, I am also one of the shareholders of their future joke shop."

This was not a lie he made up on the spot, George and Fred really came once.

Before the novel became popular, the two of them keenly saw the business opportunities and exchanged 30% of the profit for the copyright production, otherwise the Diagon Alley Jumping Joke Shop would not come to purchase the goods.

After all, the straw ring is not a high-end alchemy product. George and Fred can make money only because of the exclusive copyright.

Small things are small things after all, and Ino never paid attention to them, but since Ron said it on his face today, let's clarify it for George and Fred.

After hearing that there was copyright and profit distribution, Ron's expression instantly froze. After a while, he looked away with a look of resentment.

Seeing Ron's deflation, Harry suppressed a smile and lowered his head.

At this time, Hagrid came over with boiling black tea. Either intentionally or unintentionally, he relieved Ron's embarrassing situation.

There were four ceramic water cups on the coffee table that looked like soup bowls. The lingering mist mixed with the fragrance of tea filled the room instantly.

Ino was not polite, he picked up the scalding cup of water and put it to his mouth, which made Ron on the side look dumbfounded.

He didn't explain much about this. After putting down the water glass, I stretched out my index finger and tapped it gently on the coffee table. The other three cups of black tea were no longer steaming visibly to the naked eye.

"Merlin's socks! This is so convenient." Ron picked up the warm cup and drank it in one gulp.

Although Harry didn't say anything, he nodded in agreement. He felt more and more that he had taken a fake spells class. He had only learned twelve spells in three years, and they were all ones that were not used in daily life.

Ino saw the change in their expressions, but didn't say much. After all, the Hogwarts library does not charge entrance fees, and if you don’t take the initiative to obtain many things, even if someone persuades you, it will probably be in vain.

Although some things can be left unsaid, some things cannot be left unsaid.

"Harry, if it's convenient, please help me write a letter to Sirius. I want to see him during the Christmas holidays."

As time passed, he now no longer had the same fear of Voldemort that he had just started, so there were some things that needed to be dealt with.

"Of course! I will write to my godfather, he should be very happy!" Harry replied with a smile on his face and answered for Sirius at the same time.

After explaining the business, Ino leaned on the chair and listened quietly to Ron talking about the interesting things that happened in the castle recently.

Although they were all trivial, they also made him feel the peacefulness of the years. College life is probably like this. Some trivial matters, some laughter and curses, are all the daily life of the little wizards.

Listening to these trivial matters, Ino's thoughts gradually began to wander.

For some people lost in time, he also plans to let them continue to be lost in time. Since they have been declared dead, there is really no need to come out to stir up trouble.

The seven Horcruxes, except for Nagini, Harry and last year's notebook, are all precious things, relics of the three legendary wizards and the resurrection stone of the Deathly Hallows.

Both public and private matters should not be ignored. Time sometimes hides not only forgotten people, but also hidden secrets. After all, the basilisk left by Slytherin is a good example.

I didn't dare to touch it before because I didn't have the confidence. Now that Phoenix has it, I need to be prepared to advance and retreat freely.

At the same time, although Ron was talking about the castle to Harry, his eyes glanced around from time to time.

When he found that both Hagrid and Ino were listening to him attentively, he became energetic. Not only was his tone full of cadences, but he also picked up all kinds of gossip.

In fact, of the four people in the hut, only Harry endured Ron's nagging alone. Although Hagrid had a serious expression, his mind had already flown to the giant spider.

Ino was also listening to Ron's endless narration, which made him feel a sense of déjà vu. He used to listen to stories with headphones to fall asleep.

I don't know how long it has been, but I feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier, as if everything around him no longer has anything to do with him, and the sound of long and even breathing gradually sounded.


This sleep is very sweet.

When Ino opened his eyes again, he found that the whole hut was empty, and only Yaya was lying obediently at his feet.

Looking at the sky through the window, it seemed to be afternoon.

Although he was not sure what time it was, he didn't care. There were only two elective courses, and there were always one or two days a week that were very relaxing, or even no classes all day.

Rubbing Yaya's dog head, Ino stood up and walked out of the house. The next second after he opened the door and stepped out of the hut, a black swan suddenly appeared, flapping its wings and flying towards the castle in the distance.

In the hut, Yaya ran to the door after seeing that no one was there, and guarded the only exit of the hut faithfully.

At the same time, Ino also flew to the Astronomy Tower.

Going from the Astronomy Tower to the eighth floor of the castle is the shortest and most convenient way, which not only saves the long journey, but also does not require the hard work of climbing stairs.

Of course, the Ravenclaw Tower is also good, and the distance will be shorter.

But he only has Qiu as a friend there, so it is naturally impossible for him to fly into the girls' dormitory to borrow the way.

If he really dares to do that, it will probably be the headline of the Daily Prophet the next day.

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