The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 191 False Prophecy

Slytherin common room.

After Draco finished his divination class, he also sat leisurely on the sofa in the lounge.

This afternoon's class gave him a great experience.

Especially the nagging female professor, whose weird attire originally made people dislike her, but when she spoke... she was surprisingly nice.

The female professor shook her messy head and predicted that Scarhead would not survive next year.

Although he found Scarhead's frightened expression interesting at first, after he calmed down, he felt a slight sense of loss.

"Are you worried?" The voice coming from beside him made Draco stop thinking about the afternoon.

Turning his head, he also saw the owner of the voice, Daphne's sister, second-year Astoria.

Before Draco could reply, Astoria said to herself:

"Sorry! I disturbed you, but I feel you are a little unhappy."

"No, I'm just sitting here in a daze!" Facing Astoria, he always had an indescribable feeling.

At this time, Astoria whispered again:

"Actually, even if you are unhappy, you don't need to worry about it. Being able to see the rising sun, breathe fresh air, and run freely every day is the happiness that many people can only ask for..."

Although it was just an ordinary enlightenment, Draco could hear a kind of helpless sadness in the calm tone.

Somehow, this made him feel a little uncomfortable.

By the time he came to his senses, Astoria had already lifted her robe and walked towards the other side.

"What are you doing..."

Draco complained dissatisfiedly.

Scarhead and Astoria, two consecutive things combined, made him feel very blocked, and he felt like he wanted to vent but couldn't do it.

And the other side.

In the dormitory, Ino sat quietly on a chair with a crown on his head. In front of him was an invisible notebook opened, and what was copied on the pages was the symbol in the basilisk's eyes.


Ino murmured unconsciously. Although he had a crown that was almost like a magical elixir, it was still somewhat difficult to decipher an unknown rune.

This is roughly like asking a person without any foundation to translate Zeng Script or Oracle Bone Script.

The Blessing Elixir has the effect of blessing the soul. It is like an artificial intelligence that can easily recall the memories in the mind, or things experienced, books read, or experiences in the past, and then connect them together. .

Undoubtedly, this is a very powerful effect, but it also has a fatal flaw. The premise is that you must have these things or related things in your mind.

The Elixir of Fortune is not a universal potion. Even if a pint of Elixir of Fortune is given to a troll, it will not be able to pass the twelve final exams of N.E.W.T.

Fortunately, the crown is helpless in comparison. Regarding the runes in the basilisk's eyes, Ino has some related knowledge in his brain, such as looking directly at death and being reflected in petrification.

But the reality hit him hard. The known knowledge was far from enough to reversely decipher and understand this rune.

After wearing the crown for more than half an hour, I only thought that it might be related to the Death Curse. After all, the death effects of the two are somewhat similar. There are no scars on the body of the person who is cursed.

"The baptism and carving of time..."

Ino sighed and closed the note. After half an hour of thinking, he didn't get an answer. This actually showed that he didn't have enough knowledge in his mind.

When there is no new knowledge intake, no matter how long you wear the crown, it will not help.

But one thing is for sure, he has no plans to hand over the crown anytime soon. Although it is not a greed for Hogwarts property, it can still be borrowed for decades, which can be regarded as the reward for the purification crown.

And just then.

"Bang!" sound.

The bedroom door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Draco walked in with a bored look on his face, but soon his original boredom was replaced by a strange expression.

In his sight, Ino became somewhat indescribable at this moment.

Although he still has the same appearance and is still wearing a black robe, his aura is hard to ignore, especially when paired with the crown set with sapphires on his head.

If he had been to Middle-earth, Draco would definitely recognize that Ino's temperament at this moment was no different from that of the Elf King Thranduil.

Noble, aloof, and a little cold-blooded at the same time.

Especially those familiar amber eyes, whose gaze just passed lightly, and Draco was unwilling to look at them anymore. Under the gaze of those eyes, he seemed to have no secrets.

On the other side, when she saw Draco, Ino took off her crown and placed it on the table.

The blue light flashed again in the dormitory, and the crown disappeared together.

Looking at Draco who was in a daze, Ino asked with a chuckle: "What's wrong with you? You look a little depressed?"

"Nothing, it's just the divination class this afternoon!" After coming back to his senses, Draco truthfully stated his troubles.

Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and don't be curious about what you shouldn't be curious about. This is the tradition of the Malfoy family. This idea has been instilled in him by his father since he was a child.

Therefore, when Draco saw the crown disappear, he seemed as if he had never seen it before, without even raising his eyelids, as if everything was just an illusion.

But what he didn't know was that this quality was exactly what Ino admired most.

Seeing that Draco didn't ask any meaningless questions, Ino also changed the topic naturally:

"Divination class? What did Professor Trelawney say? Predicted your death?"

"It's not me! It's Scarhead!" The old things were brought up again, and Draco became a little bored again.

"Scarhead? Harry again?" Ino was also a little surprised. Trelawney could really drag a sheep to death.

Obviously the plot of the story has changed, but the prediction of Harry's death has not changed.

"Again?" This time it was Draco's turn to be surprised, but after a brief pause, he didn't ask any more questions, and instead recounted the content of the divination class.

Unlike Draco who was worried, Ino looked relaxed, because in the previous description, Trelawney obviously did not enter the divination state.

To put it bluntly, it is a false prophecy, a means of scaremongering to gain attention.

Thinking of this, Ino no longer paid attention to this false prophecy, but after seeing Draco's still distressed expression, he decided to pop this bubble:

"Draco, I suggest you ask other seniors what horrifying prophecies our Divination professor makes every year and how accurate they are."

"Are you saying she's lying?" No one was stupid. After hearing Ino's explanation, Draco reacted, but at the same time he breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief.

"It's obvious! She's lying." Ino chuckled and spread his hands.

"But if one day she goes crazy and makes predictions in a strange tone, then you have to be careful."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Draco nodded seriously, as if to remember this sentence firmly.

Xiaodi shared today: Abraxan, the magical rune horse

Appearance characteristics: The Rune Horse is a breed of Pegasus. It is huge, very strong, has wings, has red eyes, generally has lighter fur and a white mane.

Habits: Madame Maxime's rune horses only drink single malt whiskey, and only strong people can take care of them. Whether all rune horses conform to this cannot be confirmed.

Abilities and functions: The rune horse can pull a cart and fly.

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