The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 206 They are all bad guys

A corner of the bustling market in Athens.

If possible, Ino would like to ask the people around him, are you living a leisurely life?

But some things can only be understood tacitly.

But compared to teasing, he must first find a way to solve the current embarrassment. There must be an explanation for stopping the story halfway.

Looking around, there are all kinds of eyes, some curious, some appreciative, or thoughtful...

At the same time, Ino also felt the movement coming from around him. Helena grabbed his clothes with her little hands, stared at the crowd around her with a pair of big violet eyes.

But such an inadvertent little action made him firm in his heart.

Once upon a time, he had never been worried or afraid when following Teacher Hans. If Helena followed him all the way with fear, it would be better to sell olive branches.

Thinking of this, he did not make any explanation, bowed slightly, and sat back on the small stool indifferently.

The thirty-six-string Irish harp also made a pleasant sound again. But what is different from before is that in the beautiful melody, people can always vaguely feel a kind of tenacity.

Ino reached out and gently stroked Helena's short hair, then slowly spoke:

"...The fox told the little prince that life is a process of constant foreseeing and separation. In the process, you experience what love is and understand what love is. If you want to create a bond with others, you must take the risk of shedding tears..."

The story was told with music.

The story of "The Little Prince" is not long. It took only more than an hour to tell the whole story.

At the end of the story, Ino used montage to end:

The little prince was bitten by a poisonous snake. However, when he opened his eyes again, he returned to his castle, which was so small that he could see 44 sunsets a day.

The sound of roses shrieking and making a fuss came from his ears. He realized that he had just slept and experienced a very long dream...

As the last note of the harp dissipated in the air, a crisp applause came from all around.

Looking at the sound, Ino saw the only person who applauded, standing on the left side of the crowd, a handsome blond young man.

The young man clapped his hands, took out a Dalik gold coin from his pocket, and then walked forward slowly.

A magical scene appeared. Following the action of the blond young man, many people who were originally watching dispersed on their own initiative.

Only the girl in white linen was left.

"It's a very romantic story!" The blond young man took the initiative to throw the gold coin onto a piece of rags spread on the ground.

"Compared to the content of the story, I like its ending more. It's best not to act when you don't understand love. Wait until you learn how to love someone and then wake up from the dream. This avoids all tragedies from happening..."

The young man's voice was like a gurgling stream, and like a breeze blowing on the face. The gentle voice was like massaging the ears.

Ino also noticed that the young man's eyes always unconsciously looked at the harp when he spoke, and combined with the golden hair color, he roughly guessed the other party's identity.

But no matter what, the basic qualities of a bard cannot be lacking. Facing the reward, he still stood up and bowed slightly, and whispered thanks:

"Thank you for your recognition and spending. It is my job to sing beautiful stories."

After that, Ino bent down to pick up the gold coins on the ground. The gold coins on the linen cloth did not look like the traditional Greek drachma, but more like gold coins minted from Persia.

But just as he was about to touch the gold coins, two hands appeared on the square linen cloth, one white and slender, like an ivory-carved work of art, and the other was a tender little palm.

The two hands met, and after a brief stalemate, the gold coin was still pinched by the white and slender fingers.

"I am the security manager here. This gold coin is counted as your entrance fee. No matter if you stay overnight in the city or anything else in the future, there will be no additional charges."

The girl in white linen chuckled, and there was always a hint of mischief in her soft voice.

The blond youth watched the gold coins being snatched, but he was not annoyed at all. Instead, he spoke with interest:

"If you have any good stories, or you want to make money, or want any other help, you can come to me directly! You should know where to find me."


Someone once said that the bustle is always accompanied by the cold.

In fact, this is true. The people around dispersed, and the corner of the market returned to its previous coldness.

"They are all bad guys! Stealing things!" Helena pouted and said angrily.

Looking at his apprentice's indignant expression, Ino could only smile bitterly and comfort:

"Forget it! We can't afford to offend. It's just a gold coin, so just rob it."

To be honest, today's events were a bit unexpected. He really didn't expect the story of the little prince to be so popular, and he didn't expect that someone would dare to rob Apollo's things.

But bathing in the warm breeze of the Aegean Sea, he roughly guessed the identity of the girl.

Claiming to be the security manager of Athens, the answer was already obvious. Let alone Apollo, this goddess even dared to snatch Zeus's things.

"What should we do in the future?" Helena packed up her things and stood aside obediently with two small stools.

"In the future?" Hearing this fateful question, Ino couldn't find the answer for a while.

Of all the questions, the most difficult to answer are actually this kind of fate question, such as: what to do in the future, what to do in the future... This is simply more difficult than any advanced magic.

In a short period of thinking, he actually had a vague answer in his heart. But now that there is Helena, many things can't be as willful as before.

"Leave it to the future, now let's go to the market to buy some things, I will teach you another craft."


Before dusk, Ino took Helena back to the valley.

But compared with the departure in the morning, this time he came back with a lot of luggage, various earthenware utensils, bags of wheat flour, and even a lot of wooden molds.

Compared with the wandering of the bard, he thought of a craft that is more suitable for girls to survive - baking bread.

Or, making exquisite pastries.

Compared with the diet of this era, pastries from another world must become a craft to make a living.

Even if he left, Helena could live steadily with this craft. In the future, whether she opened a bakery in Athens or made it in the valley and took it to the market to sell, she would never go hungry again.

Hungry, a very simple word, but for all children without support, it is the most fatal thing.

You can wear tattered clothes, have unkempt hair and a dirty face, and pick up toys that others don't want, but you can't be hungry... If you don't have food, you can only starve.

"Helena! Come here, the teacher will teach you another skill today."

As Ino said this, he untied the bag of wheat flour, and countless yellow and rough flours were poured into the container that had been prepared long ago.

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