The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 211 Phoenix and Prometheus

The rugged and steep Caucasus Mountains.

A secluded mountain peak.

Prometheus was firmly trapped on a boulder by solid chains containing divine power.

After the pain of the giant eagle pecking all day long, he stared blankly at the dusk in the sky. The sun reflected a faint orange-red color, like a weak burning flame.

As a member of the Titans, he has never regretted what he has done. Fire has never been exclusive to the gods.

Caucasus Mountains.

Not far from Prometheus, with a flash of blue light, a figure appeared immediately.

After a short period of adaptation, Ino slowly looked around, and he breathed a sigh of relief only after a figure tied to a boulder appeared in his sight.

"Finally you got it right!"

Instead of the expected praise, he heard a kind of ridicule. Fede pecked him twice with his beak in dissatisfaction, and then disappeared.

Feeling the touch from her index finger, Ino didn't take it seriously. After adjusting her appearance slightly, she walked towards the boulder.

Prometheus, the god of fire, he admired from the bottom of his heart.

Especially after having the fire of hope, this admiration becomes more and more obvious.

In fact, he didn't plan to find Prometheus at the beginning. After all, as an outsider, suddenly finding a criminal Titan seemed to have bad motives.

This is also inconsistent with the style of keeping a low profile and not causing trouble.

But after reaching an agreement with Athena, he changed his mind. Since he could no longer keep a low profile, he could try some things.

And at the same time.

On the boulder, Prometheus had already noticed the movement next to him, but the long-term punishment made him too lazy to be distracted anymore.

I just want to take a good look at the dusk on the horizon before the night comes.


A handful of warm orange flames suddenly rose.

As far as he could see, Prometheus showed a long-lost smile.

He couldn't remember how long it had been since he laughed, but vaguely, the last time was when humans passed the flame in the ignorant era.

Looking at the familiar flames in front of him, he slowly spoke:


Perhaps he hadn't spoken for too long, but Prometheus's voice was like the sound of dry date palms rubbing against each other.

"Hope, there is also salvation!" Ino slowly added, holding up the wand.

"Redemption?" Prometheus shook his head slightly. "The punishment set by Zeus has no redemption."

Looking at the scarred God of Fire in front of him, although he also knew that the probability of Prometheus being redeemed in this story was low, he still said with relief:

"Where there is hope, there is salvation! Maybe not now, but there will always be."

"There is nothing in my flame!" Prometheus stared at the small cluster of flames in front of him, and suddenly said firmly: "But there is salvation in your flame!"

"Although I am chained to a boulder, I am still a Titan! With this flame, if I can help you, I will definitely help you."

"You misunderstood!" Ino smiled slightly and continued: "How should I put it, I just want to discuss the issue of flames."

"Once upon a time, in my hometown, there was a legend about fire..."

Ten minutes later.

Ino told a story about the Phoenix.

"A very magical creature, but I have never heard of it or seen it." Prometheus's eyes showed a trace of yearning, as if he saw the free-flying phoenix through the flames.

"Although I have never seen them, I have a feeling that they should be the spirit inherited from the flames."

Hearing this, Ino couldn't help but nodded and sighed: "Yes, I understand it this way too. They are born from flames, inherit the spirit, and are immortal."

The brief conversation had already caused the last ray of sunset on the horizon to disappear.

In the silent night sky and the biting cold wind in the Caucasus Mountains, only a small cluster of orange flames burned tenaciously.

As if lamenting the disappearance of the sunset.

Prometheus suddenly stopped talking.

Seeing that the other party stopped talking, Ino also stayed aside quietly.

To be honest, the purpose of his trip was actually to meet the fire thief who passed down the flame to mankind.

Since the other person doesn't want to talk anymore, light the fire. A bunch of flames can actually completely replace each other's chat.

Time passes minute by minute.

Orange flames floated in the air and burned quietly.

"My flame has no redemption!"

Prometheus repeated again.

After a while, the dry voice sounded again: "But there is hope, tenacity, courage, and resistance in my flame..."

It’s very windy in the Caucasus Valley.

But no matter how fierce the hurricane is, it can't blow out the weak floating flame. It is always burning firmly.

Imitos Mountains.

The pre-dawn light illuminated the entire valley.

After washing, Ino started a new day's work, picking enough flowers to store before winter came.

An agreement is an agreement, and life is life.

Although he had an agreement with Athena, he still wanted to teach Helena how to make flower cakes before leaving.

Nothing else, just that inheritance.

Yesterday, in the Caucasus Mountains, he talked a lot with Prometheus.

Flame, as one of the most primitive elements, is actually a kind of inheritance in itself.

Especially at the end, Prometheus sighed: the birth of the phoenix, on the contrary, limited the flame.

Similarly, he also followed Prometheus's guidance and used the most primitive wood-drilling method to ignite a handful of hay in the mountains.

A flame different from redemption.

Looking at another cluster of flames, he suddenly had a glimmer of enlightenment, and gradually understood Prometheus's sigh.

Flame is flame, there is no need to limit its growth.

Moreover, he also thought of another growing flame in the magic world-Li Huo.

In fact, thinking carefully, Li Huo is more like Prometheus's description, but the attributes may be distorted.

But Ino knew very well that he could not use Li Huo.

Therefore, he could not demonstrate it to the other party, otherwise he would have to ask this real flame master for advice.


In the early morning light.

Ino walked through the valley full of flowers, and he did not intend to get to the bottom of the matter of fire.

Just like Prometheus' last sigh before leaving: I didn't think about anything else, I just wanted to steal the flame for those humans.

And it was precisely such an unintentional thought that gave the flame magical power.

Although he no longer thought about the flame, there was one thing that made him hesitate, whether to condense the phoenix during the Quidditch World Cup.

To be honest, with Fide, many things have become easier. One more phoenix may not be of much use, after all, all he needs is the phoenix apparition.

On the contrary, a cluster of flames that can grow is more useful.

It's the beginning of the month, Xiaodi asks for votes, votes, votes, big guys, please vote~

Today Xiaodi shares: the story of Prometheus.

The end of Prometheus is a tragic and eye-catching story in ancient Greek mythology. Prometheus, a member of the Titans, was dissatisfied with Zeus's oppression and exploitation of mankind, so he stole fire from the sky and taught it to humans, enabling them to use fire for cooking, heating and lighting, greatly improving human living conditions. However, this act angered Zeus, who decided to severely punish Prometheus.

Zeus first locked Prometheus on a cliff on the Caucasus Mountains and sent a huge eagle to peck at his liver every day. However, since Prometheus was a god, his liver would grow back every night, so this punishment was endless torture for Prometheus. He endured this pain day after day, year after year, but never gave in.

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