The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 22 The first divination in the castle

"A sneeze! A sneeze!"

As soon as he entered the dormitory, before he could even find his bed, Ino sneezed several times in succession.

He can guess without thinking now that there must be a lot of discussion about him outside.

Because no matter what, he overshadowed Malfoy in the sorting ceremony and shocked the entire Slytherin community.

"Hey, it's to be's completely normal to be talked about."

Ino rubbed his sore nose, and then looked at the 'preferentially treated' double room.

Emerald green cashmere woven carpet, two separate single beds exuding the scent of pine wood, thick dark green bed curtains.

Just looking at it from the side, you can see that it is at least two centimeters thick. It is not difficult to imagine how quiet the people sleeping inside will enjoy after the bed curtain is lowered.

Table lamps, ceilings, bookshelves, desks, sofas... in short, everything in the dormitory is either green or cold.

"Well...that's very Slytherin."

After Ino found a nameplate with his last name on one of the beds, he turned over and lay down on it. The soft bed made him forget all his worries for a short time.

Gryffindor common room.

The red lion flag representing the college hangs in the air.

There are several long tables neatly arranged in the spacious lounge. Comfortable sofas and chairs are placed next to the tables. A dark brown fireplace is on the left and a portrait of a tall witch is on the right.

If the Slytherin common room feels mysterious and cold, then Gryffindor feels warm and bright.

"I didn't expect that I was just wearing a hat. I thought I was fighting a troll hand-to-hand. George and Fred lied to me again, and again..."

In the dormitory, Ron sat on the bed and complained.

At this time, another roommate in the dormitory, Dean Thomas, couldn't help but said:

"Just be satisfied. After all, you still have brothers in school, and there are three brothers. Unlike us... we may be bullied at any time."

Although Dean is of mixed-race origin, his father passed away early. He has been living with his mother in the Muggle world, so he is very aware of the huge difference between having an older brother in a school and not having an older brother.

As soon as these words came out, Harry on the side also nodded frequently.

"You're right, Dudley is like that. He never dares to bully a classmate who has an older brother, even if that classmate looks very thin."

"Okay, what you said may make sense." Ron said nonchalantly.

He didn't want to continue this topic now, mainly because he didn't expect Harry to take someone else's side this time.

But ending the topic does not mean silence. After thinking for a while, Ron initiated a new round of discussion.

"Did you see it today? That black-haired Slytherin. He was sorted faster than Malfoy. Look! The Sorting Hat didn't even bother to touch that guy. I always thought Malfoy was bad enough, after all. Their whole family are dark wizards."

"My grandma said that college does not determine whether a person is good or bad, it is only a person's heart that determines whether he is good or bad."

Neville, who had been silent all this time, bravely expressed his opinion.

"What else did Grandma say? She was just comforting you because she was afraid that you would be sorted into Hufflepuff and then fall into despair." Ron said without looking back.

"But I think what Neville said makes sense! It's just like the classes I was in in elementary school before. I didn't see the people in the 'excellent class' being outstanding."

Andy was his usual devil's advocate.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the dormitory was a little delicate, Harry quickly interrupted: "Aren't you sleepy? Tomorrow's first class is Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class. Don't we need to preview the textbook in advance?"

It was unimaginable that maybe he had just entered Hogwarts, and at this moment, Harry still had the concept of previewing textbooks in his mind.

"Come on, man! Do you think they're going to let us turn into a dragon right out of the gate? At most, we can turn into an apple or something, as long as we know the right spell and wave a magic wand."

Ron expressed his opinion again.

On the other hand, Harry, after thinking for a few seconds, nodded in agreement.

He knew nothing about magic, and now he was more willing to believe in Ron, who had grown up in the magical world.

"You're right, Ron! There's no way they can turn us into dragons right away."

On the night of the first day of school, Harry completely gave up the idea of ​​previewing textbooks.

Slytherin dormitory.

"I can't lie down anymore. If I lie down any longer, I'll be useless..."

Ino closed his eyes and muttered words to encourage himself. He found that the bed in the dormitory seemed to have magic power, making people not want to get up after lying on it.

Its softness was even comparable to the feather bed made of swan chicks when he was a guest at the Duke's house in the fantasy world.

In this way, about ten minutes passed.

Ino finally broke free from the shackles of the bed, stood up and sat at the desk.

Looking back at the magical bed, he vowed never to touch it again except when actually sleeping.

And now, in his mind, he reviewed today's experience again, starting from entering Station 9 and Three-Quarters, and everything happened in reverse.

Even after some careful thinking, I still didn't find the problem.

"Since reasoning cannot defeat magic, the only way to defeat magic is to use magic."

Ino unbuttoned his shirt, and then took out an ancient dice from the inner pocket.

"I will not be in danger this school year! I will not be in danger this school year..."

After repeating the divination content three times in a row in his mind, he decisively threw the dice in his hand.

"Ding ding ding!" The wooden dice flew out in circles, rubbing against the table and making a crisp sound.

On the table, the dice kept spinning.

Ten seconds later...

"Huh! Sleep!"

Ino put away the dice on the table, and then walked towards the bed without looking back.

Such decisiveness was entirely due to the result of divination.

Because the number of points thrown by the dice just now was a rare '5' point, which means that the probability of his own safety throughout the school year is as high as 80%.

Two years, countless divination practices, he knew that this result was infinitely close to perfection.

As for the existence of the legend of '1' and '6' above, hehe... he has never thrown these two numbers since he got the dice.

In fact, this is normal, because there will never be absolute success or absolute failure in anything, so an 80% probability is already very rare.

After all, most of his previous divination results were basically ‘3’ and ‘4’, which is just a rough guess.

Let’s get back to the point.

After getting a reassuring result, Ino lay down on the bed comfortably as if he had unloaded the burden on his body, and his whole body was submerged in the soft bedding.

At this moment, he once again experienced a long-lost relaxation, just like traveling around with Teacher Hans before, without worrying about anything or taking care of anything.

Perhaps it was because he had put down his mental burden, or because he was tired from being bumpy on the train all day.

In short, not long after, the sound of even breathing came from the dark green bed curtain.

New book release, new journey, thank all the big guys for their support.

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