The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 221 After listening, Hermione turned and left

Two cans of foaming butter beer were placed on the table, next to a small plate of crunchy and delicious pine nut cookies.

Ino's eyes fell on the opposite side inadvertently. Hermione has really changed a lot since the third grade.

Once upon a time, the little girl with protruding front teeth has now grown into a tall and graceful lady, even as tall as him.

It's only the second half of the third grade, and her height has almost exceeded 160. It's hard to imagine Hermione's growth in the Goblet of Fire in the next year.

Perhaps women are born to be particularly sensitive to the surrounding sight, and Hermione is the same. When she found that someone was looking at her front teeth, she subconsciously pursed her lips.

But then, she remembered that she had completed the teeth correction last summer, so she no longer deliberately concealed it and showed a bright smile.

Advantages should be shown, this is the sentence she heard most in the dormitory.

No one noticed the subtle change in Hermione's expression.

Ino is now thinking about how to express his thoughts tactfully, and to make it clear to a sensitive and proud girl without hurting her self-esteem.

This is a difficult test. He knows very well that girls of this age are delicate and like all kinds of associations.

He picked up the butter beer on the table and took a sip. The cold wine slid across his throat, bringing a hint of coolness. At the same time, he also thought of a good topic to start with.

"Hermione, do you know Charles Dickens?"

The topic of literary discussion and the familiar name made Hermione's eyes light up.

"Of course, the greatest writer in England in the 19th century, "The Old Curiosity Shop", "Oliver Twist", "Dombey and Son", "A Tale of Two Cities"..."

Hermione named many famous novels in succession.

"It's great!" Ino agreed with admiration, "but there is another book published in 1943, which is ranked as the best-selling book in history together with "A Tale of Two Cities"..."

At this point, he deliberately paused to see Hermione's reaction. If the other party has not read this book, then switch to the next topic.

"It's The Little Prince!" Hermione answered without hesitation.

Perhaps it is true that smart people are all equally smart, but stupid people are stupid in their own ways, stupid flowers bloom in all colors.

But unfortunately, Hermione is one of those smart people.

After answering The Little Prince, the smile on her face gradually disappeared, replaced by a calmness.

She knew very well what the Little Prince was.

Putting aside the philosophy in the book, the emotional line of The Little Prince is undoubtedly a regrettable love fairy tale.

Is there anything wrong with the fox and the rose? Hermione thought so from the bottom of her heart! Especially the rose, its arrogance is directly related to the infinite pampering of the little prince.

However, just after leaving Mrs. Puddifoot's tea house, Ino brought up this book.

Perhaps, she also guessed the answer, but she still held a glimmer of luck in her heart.


Ino also saw the subtle changes in Hermione's expression.

But this made him more determined. For a sensitive and intelligent girl, some things need to be made clear in advance. The longer it is delayed, the more troublesome it will be.

"Hermione, if the roles are changed and you become the little prince, what will you do?"

"What to do?" Hermione hesitated.

When she was reading, she always brought in female characters, roses or foxes. This was the first time she was asked to bring in the little prince.

"If I were the little prince, I would temporarily become friends with the rose, and then..."

Halfway through the words, Hermione stopped, and the little bit of luck in her heart disappeared.

There is no doubt that the failure of the emotional line of "The Little Prince" is that the little prince blindly loves someone when he is ignorant and naive.

But no matter what, this is a clever rejection.

"Okay... since there is nothing to do, I will leave first!" Hermione's eyes were slightly red, and she stood up and walked decisively towards the door.

Rational understanding and emotional sadness intertwined, making her eager to escape from the scene, really not wanting to stay for a moment.

Especially the two-way mirror in her pocket, which was more like a silent mockery. She originally planned to give this gift today.

Now, it seems a bit redundant.

Three brooms.

Ino picked up the butter beer on the table again.

He did not get up to chase her. Even if he caught up, it would not change anything. At this time, the best way is to give each other some time to calm down.

"You really should chase her!" Ms. Rosmerta walked to the table quietly.

"Although I don't know what you talked about, as a gentleman, you should not make a girl sad."

"You don't understand. The good feelings in school are very vague." Ino explained subconsciously.

"Huh? I don't understand?" Ms. Rosmerta smiled, and was told by a teenager that she didn't understand feelings.

"Although I don't know how you developed this character, my advice is that I hope you don't regret your actions today in the future."

Listening to Ms. Rosmerta's consolation, Ino was silent for a while, then nodded slightly, indicating that he would seriously consider it.

Half an hour.

After leaving the Three Broomsticks, Ino did not choose to go home, but went to Davis Bangs store instead.

Unlike the profoundness and mystery of magic, alchemy gave him the feeling that it was more like a Muggle subject.

About, from entry to mastery, you don't need too much talent at all, just having a brain and willing to learn is enough.

But this only stops at mastery.

Alchemy, on the surface, is simple in the early stage, but it is even more difficult in the later stage. The most typical example is that in the magic world, there are many people who are proficient in the wisdom of their predecessors and skilled in making various alchemical props.

True alchemy masters are always rare.

Not to mention other places, in the whole of England, there has only been one Dumbledore alchemy master in nearly half a century, and his achievement is only a breakthrough in alchemical materials.

Hogsmeade Village.

After passing through a quiet alley, Ino also came to Davis Bangs Store.

Yellowed signboard, less than ten square meters of shop, and mottled traces of time crawling all over the wall.

Really, whenever he stood at the door of this Bangs store, he could always feel a kind of freedom from the world, and that strong sense of detachment came spontaneously.

It seemed that all the ups and downs in the world could not affect this small shop. Just like a reef on the seashore, it remains motionless despite being hit and pounded by the waves countless times.

The door of the shop is open.

The minimalist furnishings in the room remain unchanged, with a long walnut table, two high-back chairs and a simple storage rack.

Also unchanged is the old man with gray hair and bright eyes sitting on the chair.

"Since you are here, come in. Why are you standing at the door? Do you want to take a picture for me?" Old Bans' voice is uniquely gentle.

Ino walked into the shop with a chuckle, sat casually on the stool next to him, and said:

"Next time I'll take a picture for you! I'll use the antique camera you gave me, and send it to the magazine to select the most charming old wizard in the British Isles!"

Upon hearing this, Old Bans also put down the tools in his hands, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Don't hurt me! The most charming old wizard has always been Dumbledore! If I dare to compete for this title, I will be torn to pieces by the people of Dumbledore Research Society."

"Hahaha!" Ino was also amused by old Bans' words, "But I think you are more qualified, just like an old man who quietly guards the years."

He was not joking. In this small store, there is really a sense of peace and tranquility.

"Old Man of Time?" Bans pondered slightly, as if savoring this title.

"I like this title. Just for this reason, 10% off today! Tell me what you want, one-handed sword? Knight's gun?"

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