The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 227: Elemental Transformation, Bystanders See Clearly

Transfiguration Club.

On the third floor, in the hidden classroom, the atmosphere became a little subtle after Hermione answered the questions.

Cedric and Qiu looked at each other and could see the doubt flashing in each other's eyes.

In fact, this is not their fault. As the two oldest existing students in the club, they have witnessed the grace of the previous generation of graduates and also witnessed Inocai's performance when he joined.

Therefore, Hermione's standard answer really surprised them. But fortunately, the two of them were not mean people. After a brief eye contact, they no longer expressed any expression.

After Hermione answered the question, Professor McGonagall glanced around calmly, and found that the other three people didn't have much expression, and couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, she was afraid that the other people would think this invitation was unfair.

"Standard answer!" After thinking for a while, Professor McGonagall evaluated the answer, and then decisively changed the target:

"Okay, it's your turn. Ino!"

"Okay Professor!" After being called, Ino put down the magazine in his hand.

"Although the topic is transformation of matter and form, I am more focused on studying the transformation of elemental forms, or the spiritual endowment of transformed items. This inspiration comes from the snowman who greets Hogsmeade..."

Eno has always focused on the transformation of elements. Due to his own reasons, he knew very well that ice, snow and fire were the foundation.

Other magic actually plays more of a supporting role.

"...Currently I can only give spirituality to the snowman, but the transformation of the flame will always be dull and rigid."

While speaking, Ino had already waved his wand, releasing ice and fire, two elemental transformation magics.

At the same time, a vivid little snowman appeared on the classroom floor, and he even took the initiative to wave and say hello to everyone.

But another rune snake with changing flames had three dumb heads on top of its head, like antennas, standing there motionless.

"As you can see, after the element's form is converted, the difference between the two is too big. So this makes me wonder whether the difference in material directly affects the effect of transformation..."

After Ino asked the question, he sat quietly and waited for Professor McGonagall to answer.

He would attend the club once every half a month on average, so he couldn't waste this precious learning time.

Professor McGonagall's gaze swept across the floor, and the transformation of the two extreme elements also made her feel a little surprised.

The reason for surprise is that this was actually a one-time transformation. In other words, Ino only used one transformation spell to complete two transformation spells at the same time, and they were extremely opposing elements.

"We will discuss this issue later!" Professor McGonagall had a flash of appreciation in her eyes, and then turned to look at Cedric and Qiu.

And these two senior club members also did not disappoint her. They all use different perspectives as arguments, add their own unique inspiration to analyze the problem, and elaborate on an extremely wonderful thesis outline.

As the four people answered the questions one by one, there was no need to say more. Many things had already been decided.

Hermione had never been a stupid girl. After hearing three answers from different angles and arguments, she had lowered her head in shame for her previous answers.

But soon, a gentle voice came to my ears again.

"Let's do it again! Try to abandon the textbooks and use your ideas. Whether it's Muggle physics or chemistry, don't use textbooks."

Ino turned his head, trying his best to comfort him while looking at Professor McGonagall with solicitous eyes.

He understood Hermione's current mood very well. She was first in the ordinary class, but she was at the bottom after entering the elite class. This kind of strong contrast could easily lead to problems if not handled well.

Listening to the comfort in her ears, Hermione raised her head.

She didn't know why, but now she wanted to hug the person next to her tightly.

"Miss Granger! Just do what Ino said and let us see the Muggle understanding of the transformation of material forms."

Professor McGonagall said with a smile in her eyes, and Qiu and Cedric also looked interested.

In this atmosphere, Hermione gradually got over her previous embarrassment, looked at the people around her inadvertently, then raised her head, reorganized her words, and began to answer the question from another angle.

In a pleasant atmosphere, you will never notice the passage of time.

An hour and a half passed by in a daze.

With Professor McGonagall's final summary, the first Transfiguration Club in the second half of the school year also came to an end.

Third floor corridor.

This time, it was no longer the three people walking together before.

After a polite farewell, Cedric naturally took Qiu's hand, and the two walked down the stairs in pairs.

It was this scene of making sweets again, and Ino was also speechless!

For a moment, he really wanted to give the two of them a suggestion. If they really liked being together so much, they might as well have a double bed or a double chair next time in the club.

Looking at the same scene of holding hands, Hermione's expression was completely different, and there was always a hint of envy.

The corridor of about 100 meters is very short, and you will reach the turning point in a few minutes.

"Curfew is in half an hour." Ino turned around and said to Hermione.

Hermione's performance just now was really eye-catching. Maybe it was a bit lacking at the moment, but she was able to adapt to the atmosphere and discussion mode at the first party, and it was only a matter of time before she caught up with the rhythm.

"So, are you going back?" Hermione raised her head and asked.

Before Ino could answer, she said to herself:

"In fact, I think the nature of flames should be taken into account when you talk about elemental transformation. Light and heat are not only classified as elements, but can also be considered as energy, just like the Oldbury Nuclear Power Plant."

Hermione's words made him vaguely grasp something, but he didn't really grasp it.

"Are you talking about the dissipation of energy?" Ino asked uncertainly.

"Yes! Not entirely." Hermione nodded and continued:

"Just like the snowman you mentioned at the beginning, the reason why it is vivid is that the energy dissipates very slowly, but the flame rune snake is different. It emits extreme light and heat every moment..."

At this point, he should have fully understood the key to the problem.

Different from Professor McGonagall's answer from magic, Hermione used the knowledge of Muggle physics to dialectically explain the problem.

The flame energy dissipates too quickly. Although there is magic to keep it burning and not extinguish it, the burning flame is like a cell that reproduces and divides at a very fast speed.

Of course, cell replacement is essentially nothing, just like a person's whole body cells are replaced once every seven years, but the essence of this person has not changed.

But the flames are not like that. Perhaps the Runes of the Elemental Transformation have the spirituality of a snowman in the first second, but as the energy continues to dissipate.

The Runes of the previous second and the Runes of the next second are essentially two different individuals.

"Need a core of protection..."

Instantly, the figure of the phoenix appeared in Ino's mind, and he also thought of the essence of the Fiendfire.

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