The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 233 Selection of Chief Director of Hogwarts

The eighth floor of the castle.

In the most special room of Hogwarts.

After Dumbledore nodded, Ino couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that the old headmaster would have other opinions. An orphan, a Slytherin, a person with excellent talent and gathering people to hold small classes in the second grade...

These countless halos are superimposed. To be honest, think about it from another perspective.

If he is the headmaster of Hogwarts now, he will be more or less on guard, after all, the lesson of the past is right in front of him.

However, Dumbledore has always held an attitude of trust, which can even be regarded as blind and mysterious trust.

This is very surprising to Ino. He is not Harry, and his style of doing things is not the kind of black and white.

"Professor, don't you want to say something else?"

"What?" Dumbledore raised his eyebrows in confusion, "Then? I urge you to quickly make the second episode of Tom and Jerry?"

"Oh! Okay then!" Ino looked aside speechlessly. The old headmaster pretended to be stupid. He really had no choice.

"Hahaha, don't be angry." Dumbledore laughed heartily.

"What do you want me to say? But I'm just an old man. Maybe I should have left the stage a long time ago, just like the book you wrote."

Dumbledore tapped his fingers, and a book with a light blue cover flew from the bookshelf. The book flew and opened itself on the way.

When Ino received the book, the book happened to turn to the story of the Thunder Sword Bitter Wheel and the motto on the equipment-

The brighter the light, the shorter life.

When he saw the content of the book, he probably understood Dumbledore's thoughts.

Perhaps he had too much to bear, and the legendary white wizard who had been active for a century might have been exhausted.

It's okay to think about it, but some things can't be done without Dumbledore. For example, Tom, although the opponent is playing almost open cards at present, if the cards are too good, it will be difficult for anyone to win even if they are open cards.

All the Horcruxes known to Voldemort can be harmlessly treated, but the only variable is Nagini.

A few days ago, when Ino felt vague about the original story, he took half a day to sort it out carefully.

However, he found that there was still one Horcrux missing after all the calculations. And according to the original story timeline, the time for Nagini to be made into a Horcrux has not yet arrived.

Missing one is almost the same as missing all.

Especially for a wizard like Voldemort, one useful Horcrux is enough.

After all, those who have the ability to suppress it don't care how many Horcruxes he has. If they don't have the ability to suppress it, even if Voldemort doesn't have a Horcrux, his opponent can't do anything. Fourteen years ago is the best example.

Sitting in the principal's office, Ino's thoughts flew, and he unconsciously took on the role of Dumbledore.

The unknown seventh Horcrux, and a Horcrux living in the castle, this is just like a dog-skin plaster.

It's really a mess.


In the principal's office on the eighth floor.

After Ino fell into thought, Dumbledore did not speak to break the peace, but looked at the mirror with interest, as if thinking about something interesting.

Although he is a centenarian, he always smiles innocently.

Especially when his eyes move between the portraits of past headmasters and the mirror, as if he has really found something interesting, the corners of his mouth curl up into a considerable arc.

Similarly, this smile was also noticed by Ino.

"Professor! I have always been curious, can Tom really do whatever he wants? Just relying on his big size? Is there no other magical animal in the valley that can rival the troll?"

Faced with the sudden three questions, Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, but after reacting, he did not answer directly.

"Ino, there is one thing you may need to know, no one can do whatever they want, not trolls, fire dragons, and phoenixes... So, trolls are not scary."

Speaking of this, Dumbledore paused for a moment, and the half-moon glasses reflected a look of reminiscence.

"I remember that the history of magic has always been your strong point. I think you also know that there have been creatures in history that are more terrible than trolls, such as the Dementors that make people helpless. But what is the result?"


Castle corridor

Ino held the mirror and walked aimlessly on the way back to the dormitory.

The conversation just now made him realize the power of magic again. Although Professor Binns had said it before, Dumbledore's statement this time was more intuitive.

This is a kind of unreasonable and illogical power.

Dementors appeared, but the Patronus Charm was quietly born. Similarly, when Voldemort went crazy to a certain extent, prophecies and saviors appeared.

It was as if there was an invisible ruler. You can do whatever you want within a reasonable range, but if you cross this line, someone will jump out to stop you.

This is not an unfounded guess. In addition to Harry and Voldemort, the most intuitive example is the fire in Paris. Nicolas Flamel, who had not cared about the world for hundreds of years, jumped out.

But what really puzzled him was whether this ruler was similar to the rules of the fantasy world.

Unscrupulous behavior will eventually ruin yourself.


Ino walked alone in the corridor.

But along the way, there was no loneliness of walking alone.

Because many little wizards always turn back subconsciously after seeing the mirror, and then put on a posture that they think is elegant and beautiful, and walk past the mirror "naturally".

At the same time, she looked back inadvertently and showed a charming smile.

However, this kind of behavior is mostly done by young wizards below the third grade, and most of them are girls.

Faced with such an interesting scene, Ino also temporarily got rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind, and as a student, he just enjoyed campus life.

Thinking too much about some things in advance will only add to the troubles.

This lively scene in front of him continued to the basement of the castle.

After turning the corner and entering the corridor on the right, there were only Slytherin students left here. Of course, if you enter the left side, it is the territory of Hufflepuff, but the two colleges have always used the stairs as the center line.

One left and one right, dividing the corridor equally, maintaining an attitude of not interfering with each other.

After answering the correct password, Ino walked into the common room.

Today's common room is like a game hall in the Muggle world. There are always a lot of young wizards sitting in front of the mirror. They have obviously seen the story, but they still never get tired of it.

"Maybe we can shoot something..."

Ino suddenly realized that it was difficult for him to shoot interesting film and television works alone.

Although the modified Tom and Jerry was interesting, it would not last too long, not to mention that he did not have much energy to immerse himself in creation.

Looking around, he saw Draco who was talking loudly.

For this roommate who was sometimes smart, sometimes childish, and liked to show off, he would be happy to accept the position of Hogwarts' chief director.

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