The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 274 Horcruxes and Tom's Control

Ministry of Magic, Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes took action again.

Of course, this was not a major incident, just an alert from Trace that some young wizards had violated the rules and used magic outside the school.

It should have been a warning letter, but after determining the location of the accident and the young wizards involved, the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes took it seriously and decided to send out personnel on duty.

4 Privet Drive.

Facing the inquiries of the Ministry of Magic staff, Harry did not make any excuses and directly confessed his fault.

And this frankness also made the two staff members present look bitter.

I really didn't expect the boy who survived the catastrophe to be so honest. If they made up a reason, they could easily fool them. After all, the accident was not serious, it was just a Muggle fainting.

Besides, they also checked that the injured Muggle was not seriously injured.

"Mr. Potter, are you sure you attacked Mr. Vernon Dursley on your own initiative, not by accident, or the magic got out of control?"

However, even with this almost explicit question, Harry still nodded silently.

"Yes, I took the initiative to attack Uncle Vernon!"

Harry understood the hint, but the hidden worry in his heart made him unwilling to stay here.

Being temporarily detained in the Ministry of Magic might be the right choice compared to causing the worst result.

"Okay! Mr. Potter!" The staff of the Ministry of Magic sighed and then slowly stood up.

"In view of the violation of blowing fat Muggles last year, this is the second time. Therefore, I have to regretfully inform you that you need to go to the Ministry of Magic with us."

As the staff of the Ministry of Magic took Harry away.

After confirming that her husband was fine, Penny walked to the garage alone and drove the car towards the distant street.


In the sky.

Hedwig flew at full speed and finally saw the towering castle and the familiar tower in the distance before dawn.

Hogwarts Principal's Office.

Unlike other professors, Dumbledore would choose to stay in the castle whether it was summer vacation or Christmas vacation.

It's not that there is no place to go, but he really regards Hogwarts as his home.

With a sudden knocking outside the window, Dumbledore also opened his eyes from his sleep.

Hedwig flew into the office, cooing anxiously, as if urging something.

Seeing this scene, Dumbledore did not delay, he recognized that this was Harry's owl.

Opening the envelope, the scribbled handwriting that came into view seemed to prove that Harry was panicking.

After a moment.

Dumbledore silently put down the letter in his hand.

With the appearance of the notebook, he confirmed the secret of Tom's immortality, and with the appearance of the Slytherin pendant, it was confirmed that there was more than one Horcrux.

But today's letter made him feel tricky, Harry seemed to have some connection with Tom.

The two people who should have no connection established a connection.

Opening the cabinet, Dumbledore took out the precious Pensieve, the legacy of Hogwarts.

As the wand moved away from the temple, a ray of silver light appeared, floating in the Pensieve as soft as a feather.

At the same time.

While Dumbledore was concentrating on the Pensieve, an Aston Martin that was almost new also slowly drove into the dilapidated Spinner's End.

This night seemed destined to make many people unable to sleep.


Fate always seemed fair.

While some people could not sleep, others slept soundly.

The dawn light shone into Hogsmeade.

In the hut, Ino sat up from the bed and stretched his body slowly.

The banquet last night lasted until midnight, which made him fall into a deep sleep the moment he touched the bed.

After a simple wash, he picked up the Daily Prophet on the table.

I thought the banquet at Malfoy Manor would be the headline news, but the bold font on the front page of the newspaper reported another thing -

"The Boy Who Survived Again Attracts Attention and Openly Attacks Muggle Guardians with a Wand"

Looking at the exaggerated headlines in the newspaper, Ino couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

He knew Harry's nature, whether through stories or contacts in the castle.

As long as no one provokes or instigates him, Harry is essentially a law-abiding student.

And this kind of thing of attacking guardians with magic is impossible to happen to Harry.

"They really do whatever it takes to increase sales, and dare to use any title..."

Although it was a joke, he still read it habitually, after all, sometimes some groundless rumors are also interesting.

This is probably also a grasp of the psychology of the people. Rigid news always makes people lose interest.

With the purpose of watching the fun, Ino began to read the content of the newspaper.

Soon, the content inside made him frown subconsciously. In the interview, Harry not only admitted his mistakes, but also mentioned that he was out of control...

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is a poor excuse made by a boy after making a mistake.

But knowing the ins and outs of the story, he is very sure that this is not impossible, especially in the current situation.

In the original story, Harry learned the brain block technique in the fifth grade, which is 1996.

Coincidentally, except for the notebook Horcrux destroyed in the second grade, the other Horcruxes, the earliest destroyed Gaunt ring, were also in 1996.

"It seems that the decrease in the number of Horcruxes has allowed Tom to gradually deepen his control over the Horcruxes?"

Ino was a little uncertain, but this speculation made sense in the original story timeline.

Moreover, Harry mentioned being out of control in the newspaper interview.

The destruction of the second Horcrux in the original story only gave Harry a headache. But now three Horcruxes have been destroyed, Slytherin's pendant and Ravenclaw's diadem.

This seems to confirm this speculation, the number of Horcruxes is inversely proportional to the control strength.

Although it is not clear whether the speculation is correct, Ino is also somewhat fortunate. He originally planned to take the time to destroy the remaining Horcruxes before the World Cup.

If the gold cup and the ring were really destroyed in one go, maybe Voldemort's residual soul in Harry's scar could really do something.

The only thing that doesn't make sense about this speculation is that Harry can still fight Voldemort safely after all the Horcruxes are destroyed in the final battle.

In the bedroom on the second floor,

Ino sat quietly in a chair, and began to review the story in his memory as much as possible in his mind.

Assuming the speculation is true, now presenting a different result, there must be a different cause.

"First year..."

Although the memory is a little fuzzy, the main story of each school year also flashed like a slide.

"Goblet of Fire... Father's bones, enemy's blood..."

The picture flashed across the sky like lightning, illuminating the fog of the night.

Ino probably understood the root of the problem. Voldemort used Harry's blood to revive, seemingly avoiding Lily's protective magic, but in fact he also lost direct control over Harry.

This wave of operations, on the surface, is a one-for-one exchange, and no one suffers.

In fact, if Voldemort had noticed Harry's hidden Horcrux in advance, it is likely that he would not use Harry's blood to revive himself.

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