The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 280 Time flies, England in August

Time, like fine sand, slips through fingers, silent and yet real.


On the second floor of the cottage, Ino was concentrating on sorting out the letters on the desk.

Since the last trip to Spinner's End, more than half a month has passed quietly.

Time flies, and many things have happened during this period. Some of these things are closely related to him, while others are beyond his control.

For example, Harry, for the sake of Snape and Dumbledore, did everything he could.

As for whether Harry can learn the brain block technique and what the future path will be, this is Harry's own destiny.

Sometimes, the world is like a vast collection of stories. Whether it is Harry or others, everyone is the protagonist of his own story.

In the study on the second floor.

All the letters on the table are now divided into two categories: completed and to be completed.

Rather than letters, they look more like to-do lists.

Ino suddenly found that as time passed and he grew older, the peace he once had seemed to be gone forever, and the trivialities of life gradually increased.

Especially this summer vacation, all kinds of tedious affairs, one after another.

Such as: L.A.A recording, Brijuni Island video mirror production, Merlin Jazz Corps receipt letter, etc., a lot of things.

And among the pile of letters, he only picked out the Merlin Jazz Corps receipt letter and put it aside.


In this half month, many things have quietly changed.

Ino's eyes swept across the table, and after sorting all the letters, it was clear that the seemingly tedious things that once seemed to have been done by him one by one.

Whether it was the singing of the Quidditch World Cup or the production of the video mirror, everything was on track.

Especially about the Quidditch World Cup.

A week ago, he also recorded three different theme songs in L.A.A., and he also handed over the specific follow-up matters to Old Flint to negotiate with the Ministry of Magic.

Looking at the only unfinished letter on the table, Ino stood up and stretched his body in a relaxed manner.

This feeling of being free and light is indeed refreshing.

Different from the comfort of the cottage.

In early August, the air throughout England was filled with a subtle tension and expectation.

As the Quidditch World Cup entered the countdown, the entire Ministry of Magic started to operate at full capacity, including the Disaster and Accident Department, the Law Enforcement Department, the Sports Department, the International Cooperation Department…

Except for the Department of Mysteries, there was no idle person in the huge Ministry of Magic.

In fact, there was no way, after all, the number of foreign wizards pouring into England had exceeded that of local wizards.

Faced with such a major event, at the instruction of Fudge, the Ministry of Magic also contacted the Muggle Prime Minister.

Manchester, London.

Mr. Granger sat in front of the TV, which was broadcasting the morning news.

At this moment, the host reported the latest news seriously, such as England recently visited a large circus, famous magicians from all over the world gathered...

If it were in the past, he would definitely watch with interest, and then express his views.

But now, everything is different.

"Hermione, do you need me to prepare camping equipment in advance? Strong light flashlights or generators, you also know that your mother and I can't cook with magic."

Mr. Granger asked with expectation, sports events have always been his favorite.

This year, due to work reasons, I couldn't go to the United States to watch the World Cup, but in a twist of fate, my daughter actually took out a ticket for the Wizard World Cup.

Although I don't know what Quidditch is, it can be popular in the wizarding world, and I think this sport will be exciting.

On the other hand, after hearing her father's question, Hermione put down the newspaper in her hand.

"Dad, we don't need to bring anything, I will take care of everything. If you have to bring it, then bring the small tent from last summer."

"Okay..." Hearing that he couldn't help, Mr. Granger's eyes flashed a little disappointed.

Once upon a time, everything in this family depended on him. But now he can no longer help, not even to give money, because the wizard bank has limited the amount of pound exchange.

Unlike Hermione's absent-mindedness, Mrs. Granger took the initiative to hold her husband's hand after noticing the change in her husband's tone.

"You should be happy, not lost. Hermione has her own life. You can't expect to take care of her for a lifetime, and she will find the one who really takes care of her..."

Mrs. Granger turned her eyes to the newspaper in Hermione's hand. She had seen the photo printed on the front page of the newspaper.


At the same time.

In the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade, the laughter here has never stopped since the afternoon.

In the spacious hall, a 41-inch large video mirror is hung, playing Tom and Jerry's funny stories in a loop.

The little wizards in the castle may be a little tired of watching, but adult wizards are the mainstream of Hogsmeade, and there are many foreign tourists.

Different from the laughter and excitement of others.

As a bar owner, Ms. Rosmerta cares more about the sales of alcoholic beverages.

She first looked at today's turnover, then turned to look at the boy next to her and sighed:

"I really don't know how you came up with this idea. This thing will definitely become the mainstream in the future. You will be a real rich man in the future."

Listening to the familiar ridicule, Ino also took over the conversation:

"This has nothing to do with me. The main thing is that there are a lot of people working together, so everything goes smoothly. But in the future, if the products are exported to England, I don't know if they will be so smooth..."

"This is unfounded worry!" Ms. Rosmerta shook her head gently, "You have no idea of ​​their strength. Driven by enough interests, there is nothing to be afraid of even if they encounter trouble."

"Maybe! I don't know what's going on with Old Tom."

Looking at the crowded Three Broomsticks, Ino became a little curious about the situation in Diagon Alley.

As the Yingbrijuni Island Alchemy Factory is on the right track, the first batch of promotional products have quietly entered the market.

Thanks to the joint efforts of local pure-blood wizards, every store now opened in Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade will hang a video mirror that plays animations according to the size of the store.

"Him? His place will only be more popular than mine!" Rosmerta's lady responded casually, and then changed the subject:

"On your part, it's hard to believe that Fudge would agree to add a new link before the World Cup. A stage with a hundred thousand people... Merlin!"

"Fudge would agree, just because it's not just a show and if everything goes well, a lot of things are going to be rewritten."

Ino knew very well that unlike the alternative Feide, if a serious phoenix was born in front of hundreds of thousands of people, Fudge's name would also be recorded in history.

After all, this was the first of its kind in England.

I'm a little stuck. Sorry everyone, there are only two of them today. Xiaodi will sort them out at night. He will go to the World Cup tomorrow, and then speed up the progress to start school and enter the Triwizard Tournament.

Xiaodi shares: Flobberworm

British Ministry of Magic classification level: x

Appearance characteristics: The Flobber's Armyworm is a brown, round-bodied worm, up to 10 inches long, that doesn't like to move. The two ends of the Flobber's armyworm's body are not much different, and both can chew plants and secrete mucus, which is why it gets its name.

Habits: Flobber's armyworm lives in moist ditches. The plant's preferred food is lettuce, but it will eat almost any plant.

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