The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 29: Flight Lesson, Verification and Hypothesis

The farce in the auditorium lasted for more than half an hour before it ended. It was not because Malfoy had talked enough, but because it was time for class.

9 am, outside the castle.

Madam Hooch appeared on her broom on time.

She flew around the students first, and then landed steadily on the lawn.

"Before class, I need to emphasize that you must listen to my instructions when you start flying."

"Of course, if you want to fall from a height of dozens of feet and lie in bed for the rest of the semester, then you can do whatever you want..."

Like all professors, Madam Hooch also pointed out the interests in the first class.

"Come here, I will only demonstrate it once!"

Madam Hooch walked in front of everyone and began to demonstrate the correct flying posture.

Just as everyone was about to practice commanding the broom to bounce up, a voice sounded from the crowd.

"Professor, I have a question!" Ino raised his hand and looked at Madam Hooch.

His actions also successfully attracted everyone's attention, especially Hermione, who widened her eyes at this moment, with a curious baby expression.

"That's great! Ask your questions now. The same goes for you. Don't let me have any problems when you fly."

Mrs. Hooch looked at everyone with a serious expression, and then walked to Ino.

"Okay, kid! Now tell me your doubts."

"Professor, I don't understand why brooms can carry us to fly in the sky. If it's just magic, why are there different brands and models, resulting in different speeds and performances."

"I mean, if it's just magic, shouldn't their speeds be the same?"

Ino asked the doubts he had hidden for many years in one breath.

He was very curious about the working principle of the flying broom. If it was just to carry people to fly, it would not be strange at all, and it could be directly classified as magical magic.

But it's like a machine, and it has to be divided into brands and models, and even different focuses, which is difficult to explain with magic.

"Sorry, kid! Your question exceeds my knowledge reserve, so I can't answer it. But if it's a problem in flying, or flying skills, or even safety knowledge, you can come to me at any time."

Mrs. Hooch admitted her shortcomings generously.

She did not say that as a professor, she felt embarrassed for not being able to answer the students' questions, nor did she make up an explanation to evade the students.

"But I suggest that you can choose the Alchemy course in the sixth grade, or go to the library to find the answers yourself."

"Thank you for your valuable advice, professor."

Facing the frank Mrs. Hooch, Ino did not forget the basic courtesy of being a student.

A friendly exchange between teachers and students, neither Mrs. Hooch nor Ino actually felt that there was anything wrong.

But they forgot that there were little wizards watching on the side, especially on the Slytherin side, many girls even showed admiration.

After all, as a student, being able to stump the professor with questions is a great thing in itself, even if it is just a flying class professor.

Compared with Slytherin, Gryffindor's side is much more complicated, approving, silent, disdainful...

But only Miss Granger looked at Ino thoughtfully, and no one knew what she was thinking.

After a small episode, Mrs. Hooch started teaching the course again.

"Listen, when I blow the whistle, you push hard against the ground, remember to hold on to your brooms tightly, and try to rise a few feet..."

Finally hearing that they could fly, the little wizards were excited, including Malfoy.

However, Ino was unmoved, perhaps because he had been pretending to be a fortune teller for a long time, so he wanted to verify the inertia of fate.

Just like Hermione did not mention "A History of Hogwarts" in a high-handed manner at the Sorting Ceremony, and thus did not have the first conflict with Ron.

But it was different from the previous harmless, because what happened next was a very important thing.

It was directly related to whether Harry could join the Quidditch student team.

Only by joining the team would the trio doubt Snape in the game, and even promote the development of everything that followed.

And what he had to do now was to be a spectator quietly to see if Neville would lose control of his broom like in the original book.


A quarter of an hour later.

Due to the inertia of fate, what was coming finally came.

"Ahh~ Save me!"

Neville's shrill cry for help came from mid-air.

The old broom flew dozens of feet high in the blink of an eye, just like a wild horse.

On the ground, all the little wizards were in a mess.

But Ino was unmoved. He did not show off his half-baked magic, nor did he try to save people or add points.

You have to know that this is Hogwarts. A student fell to death in broad daylight? You must be kidding!

If Neville was really in trouble, he would definitely turn around and leave without hesitation!

Whoever falls in love with this school will go up. Hogwarts is not the only school in Europe.


In mid-air.

Neville grabbed the broom with both hands and struggled in danger.

Now it seems that he is at least 60 feet above the ground, which is about 18 meters, about 7 to 8 floors high.

Don't underestimate this height. Given Neville's round body, if he really loses control and falls, the mortality rate is still quite high.

However, everything was full of drama.

Neville fell, but only broke his arm.

After Madam Hooch personally escorted Neville to receive treatment, the subsequent development of the matter was the same as in the original book.

In order to compete for Neville's memory ball, Malfoy and Harry started a competition of speed and passion in the air.

For other little wizards, the competition between the two in the sky is a rare good show.

Ino was too lazy to look up. He was always thinking about what happened just now. Neville's broom was out of control after all.

Is it the inertia of fate, or something else.

At the same time, this also made him wonder whether things that have been destined can really not be changed.

If not, why have some small things changed.

What is the meaning of divination.


At the same time, in the sky.

Malfoy and Harry's fight has also entered a white-hot stage.

As the drag brother threw the memory ball in his hand vigorously, Harry was like a sharp arrow in the air.

Flying at full speed, he managed to grab the falling memory ball less than two feet away from the castle.

Harry not only completed the extreme operation, but also made a silky turn at the end and stopped steadily in mid-air.

But no one noticed the shocked and angry expression of Professor McGonagall behind the window.

The flying class was hastily done after all.

Due to the previous teaching accident, Madam Hooch no longer let the little wizards fly collectively after returning, but chose the most clumsy one-on-one teaching.

The process was a bit tedious and tortuous, but fortunately, everyone learned how to control the broom to fly.

It's like learning to ride a bicycle. As long as you can master the balance, the rest can only be left to time.

New book release, new journey, thank all the big guys for their support.

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