The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 309 Promise me, don't go find Harry

In the Slytherin dormitory.

Ino leaned on the chair, eating candy and chatting briefly with Hermione.

There wasn't much important stuff, but the atmosphere of chatting was harmonious.

As for the cause, according to Hermione, it was also the dispute between Ron and Draco in the auditorium.

But for this kind of thing, Ino also knew in his heart that even if there was no dispute in the auditorium, there would be other reasons for chatting.

He doesn't resent this either. After all, he can't be a real audience, so he can just let it take its course and integrate into life.

That’s when a double-sided mirror really comes into its own.

At the same time, in the underground corridor of the castle, Draco was silently blaming himself.

It was originally a hole dug for Weasley, but in the end Weasley fell into it, but along with it he was pulled into the hole.

"I should be more sensible..."

Looking at the torches on the corridor wall, Draco sighed.

Ten minutes ago, during the dispute in the auditorium, perhaps due to the presence of foreign guests, everyone restrained their use of words.

Similarly, the topic was only directed at Weasley at the beginning, but such a verbal confrontation turned into a battle of warriors among the students.

Thinking of this, Draco felt annoyed for a while. He was the one who started the matter. It would be fine if Slytherin really produced a warrior, but what if the warrior representing Hogwarts came from Gryffindor...

Needless to say, he will definitely become the target of public criticism. Although he will not be criticized everywhere, criticism and discussion are always inevitable.

Draco walked towards the common room while thinking of countermeasures.

"Kunkou! Bang!"

First there were two knocks on the door, and then the bedroom door was opened from the outside.

Ino didn't pay much attention to opening the door.

As mentioned before, there are only three people in the entire Hogwarts who can open this door, the students in the dormitory and Dean Slytherin. In addition, not even the principal has this right.

"Let's talk when we have time!"

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Ino also hung up the double-sided mirror, then turned to look at the door.

With short, slightly messy platinum blond hair and a frowning face with his head lowered, he looked like a golden retriever who went home dejected after losing an argument.

"What's going on? Someone is bullying the young master of the Malfoy family?" Ino asked in a teasing tone.

Although I was chatting with Hermione just now, the reason was because of the dispute between Draco and Ron. But the reason was just the beginning of the topic, and they didn't continue to talk about other people's rights and wrongs after that.

at the same time.

After hearing the questioning voice, Draco raised his head expectantly:

"Eno, can you stagger the time? Or..."

But halfway through the words, the voice gradually became inaudible.

At this moment, Draco's expression was like that of a drama actor, the look of anticipation on his face gradually disappeared, and then replaced with a tangled face.

" have a way to make me a safe warrior? Yeah! A safe warrior."

In one sentence, safety is not only repeated twice, but the tone is also emphasized.

"Tell me, what happened?" Ino sat up straight.

"It's not a big deal, it's just... I made a bet with Scar Tou's follower..."

Less than half an hour.

Draco sighed and told everything that had happened.

"You are really..." Ino shook his head speechlessly, as if Draco would obviously become wiser once he met Harry and Ron.

"I have a way to make you a warrior! I can even guarantee your safety, but you have to promise me to stay away from Harry in the future!"

He was a roommate for four years, and he sincerely regarded Draco as a friend, so he also made the last request - stay away from Harry.

Of Voldemort's seven Horcruxes, three were destroyed and two were confiscated.

Although Harry learned Occlumency from Snape, this magic is not omnipotent. Moreover, it was impossible for Harry to learn more advanced uses in such a short period of time.

From this point of view, the future Harry may really be a time bomb, and he has not forgotten Trelawney's prophecy.

"Okay! I promise you!" After a brief thought, Draco agreed, and even added in a somewhat unsatisfactory way:

"I promise, when I see Scarhead and his followers in the future, I will walk around them."

Time, like the leaves of the whomping willow in autumn, often falls off quietly without warning.

The evening of the next day.

The long-prepared welcome banquet at Hogwarts also kicked off.

In the auditorium, the colorful bars representing the four academies in the past disappeared, replaced by the logos of the Triwizard Tournament and the three magic schools:

The coat of arms of Hogwarts, the crossed wands of Beauxbatons, and the double-headed eagle and deer head of Demster.

Slytherin's long table.

Draco ate the food on the plate confidently, and from time to time he would gracefully pick up the pumpkin juice on the table and take a sip.

But compared to Draco, Ron seemed a little uneasy. He was not sure how to select a warrior, and he was not sure whether there would be a warrior in Gryffindor.

After a day of inquiring, he didn't have much confidence now, because there were only two popular candidates, Ino of Slytherin and Cedric of Hufflepuff.

"Why doesn't Percy squat level one..."

Ron scratched his hair in distress. Although he didn't want to admit it, Percy's excellence was obvious to all.

The twelve certificates of the final assessment have explained a lot of problems.

The banquet lasted about an hour.

As the food on the table disappeared, Dumbledore slowly stood up.

At the same time, all the young wizards present turned their heads and looked at the guest of honor.

Today's guest of honor was a little crowded. Not only were there the principals of two other schools, but there were also two senior officials from the Ministry of Magic:

Director of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports, Ludo Bagman; Director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Bartemius Crouch.

"It seems that it's time!" Dumbledore said slowly, "First, please allow me to introduce all the guests to everyone..."

As Dumbledore introduced, polite applause continued to ring in the hall.

"Next! I will talk about the arrangements for the Triwizard Tournament!"

Dumbledore's voice made everyone present sit up straight, and a feeling of excitement and nervousness gradually spread in the hall.

But fortunately, the old principal was not a person who kept things secret. After looking around, he clapped his hands gently.

Next to the hall, Filch, who had been waiting for a long time, was walking slowly with a box in his arms.

Perhaps because it was an important occasion, Filch, who used to be unkempt, dressed up for the first time. He not only combed his messy hair carefully, but also put on a brand new robe.

But his dressing up was undoubtedly useless.

Because everyone's eyes were focused on the gorgeous box inlaid with jewels.

Ino was also curious, because according to the description of the original story, the Goblet of Fire was undoubtedly a powerful magic prop.

And this speculation came from Dumbledore's unintentional words: The decision of the Goblet of Fire cannot be changed, and the selected warriors must participate in the competition, otherwise they will be punished by the oath.

So, what really made him curious was this punishment. If the old headmaster could take it seriously, it would not be a punishment of slapping the palm.

If he hadn't been cautious, he would even want to use the Confusion Charm to add another school and throw Voldemort's name in it.

But some things are just thoughts.

However, Ino has also made up his mind about the Goblet of Fire. Tonight, he can take advantage of the night and check it with a lamp, and also sign up for Draco.

It's the beginning of the month, Xiaodi is begging for votes, begging for votes, begging for votes, big guys, please vote~

Xiaodi's sharing today: Ever-Bashing Boomerang (Sorry, I really can't find the spiked Frisbee! It's the one in Draco's hand today.)

Ever-Bashing Boomerang

Ever-Bashing Boomerang is a joke product, derived from the ordinary boomerang used by Muggles. (This is also recorded in the original book!)

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