The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 325 Hermione's Thoughts

Room of Requirement.

The spacious room looked a bit mysterious under the candlelight.

But what is even more mysterious is Hermione's current words.

"Are you sure? Did you hear Ms. Ravenclaw's voice?" Ino's face looked a little solemn.

To be honest, this information was beyond his expectation. It stands to reason that after the crown is brought into the sanctuary, any unknown attachments to it should dissipate. The remnant soul of Voldemort is a good example.

However, Hermione's next words dispelled his doubts.

"While I'm not sure if it was a Ravenclaw lady, I did hear a voice and she only said one sentence."

Hermione sat on the floor, with a brief recollection in her eyes, and then said in a soft tone:

"Excellent wisdom is the greatest wealth."

"That's it?" After hearing Hermione's retelling, Ino suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

For a moment just now, he almost thought that a black swan event had occurred. He even thought of some plot points in the novel, such as the inheritance of Ravenclaw, the conspiracy hidden for thousands of years, etc...

But now it seems that this is more like a simple prompt, just like a Muggle game console. After opening it in the correct way, you will hear the power-on prompt.

But after relaxing, he turned his eyes to the girl next to him.

"Hermione, it's a bit stressful to tell you for a quarter of an hour. If you want to think with a crown in the future, it's best not to exceed ten minutes."

After careful consideration, Ino shortened the time.

"Yes!" Hermione nodded slightly, seeming to accept the proposal.

Seeing that Hermione didn't object or even argue, this made him feel a little strange. He always felt that something was missing in his impression.

However, Hermione's mind was not on the diadem at all at the moment.

The moment her shoulders were supported, she had been thinking about whether she should fall down inertly, just like what the girls in the dormitory said before, seize the opportunity accurately.

If she really fell down, how could she behave more naturally, instead of being discovered at a glance that she actually wanted to be hugged.

Thinking of this, Hermione suddenly fell into a state of hesitation and entanglement. As for what Ino was saying just now, she didn't care at all now.

But on the other side, Ino also noticed something strange. Hermione seemed to be under magic at the moment. Her eyes were a little blurred and her breathing seemed to be short. Under the candlelight, her whole body appeared in a state of being distracted.

"Hermione? How about I ask Curribo to take you back? Anyway, these potions are safe here."

No one is stupid, and Hermione's state is actually quite easy to guess.

But looking around, the slowly simmering cauldron, the slowly rising white smoke, plus one or two scattered books... made him feel like he was in a classroom.

"Potion? Oh yes, potion!" Hermione came back to her senses slightly after hearing the potion.

"I have to write them down now! I just had a new idea. The spleen of the bat can actually be replaced with lionfish spine powder, as well as sapweed and peppermint..."

As Hermione spoke, she also took out a thick notebook from her bag and began to record it without saying a word.

Time flies.

In ordinary years, different stories are always performed, either wonderful or sad.

Late November, the penultimate weekend.

On Friday, after the last Charms lesson, Harry walked out of the classroom tiredly.

Although after Ginny, Ron, and Hermione stood up last time, Cedric intervened again.

During this period of time, he did feel relaxed. After all, there were fewer fingers and rumors, and everything seemed to be developing for the better.

However, it seems that suffering always challenges people.

After the mental torture disappears, what follows is physical exercise.

To be honest, in the past, Harry would have been looking forward to the end of get out of class at the weekend the most.

But now, not only weekends, but even the end of the last class every day has become the time he least wants to face.

Because this means that he has to go outside the castle to practice magic with Mad Eye Moody.

He always felt vaguely uncomfortable when he thought about Moody's scarred face and that crazy eye.


Walking on the path outside the castle, Harry couldn't help but sigh.

He also knew that Moody was helping him. Although the method was a bit extreme, the effect was also very significant.

During this period of time, Harry clearly felt his progress. If he had another duel with Malfoy, he would be confident that he could dodge all the opponent's spells. After all, the skill Moody taught the most was dodge.

As the footsteps moved, the cabin where Moody lived was already far away.

It was another small, newly built round house not far from Hagrid's hut.

"Hurry up! You don't have time to waste!"

Outside the house, Moody saw a hesitant figure all the way away. This made him feel a little helpless, but he had to urge him.

On the other side, Harry heard the urging and subconsciously changed his original pace, becoming agile and erratic.

‘Dodge is the first step to becoming an Auror. No matter how powerful the magic is, as long as it cannot hit you, it is meaningless magic. ’

Harry recalled what Moody had said when they first met.

Outside the hut.

When Moody saw Harry's pace change, his scarred face finally showed a trace of relief.

"Come here, no dodging today! I'll teach you two magic tricks. I think Hagrid should have told you the content of the first project."

After hearing Hagrid's name, Harry turned his head slightly and looked at the hut next to him, but unfortunately there was no one there.

"Yes, Professor! Hagrid told me that the first round is a dragon fight."

"Very good! Now that you know, it's easy." Moody nodded slightly, and then turned the magic eye madly.

Just when Harry felt very uncomfortable, Moody slowly said:

"Facing a fire dragon, dodging alone is not enough! You also need to learn to hide and delay time..."

Listening to Moody's explanation, Harry did not express any opinions, but he disagreed in his heart.

He had been gritting his teeth and insisting on special training in order to prove himself, not to get away with it.

Although the content of the project is to fight the angry fire dragon as much as possible within the specified time, if you hide and run away blindly throughout the whole process, what does it matter if you can pass it.

Not to mention being looked down upon by others, the scores from five judges alone would not be that high.

Harry's expression changes naturally could not escape Moody's eyes, but the experienced retired Auror did not point it out.

In his opinion, the boy's unwillingness to accept was a good thing, proving that he still had energy, which should be enough to cope with the next training.

Thinking of this, Moody couldn't help but grin, and his scarred face became even more hideous.

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