The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 327 Fame and Price

In an empty classroom.

"Ms. Rita! You don't have to be so reserved, just relax! This is just an ordinary interview."

Ino looked at the annoying reporter in the original story and sighed for a moment.

She looked so arrogant in the story, but now she looked like a little girl who had just started school, with a face full of trepidation.

"Okay, sir! Please take a seat."

At the same time, after a short period of adaptation, Rita also slowly relaxed.

"Do I need to pay special attention to this interview?"

As she spoke, Rita pressed down the automatic writing feather pen.

"Nothing, just write whatever you want!" Ino shook his head slightly.

He didn't intend to interfere with other people's stories, let alone report illegal Animagus.

After all, a wonderful story is always gorgeous, not black and white.

Whether it is Rita or others, it is really understandable to play their roles well within some guidelines. Moreover, no matter in any story, black or gray is also indispensable.

With a short ‘click’ sound.

The four warriors also completed the last group photo, and Rita’s interview also came to an end.

Walk out of the classroom.

After a brief greeting with the other three, Ino went straight to the dormitory.

As the first person to complete the interview, he watched Rita’s performance throughout the whole process, and also witnessed the wonderful writing style of the gold medal reporter.

Although he witnessed everything, he did not stop it. This is just like Mr. Lovegood’s magazine - singing a different tune.

The magic world always needs some different arguments.

Back to the dormitory.

Ino glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside, 11:30 in the afternoon.

It was really strange. A wand test plus a group photo interview took two hours unknowingly.

But what was even more strange was that he didn’t feel anything before looking at the time, but after confirming the time, a faint sleepiness also appeared.

Since he was sleepy, he followed the feeling of his body, and a nap was always necessary.

Lying in bed, Ino was thinking about everything about tomorrow. Marcus and others had changed the original competition items through Bagman's relationship.

Even for the sake of viewing, the first dragon race changed from the original golden egg grabbing to a head-on battle within the specified time.

The items changed, and the warriors' state also changed, or Harry's state changed significantly.

Unlike the fake Moody's help, Harry now gives people a very different feeling, even walking, sitting and lying down, he is still alert.

Thoughts flew in his mind, and gradually Ino closed his eyes.

The dormitory also fell into an absolute tranquility.


Ino was taking a nap.

The Daily Prophet once again demonstrated their extreme work efficiency.

One hour before the end of the interview.

A special newspaper about the Triwizard Tournament was freshly published.

Although the entire newspaper is divided into only two eight-page pages, the content inside is as exciting as Lockhart's adventure novel.

The first page of the newspaper was an enlarged photo of the warriors, and below the photo was the Ministry of Magic's expectations for the Triwizard Tournament, as well as Minister Fudge's speech.

It seemed that everything was normal, but the second page was interesting,

such as: the boy crying alone in the dark in the Gryffindor dormitory; the charming French girl who lingered among various boys; the professional seeker with a dull expression who seemed to have been hit in the head by the Quaffle...

Especially Harry, as the fourth warrior, coupled with his fame in England, his attention can be imagined.

Although the content of the interview was not much, Rita's writing style could not resist, and all kinds of things were presented.

This also led to the fact that, except for the photo and the minister's speech on the first page, Harry dominated the remaining seven pages, occupying four pages alone.

With the help of the owl, the newspaper also entered Hogwarts as soon as possible.

The eighth floor of the castle.

The Gryffindor common room.

Harry put down the newspaper in his hand and read the contents above. He felt a burning and uncomfortable sense of shame in his heart.

He couldn't figure it out. His answers were all in line with the rules. How could the reporter Rita write so many disgusting long articles?

At this moment, even if he didn't look up, Harry could feel the strange eyes around him.

"Dude! Don't worry about it." Ron reached out and patted Harry on the shoulder.

"Believe me! This is the price of being famous, and Rita is still honest. She has kept herself clean."

Ron read the contents of the newspaper, but his focus was not on the gossip of the warriors, but on the way Rita described the article.

Because recently, I don't know where a fool jumped out and spent real money to buy the castle. Although a piece of news was only two karts, it also made him see a shortcut to make money.

It doesn't matter if there is no hot news. You can learn from Rita and make it up on the spot.

Although making groundless assumptions is risky, just like he did last year when he arranged for Hermione to be caught red-handed.

But today, under Rita's superb writing style, Ron also saw a new technique, which was to completely push all the things onto a fictitious person.

Just like what was said in the article, a Hufflepuff who did not want to reveal his name, a boy who had a crush on Harry...

Common room.

Harry didn't know what Ron was thinking, but he understood another sentence: fame has a price.

"I don't want to be famous! I just want to go to school quietly and play Quidditch occasionally, but no one has ever asked me how I feel..."

He looked at the newspaper, and the headlines and photos on it made him feel extremely dazzling at this moment.


The Daily Prophet was like a piece of firewood sprinkled with kerosene.

It made the already strong flames in the castle burn again.

Especially at night, in order to celebrate the first game tomorrow, Gryffindor even held a lively banquet.

In the colorful common room.

With the generous sponsorship of George and Fred, all kinds of candies and drinks were brought up for free.

Harry was surrounded by everyone, and in the face of everyone's enthusiastic blessings, he could only respond with a forced smile.

After the opening, Harry found the right opportunity to quietly leave the common room.

In the cheerful atmosphere, it seemed that no one noticed this.

But a few seconds after Harry left, Ginny also stood up and walked towards the portrait of the Fat Lady.

Xiaodi shared magic today:


It is a kind of fire line that can produce burning in the air. It can be drawn into a specific shape or form a word with a magic wand, and it will last for a period of time.

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