The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 343 Old Barty's memories, the resurrected Voldemort

8th floor, principal's office.

The walls are covered with portraits of past principals.

Each painting seems to be a miniature of a magic story.

They hang quietly in the room, sometimes telling their past legends and glory, sometimes pretending to sleep and snoring...

But no matter what, they are always unmoved by the wind and rain outside.

Just like this moment, all the portraits remain just right, and they look at the two people in the office curiously.


In the room.

A silver ribbon-like silk thread floats into the meditation basin.

After obtaining the consent of old Barty, Dumbledore also leaned down and checked the other party's past memories.

Time passed by minute by minute.

It seemed like a long time had passed.

When Dumbledore stood up again, his face was no longer as peaceful as before, and his expression became serious.

"He actually didn't care so much..."

Compared with Dumbledore's seriousness, old Barty's eyes flashed with a trace of fear and horror.

"He...really resurrected?"

The fragments in the memory almost overturned old Barty's cognition.

A person who was confirmed dead was resurrected through ritual magic... and he also contributed to this magic.

"Albus! This must be known to everyone! We must prepare in advance..."

Old Barty said anxiously, but he was interrupted by Dumbledore halfway through his words.

"Let me think about sit quietly for a while."

After Dumbledore finished speaking, the whole person fell into an almost ethereal state.

In the picture just remembered, Voldemort completed the resurrection ceremony through the blood that old Barty was forced to donate, the flesh that young Barty voluntarily donated, and the bones of his Muggle father...

"The Secret of Cutting-Edge Black Magic"

Dumbledore opened the drawer, and the magic book with a black cover lay safely inside.

As the headmaster of Hogwarts and a legendary wizard in the 20th century, Dumbledore understood Horcruxes, whether it was making or resurrection, and even the real use method, he had a detailed understanding.

Blood, flesh, bones... almost reshape a new body, inject the soul in the Horcrux, and complete the resurrection.

Dumbledore understood, but he believed that Voldemort should understand better.

Especially after suffering two losses from Harry, the choice of resurrection should be more inclined to Harry.

After all, only the same blood as Harry can confuse Lily's ancient guardian magic.

Otherwise, with Voldemort's character, he would never leave such obvious disadvantages, otherwise Harry would be his nemesis by nature.

However, after reading the memory of old Barty, Dumbledore felt that he must have missed something.

For a long time, he has been taking the plan of protecting Harry and waiting for the rabbit to come, which seems to have any effect.

"Why did he do this..." Dumbledore murmured to himself.

The memory of old Barty made him feel confused for a long time.


At the same time.

At the northernmost tip of England, 140 kilometers away from the coast.

In a lighthouse that has experienced vicissitudes of life, a voice as puzzled as Dumbledore sounded in an uninhabited island composed entirely of reefs.

"Master! I don't understand why you let him go. I have nothing to do with him anymore."

Little Barty felt a little ashamed. He could have killed Old Barty to eliminate the trouble forever, but in the end he chose to erase his memory.

All this made him subconsciously think that it was because of him that Old Barty was able to survive.

Thinking of this, Little Barty looked more respectful.


In front of Little Barty, there sat a man with a distorted and pale face, like a terrifying incarnation that had been corroded by darkness and curses for a long time.

The scarlet eyes, revealing cruelty and killing, the flat nose like a snake, and the cold and weird smile at the corner of the mouth always made people shudder.

"Little Barty! My child..."

The elegant London accent sounded, Voldemort first looked at the tea on the table, and then turned his eyes to Little Barty's broken palm.

Hearing the call, Little Barty, who was standing aside, instantly crawled at Voldemort's feet.

"I thought everything was broken, but then I found out...beyond the brokenness, there is real integrity!"

Voldemort reached out his hand and patted Barty's messy hair like he was petting a pet.

"Master?" Barty looked up in confusion.

"Shh!" Voldemort stretched out his finger and made a silencing gesture.

"Very interesting! But I think my dear professor is still in the dark."

It seemed that he really thought of something interesting, and Voldemort laughed like a night owl.

Although this laughter was frightening, if you listened carefully, there was also a bit of reminiscence in the voice.


Just like Dumbledore understood Horcruxes and dark magic.

As a powerful wizard, Voldemort also knew a lot of secrets of magic.

After more than half a century of travel, he has seen too many magic and ancient alchemical items, whether it is the ruins of ancient Egypt or the old sites of Mesopotamia...

What he saw and heard, from the small things like the spyglass and the sketching quill pen to the big things like the time converter, the relics of the four founders, and even the Philosopher's Stone that he caught a glimpse of, all made him feel a little incomplete.

However, only in the summer three years ago.

In the corridor of Hogwarts, attached to Quirrell, he saw something very different. The timid Slytherin freshman took out a dice from his pocket...

I thought it was just a child's alchemical toy, but when the other party held the dice in his hand, he felt a natural completeness from it.


A complete alchemical item, this is unprecedented.

Because no matter how useless something is, as long as it is complete, there must be complete magic and complete rules behind it.

Thinking of this, Voldemort's scarlet eyes revealed a trace of regret.

If he hadn't expected the Philosopher's Stone at the beginning, if he hadn't been in Hogwarts and couldn't get out...

Due to various factors, he missed the best opportunity.

Now, thanks to the prophet's daily report, he also learned that the once timid student has grown rapidly to an outrageous situation.

Involuntarily, some pictures also emerged in Voldemort's mind, which were the contents of the so-called film and television mirror.

The blue phoenix like Liefuo, the orange-red normal phoenix, the twenty-foot whale patronus that can carry wizards to fly...

And the latest report, the Triwizard Tournament, the figure under the ice and snow.



With the flying thoughts, gradually returned to the present.

Voldemort glanced at Little Barty beside him. He trusted this servant, but he didn't intend to tell him his plan.

Some things can only be truly confused by the few people who know them, and make the wise professors in the castle make wrong judgments.

"Harry Pott..."

Under the unique tone, Harry's name once again echoed in the weathered lighthouse.

At the same time.

After hearing this name, Little Barty also showed hatred in his eyes.

There is no doubt that he knew the master's plan, and Harry Potter must be the first target.

Sitting in the chair, Voldemort could easily see Little Barty's expression.

Sensing the servant's hateful eyes, he raised a strange smile at the corner of his mouth.

"My child! Now you can go back and continue to contact that student, let him stand firmly on our side, it may have unexpected effects at critical moments..."

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