The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 356 Final instructions, final punishment

The fierce battle in the sky continues.

But neither Professor McGonagall nor Moody on the ground, even though they were holding wands, didn't know how to help.

This is a kind of helplessness, and it is also a kind of sadness.

At this moment, Moody, who was on the ground, suddenly heard countless soft sounds around him, and then many people appeared around him out of thin air.

Obviously, Moody's previous request for help took effect at this moment.

The Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, led by a dozen Aurors and an equally large number of strikers, rushed over immediately.

Amelia Bones, the current director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement after Barty Crouch Sr., is also a fierce female director.

In fact, just now, after receiving Moody's summons, she decisively summoned members of the Auror Office and the Legal Enforcement Team (Strike Squad), which embodies the true power of the Ministry of Magic.

Although there might be a misunderstanding, she chose to trust this retired old Auror.

And before coming, she was even prepared to sacrifice, even in the face of death, to avenge her parents and younger brother.

But when she actually came to Hogsmeade, Emilia found that everything was easy.

There were blizzards flying all over the sky, an endless sea of ​​white insects, continuous explosions, and even black clouds that shrouded the sky, making people feel a little scared just by looking at them.

They can't get involved in this kind of battle.

Amelia was a little depressed, but regained her confidence in an instant, and arranged for her entourage to arrange alchemy props in Hogsmeade - disapparition is prohibited.

This time, she would make it impossible for the Dark Lord to retreat.

In the sky.

After the ice and snow magic formed a closed loop, Ino did not relax at all.

He was still releasing Shen Feng Wuying non-stop, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that he had no intention of giving Voldemort any chance to breathe.

Use your power to oppress others openly and openly.

This was a conspiracy, and he calculated on Voldemort's pride. Unless the other party completely loses his reputation and runs away in front of everyone, he can only accept it honestly.

In the white sea of ​​insects.

Voldemort felt a sense of helplessness.

But it was just a hint of helplessness. Although he seemed to be overwhelmed at the moment, in fact, he didn't feel any panic in his heart.

Because neither the attacks from the undead mountain people in the sky, nor the sea of ​​insects, nor the ice arrows actually caused any damage to him.

All attacks were firmly blocked by the iron armor curse one foot in front of him, without even causing a ripple.

That is to say, the frequent arrival of Shen Feng Wuying made him feel a little wary, but the so-called wariness only caused the Iron Armor Curse to make a harsh sound like metal tearing.

But facing this endless attack, Voldemort was already a little agitated.

Although he didn't know when Dumbledore would arrive, he didn't want to wait any longer.

Likewise, he also felt a trace of regret. To demonstrate power, it seems that the Death Curse should not be used.

Floating in mid-air, Voldemort looked around and saw a white expanse.

Facing the world of ice and snow, he waved his magic wand decisively:

"Fiend fyre!"

Different from the previous magic, this time the spell was very soft, but there was an unmistakable tone in the soft voice.

Voldemort used fierce fire.

In the vast and white world.

A small handful of hot and bright flames suddenly rose up, as if depicting an evil mandala flower on a pure canvas.

Although it was only a small flame at first, it was so small that it could almost be ignored, but as long as someone looked at it, they could feel the power of swallowing everything.


The weak flame looked like an ancient behemoth awakening.

Its slow, determined stretch spread, each beat accompanied by a distortion of the surrounding air and a surge of heat.

When the white insect sea came into contact with the flame, the tiny flame showed greed that was inconsistent with its size.

The Billywig bug that blocks the sky and the sun, the countless ice arrows that shoot out, and even the shadowless Shenfeng Wuying...

Everything seems so fragile in front of the flame, as if it is just a toy for its entertainment, and it will turn into nothing with the slightest touch.

In fact, it is better to say that it was swallowed up than it was reduced to nothing.

Because in just ten seconds, the flames that were only two inches just now had transformed into the shape of a three-headed runic snake twenty feet tall.

If it was just the senses just now, then the flame is really like an awakened ancient beast. Two stories high, the brightly colored body is like lava surging in the depths of hell.

The formed three-headed runic snake adopts an almost provocative attitude, slowly opening its huge mouth and spraying flames like a sea of ​​insects.

Wherever these flames went, they quickly grew into another runic snake, spreading rapidly in the sky like a fission virus.

In an instant, the originally dead and pale world was split into two.

On one side is a blizzard with howling winds, and on the other side is magma burning like hell.

Hogsmeade sky.

After the Calendar Fire Mimic took shape, Ino restrained the Billywig swarm and stopped all attacks.

The two of them just floated in mid-air, staring at each other quietly. For a while, no one spoke first.

Voldemort seemed to be hesitating his words, while Ino was accumulating magic power.

The once amber eyes and short dark hair gradually transformed into azure.

"Run! Quick! Everyone!"

On the ground, Moody shouted almost hysterically.

But soon he froze in place again, looking at Amelia with a very complicated look!

The whole Hogsmeade was banned from Apparition.

"Run, run as far as you can, now!"

Mad-Eye Moody, the retired Auror, looked down at his prosthesis, then held the wand tightly and walked alone in the direction of Voldemort.

In the ice and snow, Moody was alone, limping forward.

A moment.

Amelia, who reacted, also blamed herself, she somewhat understood that she was reckless.

But the alchemical props had been set up and could not be removed for a while.

"Listen to Moody, you retreat, try to take more people with you! Especially those children!"

Amelia closed her eyes in pain, and after issuing the last order, she also followed Moody's pace.

At this moment, many people chose to obey the order and ran away; but a considerable number of people chose to follow their director and complete their mission -

The Department of Magical Law Enforcement aims to maintain the stability of the wizarding world.

The rest of the people, holding their wands tightly, walked towards Voldemort without saying a word.

On the path leading to Hogwarts, Flitwick and Madam Maxime also felt something and looked at Hogsmeade in horror.

Perhaps ordinary wizards did not notice anything, but the two of them really felt that the magic that was almost extinct was brewing. Just looking at each other from a distance, there was a feeling of extinction.

In this situation, they could not protect themselves, let alone these young wizards who had not graduated.

Thinking of this, Professor Flitwick had already jumped off the broom.

He handed the only flying tool to the two young wizards who had sneaked out, two first-year Ravenclaw girls.

Two people riding on a broom together may be dangerous, but no one cares about it now.

"Remember my words, don't break the school rules again when you go back! Also! You two will have to add three inches to your Charms homework for the Christmas holidays!"

Looking at the students slowly rising into the air, Professor Flitwick gave his final instructions and the final punishment.

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