The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 368 Golden Meteor, Hogwarts Topic

If you ask what magic is.

I think no one really knows the answer.

But if you ask what magic can do, the answer must be varied.

Maybe the transformation that comes true, maybe the world travels around the world, or riding a broom to fly freely...

However, no matter what the answer is, there is no resurrection.

Hogwarts Hall.

Students from Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and Hogwarts gathered together.

The dinner started, and it should have been noisy, but in fact the hall was silent.

Hermione Granger's ghost, under the gaze of everyone, suddenly turned golden, and the dazzling golden halo was like a rising sun, covering the candles floating in the hall.

Under the illumination of this light, everyone felt a kind of joy from the heart, but as Hermione's figure disappeared in the distant night sky, the silence of the hall was suddenly broken.

The ghost changed color and flew away. Not only the young wizard, but even many older professors had never seen it. The guests in the main guest seat had different expressions.

Professor McGonagall covered her mouth and sobbed quietly, Professor Flitwick was thoughtful, and Snape and Dumbledore looked up at the sky as if they were real...

Professors were like this, not to mention the young wizard. Some people who were not familiar with Hermione evaluated and discussed objectively, while familiar friends, such as Ginny, burst into tears...

Because she had heard the words of Nico, who was almost headless next to her, she probably wouldn't even see Hermione as a ghost in the future.

"This is a good thing!" Nico floated in the air, using an almost envious tone, and said:

"She is very brave, she went on... Even if she was only a ghost for a week! She is very brave, she went on..."

As the resident ghost of Gryffindor, Nico has hundreds of years of experience. Although he has not seen some things, he has at least heard of them.

The disappearance of ghosts is always because of the people who stop by, who let go of their reluctance and find the courage to go on.

What almost no one knows, other ghosts also know. With the explanation of many ghosts in the castle, many people also silently sent blessings to Hermione at the first time.

It is conceivable that even after many years, there will still be people who remember what happened today and talk about it with relish.

Stories seem to start with people spreading and talking about them with relish.

The night in the Scottish Highlands is beautiful.

Everything is silent, except for the stars.

Just like a lost gem, inlaid in the deep sky.

Hermione didn't know how long she had been flying, but the once majestic castle became smaller and smaller in her eyes.

At first, she could still see the outline of the entire castle, but now she could only see the last orange light on the ground.

Probably, it was also the light and shadow of the fireplace and candlelight, projected through the windows. It was also like the little fireflies on the ground, echoing with the stars in the night sky.

Thinking of the stars, Hermione raised her head again. For the first time, she clearly discovered that the stars that she had seen in astronomy class and were out of reach seemed to be within reach this time.

In the sky, Hermione didn't know how long she had been flying. Just when she felt bored, a star suddenly emitted a dazzling fluorescence, and she closed her eyes in a trance.

On the coast, away from the hustle and bustle, three miles away from the bustling docks and the city with dim lights, there is a quiet and simple fishing village.

As the morning light broke, the fishermen went out to sea, which made the fishing village a little cold. Only children and the elderly were left in the whole village.

The periphery of the village.

A simple cottage carved by time stood quietly, as if it was a corner forgotten by time.

The sun shone through the sparse clouds and sprinkled in this empty room, adding a touch of warm color to the tranquility.

In the room, light and shadow interweave, forming a picture of light and shadow, which makes people slow down and immerse themselves in the tranquility.

The furnishings in the house are simple and tidy, and several old furniture are quietly placed, telling stories of the past.

An old wooden table, although the surface is worn, is still solid, as if it can bear the weight of time; a few bamboo chairs, light and practical, there are no other items.

But today, the empty room has another furnishing that does not match the surrounding decoration.

An ice-blue, crystal-like coffin is quietly placed in the center of the house.

Next to the coffin, Ino took a golden apple and gently placed it on Hermione's chest.

The moment the golden apple touched Hermione, it slowly melted like liquid, giving the entire coffin a faint golden halo.

In a corner of the room, middle-aged Hans sat on a bamboo chair, half-squinting his eyes and looking at the window.

This is a half-open window, facing the boundless sea. The sea breeze blows through the room, bringing a hint of salty and fresh air.

Outside the window is the familiar sea.

At this moment, in the empty room.

Only the sound of the sea breeze and waves accompanies people, making them feel an unprecedented tranquility and peace.

Suddenly, a faint voice sounded in the coffin:

"I want to drink honey lemonade..."

Hermione slowly opened her eyes, and the bright starlight just now made her eyes sore.

After a short period of adaptation, she saw the face deep in her memory.


As Hermione opened her eyes, the middle-aged Hans' half-closed eyes suddenly opened.

Then he stood up leisurely and walked towards the sea, as if leaving room for the two to talk.


Half an hour later.

In the empty room.

Hermione held a cup of light yellow honey lemonade, and looked around curiously.

Although everything here was simple, the real touch from her body made her feel extremely satisfied.

A moment.

As the whole cup of honey lemonade was finished, Hermione slowly put down the cup in her hand.

"Is this the other world you mentioned?"

"Yes!" Ino nodded with emotion: "A world of miracles..."

Hermione's resurrection made him sigh from the bottom of his heart. The ultimate problem that troubled the magic world - resurrection from the dead, was simply solved with a swallow bringing a golden apple.

It's really not an exaggeration to call it a miracle.

"It's a miracle!" Hermione said with deep sympathy. At present, no one understood the pain of being a ghost better than her.

If the first two days were just a novelty, the rest of the time was an endless torment.

Wandering around the castle every day, he was like an outsider, watching the hustle and bustle of the castle.

But... no matter how you look at it, the hustle and bustle is always the living, and the ghosts only have the loneliness of death.

It was hard for Hermione to imagine what the ghosts who had been wandering in the castle for hundreds or even thousands of years, like they were almost headless, were experiencing.

Thinking of this, out of empathy, Hermione asked tentatively again:

"Ino, those ghosts..."

"Nothing can be done!" When he saw Hermione's expression, he knew what the girl wanted to say.

"Rules exist universally, miracles are just accidental specialities, not universal..."

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