The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 370 The Animal World, the Ugly Duckling and Miss Sea Otter

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so surprised, Miss Sea Otter!"

In the air, the voice of the swift was as clear as ever.

Hermione sat on the flying carpet, looking at the two silver-gray little paws, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

She knew sea otters and had seen them at the London Oceanarium. Although she liked this cute little animal very much, it didn't mean that she was willing to become a sea otter.

If she really wanted to become an animal...Hermione's eyes turned to the elegant and pure white swans on the river.

"It's okay! This should only be temporary!" Ino flapped his wings and flew to Hermione, and gently pecked the little head of the sea otter with the long beak of the swan.

A touch came, and Hermione raised her little head 45 degrees.

Pure black eyes, silver-gray hair, and two paws that had nowhere to go, look really cute.

"If you can, you should complete the instructions, that is, the little cloth point below!"

A crisp voice sounded, and the swift also flew over.

Following the other person's line of sight, Ino saw the scenery hidden on the river surface.


It seems that animals are also divided into different levels.

In the middle of the river, there is a group of elegant swans, and not far from the river, in a place full of burdocks, there is a group of ducks playing in the water.

At a glance, there are no less than dozens of them.

And on the periphery of this group of ducks, there is a small group that is like a yellow croaker, slithering along the edge, not daring to approach the ducks in the middle.

The leader of this group of ducks on the periphery is an adult duck with a green head and neck and brown feathers on the back. It is obviously the mother duck.

And behind it is a group of black and gray ducklings.

Of course, behind these ducklings, there is also a figure of a nearly adult duck. Although it is large in size, its fur color is almost gray and white down feathers. At first glance, it looks like an overnourished child.

"Look, this is what the world looks like!" said the mother duck.

"But I have to remind you that if any of you meet Mrs. Reese in the middle, you must bow your head. She is the most famous person in our place. She has a red cloth tied on her leg, which is also the greatest honor a duck can get..."

Faced with the mother's instructions, all the ducklings nodded in response, including the last larger duckling.

It seemed that the ducklings' responses were a bit noisy, which attracted other ducks.

"Look! Another group of guests looking for food has come! Bah, this duck is so ugly!"

A half-grown young duck pecked the duckling hard.

And this seemed to be a signal, and other ducks also began their own actions, either pecking or cruising around, using language to ridicule.

"Please leave her alone, she doesn't hurt anyone!" The mother duck could only stand in front.

Although she tried to explain, there were too many ducks around watching the fun.

"But she's too ugly... She's the ugly duckling..."

"She's different from us, that's her fault..."

"She's so rough, she has to be beaten..."

The ugly duckling hid behind her mother, listening blankly to the ridicule around her, feeling the pain from time to time, she couldn't figure out what she had done wrong.

After crawling out of the eggshell, she was beaten, excluded, and ridiculed everywhere...

The ugly duckling fell into deep self-blame and doubt, she really didn't know what she had done wrong to be treated like this.

Is it really as they say, being different from them is wrong?

Facing accusations and attacks, the ugly duckling hid its head under its wings and floated quietly on the water without moving.


"Enough! You really have enough!" An angry voice sounded.

All the ducks, including the ugly duckling and the mother duck, couldn't help but look at the other side of the river.

A silver-gray sea otter appeared on the water.

A foot and a half in size might be small, but for ducks, it was a behemoth, at least two or three times bigger than them.

Hermione was very angry.

She had read the story of the ugly duckling, but she could not imagine that the bullying described lightly in the book would be like this in reality.

Looking at the confused ugly duckling, she seemed to see her former self.

When she first entered Hogwarts, she also encountered almost the same exclusion. And the reason was also ridiculous, just because she was different from others.

She liked to study, liked to get extra points, liked to answer the professor's questions...

"In my opinion, the ugly duckling is more beautiful than all of you put together..."

Hermione's voice rang out on the river. Unlike the fear of other ducks, the ugly duckling's eyes flashed with unprecedented brilliance.

Seeing the ugly duckling's expression, Hermione's mouth curved slightly. She has now brought herself into Ino, and the ugly duckling is her former self.

Similarly, she also found the answer.

Probably, in front of the library, it was just like now.

From that moment on, unconsciously, the former Mr. Liar quietly turned into Ino.


In the sky.

After Hermione jumped into the water with a "splash", Ino had been quietly looking at the river.

"You saw it too! The fact is that the little swan is always bullied. This is not the first time."

While speaking, the swift glided in circles. After all, although the swallow flies fast, it is difficult for it to stay in the air.

"Leave the rest to me... No! Leave it to Miss Otter. No one can do better than her..."

Ino turned his head and said calmly.

‘Everything is meaningless, but everything has its meaning…’

Ino couldn’t help but think of what teacher Hans had said.

At that moment, he also understood why he would come from afar to take care of a little swan.

This should be teacher Hans’ compensation for Hermione. Perhaps from the moment of the golden apple, the compensation had already begun.

Although he didn’t believe that teacher Hans would hurt innocent people, whether emotionally or rationally.

But the accident had already happened, and it was impossible to say that there was no grudge in his heart.

Just like the young Grimm brothers, they were obviously kind, but they really pitted him.

If the ending of the story had not been written by Grimm long ago, Ino estimated that he would not have survived the self-immolation of the tower.

Under the clear blue sky, a black swan flew in the air.

He looked quietly at the river, where a sea otter and a group of ducks were quarreling.

Soon, the scene changed again.

The sea otter may not have quarreled with the other party, or she is no longer satisfied with quarreling.

She waved her little paws and rushed towards the ducks, and began to express her attitude with actions.

Although Hermione has an advantage in size, she has to protect the ugly duckling behind her and deal with a large number of ducks.

Most importantly, she has not been completely familiar with her sea otter body.

Gradually, Hermione fell into a disadvantage.

Once, twice, three times... She was pecked by ducks continuously, but the courage of Gryffindor was revealed.

Little by little, the sea otter seemed to have the prototype of a lion. The young lioness hunted for the first time on the grassland and faced the first battle of the hyena group...

However, being alone is always alone.

As more and more ducks joined, Hermione seemed to be exhausted.

At this moment, Ino knew that it was time for him to enter the scene.

The three-foot black swan flapped its wings, and the dark feathers glowed in the sun, a colorful black.

Yes, it is colorful, just like a crow. Animal vision is always different from that of humans.

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