The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 388 Thunder! Blocked Hogwarts

As the valley enters night.

After Ino left a note on the bar table, he took Hermione and left the tavern.

It also allows the Brothers Grimm to have a good sleep.

I opened the pub early in the morning, chatted and reminisced, and returned to the dormitory at almost noon.

During the weekend, in his spare time, Ino also planned to go to Hogsmeade.

Since you have decided to build a house in the valley, some daily necessities are indispensable.

Not only that, he also planned to order some herbal seeds on this trip to cover the bare land.

However, after walking out of the dormitory, the atmosphere in the common room made Ino stop.

Not weird, but a little too noisy.

You must know that this is the weekend, and students in third grade and above will go to Hogsmeade to visit.

Even if I don’t buy anything, I will go and change my horizons.

In fact, this aspect is somewhat similar to Muggle boarding schools. Although they are only separated by a wall, the scenery outside the school is more beautiful than the school.

Even if you just stand outside the school in a daze, the air is free.

But today...

Ino secretly looked at the surrounding situation. Good guy, this huge common room is almost overcrowded.

"Ino, this way!" Draco stood up and waved from the corner of the lounge.

At the same time, Gower consciously gave up his position and stood aside silently.

Upon hearing the call, Ino walked over and gave Gore a kind smile, while the latter rubbed his head honestly.

"What's going on?" After sitting down, Ino asked curiously.

The current situation really left him a little confused.

"Something big happened!" Draco said mysteriously:

"Do you remember the news a few days ago? What's the name of that potion master..."

"Damocles Belby!" Seeing that Draco couldn't name him, Ino answered decisively for him.

"Yes! That's him!" Draco nodded heavily, and then said with a look of amazement:

"The newspapers said he was missing, but it turned out that he was abducted by werewolves..."

Draco probably also knew how to tell stories. In the ups and downs of his tone, Ino gradually understood what was going on.

This morning, when he was entertaining the Brothers Grimm, a werewolf raided the herbal shop in Diagon Alley, not only injuring several people, but also robbed a large amount of herbs before the Ministry of Magic arrived.

Werewolves openly robbed and injured wizards, something that had not happened in the entire magical world for hundreds of years. You can imagine the sensation it caused.

And this was not over yet. Following the Auror pursuit afterwards, although the lost herbs were not recovered, several werewolves involved were also captured.

Following the subsequent interrogation, a shocking piece of news emerged.

The previously missing potion master Damocles Belby was also kidnapped by a werewolf, and under the control of the Imperius Curse, he made wolfsbane potion day and night.

Of course, this news is not too shocking.

What really shocked England and the entire wizarding world was that werewolves began to convert Muggles.

You know, wolfsbane (ie "wolf disease") is mainly spread through contact with saliva and blood.

Werewolves uncontrollably transform into wolves on full moon nights. After transformation, they are significantly different from ordinary wolves, such as being able to walk upright. However, this does not mean that they will continue to spread wolfsbane before or after their transformation.

In other words, it must be under the full moon, when the werewolf is in the transformed wolf state, and it is transmitted through the contact of saliva and blood. These two conditions must be met at the same time to turn the bitten person into a werewolf.

But werewolves under the full moon are irrational. If a wizard encounters a werewolf, he may still have the ability to protect himself. However, when a Muggle encounters a werewolf, there is almost no chance of survival.

This is why more than 99% of existing werewolves were transformed by wizards.

But it's different now.

The retaliation some time ago caused the werewolves to gather and burst out with powerful power.

Probably out of concern for Voldemort, the Ministry of Magic's approach was very ambiguous, choosing only to suppress and deal with the aftermath rather than sending out strikers to conquer and exterminate.

The soft methods of the Ministry of Magic, combined with the fact that werewolves have been discriminated against for a long time.

Various factors made them arrogant when they succeeded, and gave rise to an unprecedented ambition - to expand their numbers.

Compared to wizards, who are few in number and difficult to control, werewolves focus on Muggles who can be seen everywhere.

Thanks to the secrecy law, these transformed werewolves can also be easily persuaded by brainwashing. Moreover, many of the transformed Muggles are people with unsatisfactory lives.

The wisdom of werewolves must be mentioned here. The Muggles they choose are not those who have successful careers and happy lives.

The werewolves just chose some Muggles whose lives were unsatisfactory, even homeless people, drug addicts and the like.

Sufficient poisonous wolf potion allows the werewolf to remain rational after transformation, and a rational werewolf can achieve the transformation of only being injured but not dying.

Pandora's box was quietly opened.

Although werewolves transformed by Muggles cannot use magic like wizard werewolves.

But their strong physiques and thermal weapons and firearms make them not afraid of any ordinary wizards at all.

Just like the Diagon Alley attack, hundreds of guns and cannons, led by the wizard Werewolf, directly swept away the stationed Auror team.

"Something really happened! It is said that there are more than 2,000 werewolves hiding in London alone. This does not include other regions and other countries..."

Although he had already known the news, Draco was always shocked every time he repeated it.

How many wizards are there in the whole of England... Besides, these werewolves are like goblins in breeding season, with a considerable number of new additions every day.

Draco was shocked, and so was Ino.

He could never have imagined the current situation, and the situation would become like this if he didn't pay attention.

"Yes! Something really happened..." Ino repeated with the same sigh.

One variable triggers countless variables.

The biggest variable in the werewolf incident is Voldemort. Considering the dark devil, the Ministry of Magic did not clear it up like thunder...

But now it's too late to say anything, the closed loop has been formed, even if Voldemort comes out, he may not be able to suppress the werewolves.

Wizards may be afraid of the Dark Lord, but Muggles are not afraid of him. Hot weapons plus werewolf physique... Full moon also has a transformation bonus.

In an instant, Ino had a premonition that there would probably be no peace in the future. Now that Hogwarts is under blockade protection, it can be seen that the Ministry of Magic can't suppress it.

As for the Muggle government, it is still unknown how long it can suppress the situation.

"Ino, what should we do?" Draco asked in a low voice.

However, he regretted asking this question after he asked it. He shouldn't have asked this question in the common room.

Even though his voice was low enough, the whole common room became silent when he finished speaking.

Everyone was looking over here, or to be more precise, everyone was looking at Ino.

Slytherin may be paranoid, but rarely stupid. I'm afraid Goyle can guess how serious the situation is now.

On the sofa, Ino looked at a pair of worried or frightened eyes, and there was no good solution for a while.

He was not afraid of Voldemort, not afraid of single enemies, but facing werewolves like the biochemical crisis, there was really no way.

Moreover, without transforming, these werewolves were hiding in the huge Muggle world, just like throwing stones in the sea, and they could not be found at all.

He thought so, but he knew he had to say something now. Although there were only Slytherins here, these students represented a huge group of pure-blood and mixed-blood wizards.

"If possible, I suggest that they move to Hogsmeade, where wizards gather together, and it is close to Hogwarts, so they can take care of each other."

Ino said this to Draco, but when he finished speaking, many impatient Slytherins had stood up, obviously to pass on the message.

In about a quarter of an hour, the Slytherins walked out of the common room in groups holding owls, after all, they could not be released underground in the castle.

Such a grand occasion naturally attracted the curiosity of the other three colleges. After a series of inquiries and exchanges.

Including Owl Peng, countless owls flew out of the castle.

Xiaodi's sharing today: Werewolves

British Magic Department classification level: xxxxx

Werewolves are generally discriminated against in the magical world. Compared with Muggles, wizards often participate in hunting or studying this creature, so the probability of being attacked by werewolves is higher.

The British Ministry of Magic's policy towards werewolves has always been chaotic and inefficient, and its management has been wavering between the "Beast" and "Humanoid" departments of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. The Werewolf Registry and the Werewolf Capture Team both belong to the Beast Department, but the Ministry of Magic also established the Werewolf Support Service Office in the Humanoid Department (no one came and it was eventually closed).

In 1637, the British Ministry of Magic once established a set of werewolf management regulations, requiring werewolves to sign a guarantee that they would not attack anyone and would lock themselves up safely once a month. But in fact no one would admit that they were werewolves. The Werewolf Registry later faced such a problem. Many newly bitten werewolves would conceal their own situation to avoid discrimination, humiliation and exile.

In the second half of the 20th century, several potions were invented to alleviate the effects of werewolves during transformation, the most effective of which was wolfsbane potion.

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