The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 410 New Journey

Time flies.

Miracles, witnessed by time, are no longer fleeting fireworks, but become eternal memories and inheritance.

Three days have passed since Halloween.

But these three short days have refreshed the cognition of all wizards in England and even the world.

Yes, all wizards.

Perhaps it was due to the traditional style of England, or for some other reason.

This time, the pure-blood wizards in the British Isles united together to make video mirrors.

Then they sold them cheaply regardless of the cost.

As for the content in the video mirror, it was the battle in Pilton Village and the gorgeous fireworks at the end.

Thanks to the madness of the pure-bloods, not only the whole of Europe, but also the United States across the ocean, and even Wagadu in Africa thousands of miles away, saw the content of the battle.

Anthropomorphic house furniture, the killing curse turned into fireworks, the Dark Lord turned into candy rain...

All of this, while refreshing people's cognition, also caused widespread discussion.

This made many prestigious scholars join in, and they began to discuss spells and transfiguration again.

Some people even proposed to redefine the Unforgivable Curses and kick the Killing Curse out of the list.

The Killing Curse used to be because there was no counter-curse, but now anyone with a discerning eye can see that Voldemort's thunder-like attack in the film and television mirror is like a joke, as if it is naturally restrained.

However, as soon as this proposal came out, it was drowned in countless criticisms and disappeared from then on.

After all, this kind of black magic that requires strong killing intent is also particularly erosive to the mind.

Especially after seeing Voldemort's crazy appearance in the picture, no one would agree to relax this restriction.


The public opinion outside is continuing to ferment.

As the person involved, Ino came to Professor McGonagall's office again after receiving the invitation.

"Professor, I'm sorry, although it is a purely academic discussion, I plan to travel in the future. If possible, I will definitely participate when I come back from my trip."

Ino sat on the chair and said with some regret. In his hand was a letter like an invitation, and the content inside was an invitation to participate in an academic discussion on high-end transformation magic.

"Okay, I respect your choice." Professor McGonagall nodded seriously.

Soon, she seemed to remember something and asked hesitantly:

"You don't want to drop out of school, do you?"

"Also drop out of school?" Hearing this, Ino was a little stunned.

To be honest, he had this plan. After all, the present is different from the past, and there is really not much to learn from the current courses.

Moreover, the most important point is that he doesn't like the current atmosphere.

The almost fanatical worship and the sense of distance with obvious awe can be seen everywhere in the castle.

In the face of this situation, only time can heal.


"So, I guessed right?" Professor McGonagall sighed lightly. Although she didn't hear the answer, the other party's expression had already explained everything.

"Well, anyway, you can't learn anything."

Professor McGonagall's tone was a little lonely, but there was also a hint of relief.

In a trance, she seemed to see the scene a few years ago again. It was also in this office that a second-year wizard asked seriously how to learn Animagus.

On the other side, feeling the sadness in Professor McGonagall's tone, Ino immediately said half-jokingly:

"Professor, I just took a leave of absence to travel, why do I feel like I'm parting forever! Besides, I will come back in the future, maybe we can become colleagues."

"Hahaha, good!" After reacting, Professor McGonagall was also amused by her own sadness just now.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, with Ino's level, it is almost certain that he will become a professor at Hogwarts in the future.

Thinking of this, Professor McGonagall also joked:

"When you come back, maybe I will be the principal. At that time, the assessment of professors will be very strict. Some liars, drunkards and the like will not want to enter Hogwarts."

But Ino agreed with this joke.

"Yes! You must be the principal."

Although he was accepted by the castle and his name was recorded in the list of principals in the admission book, he did not intend to take over after Dumbledore.

Hogwarts will always owe Professor McGonagall a principal.


Half an hour later.

Everything was settled.

Ino took a parchment signed to agree to drop out of school and quietly left the Transfiguration Office.

Walking on the road, he felt a little guilty. The busy world made him ignore Neville.

From the conversation just now, it was Neville who dropped out of school.

The fat boy who used to cry alone behind the greenhouse finally showed his courage and perseverance.

Although many people say that they don't care about the so-called academic and grades, the last student who dropped out of Hogwarts can be traced back to more than half a century ago, a well-known master of magical zoology.

It can be seen that Neville took the initiative to ask for a dropout, and courage and decisiveness are indispensable.

But it is precisely because of this that Ino felt a little guilty, especially after listening to the reason why Neville dropped out of school.

Once, at the dinner party at Malfoy Manor, he made a promise.

Now it is time to fulfill the promise, although it is a little late.


St. Mungo's Hospital.

Founded by Mungo Bohan in the late sixteenth century.

As the only magical hospital in England, almost all the patients admitted here are difficult to cure.

The hospital is divided into six floors. In addition to the visitor tea room and shop on the top floor, the remaining five floors are divided according to the degree of injury.

Accidents with objects, biological injuries, strange bacteria, drug and plant poisoning, and five-layer spell injuries.

After coming to St. Mungo's Hospital for the first time and stating his purpose, Ino met Neville, who had not been seen for a long time, under the guidance of an enthusiastic medical staff.


In a separate ward.

The Longbottom couple sat on the bed with a dull look on their faces. If it weren't for the slightly shaking fingers, it would be easy to be mistaken for being petrified.

"Ino? What's wrong?"

Neville's tone was full of uneasiness and caution, fearing that he would hear a bad answer in the next second.

"Don't worry! My friend." Ino reached out and patted Neville's shoulder gently.

It was magical. As soon as the shoulder and palm touched, Neville suddenly felt that all his worries disappeared.

Disappeared abruptly and inexplicably.

"They just fell asleep! I'll wake them up now."

As he spoke, Ino opened his umbrella.

Perhaps, he could do nothing about resurrection. But for the pain of the heart and soul caused by the Cruciatus Curse, dreams are the best cure.

As the umbrella opened, a strange wave spread throughout St. Mungo's Hospital.

First floor, second floor, third floor...

Many seriously injured and unconscious patients quietly opened their eyes.


In the valley.

Ino picked up the long-lost suitcase again. Unlike before, he had more equipment this time.

A black and blue top hat, a two-foot umbrella, and a ring inlaid with a bright red gem on the ring finger of his left hand.

Xiaodi's sharing today: St. Mungo's Hospital

Founder and time: Founded by Mungo Bonham in the late sixteenth or early seventeenth century.

Location: Located in London, England, hidden inside the Purge and Dowse department store, Muggles (non-wizards) cannot see or enter directly.

Hospital logo: A bone and a wand crossed.

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