The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 424 Peaceful Years, the Population of the Weasley Family

Mechanical Magic Office.

After chatting for more than an hour, Professor McGonagall left, but she had a little more smile on her face when she left.

As the office door closed, Ino looked out the window again.

The rain was still falling.

As for the specific projects of the Triwizard Tournament, he did not intend to participate too much. He could make suggestions, but the decision-making power was always given to the principals.

Although it was easy to make decisions, just like when we were students, we did what we did, and there was no need to take the lead.

Time was like fine sand, passing through our fingers.

The first game of the Triwizard Tournament was finally scheduled on the sixth day after Halloween.

This time, the venue was not chosen on the Quidditch field.

Although the training ground was relatively spacious, if we really wanted to accommodate all teachers, students and castle guests, a Quidditch field was not enough.

In fact, this was not an exaggeration. Due to the enrollment scope and some special events, there were not too many students in Hogwarts.

After all, the admission book only tests the eligible young wizards in the British Isles, and Voldemort had been stirring up trouble for decades, which made Hogwarts as a whole inferior to Beauxbatons.

But there is a saying that goes, luck always comes and goes.

Hogwarts, which was once isolated in a corner, has also become the choice of many wizard families in Europe.

As mentioned before, no one is a real fool.

When a new discipline is established, many people can see its potential, especially in the first few years after it comes out. If they are not good, they will become veterans who lay the foundation.

Not only that.

With the complete death of Voldemort, the whole world has fallen into a kind of peace and tranquility.

It's like after a story ends, everything returns to normal. Either recuperate or deduce a new story again.

During this period, a peaceful life became the mainstream.

Although life is all-encompassing, reproduction is always indispensable, which also makes the number of new generation wizards soar.


Thinking of population and the new generation, Ino thought of today's newspaper.

Thanks to the peaceful years, the Daily Prophet has become law-abiding.

There is no big news, only some daily scraps can be reported.

And one of the articles, "The Future of England Will Belong to Weasley", has also set off a wave of not small.

The article is not only well-reasoned and distinctive, but also vivid in content, and just the right amount of suspense.

But after seeing the signature at the end of the article, everyone suddenly realized that Lockhart and Rita, the couple, personally wrote it, it would be strange if it was not exciting.

The essence of the content of this article is actually very simple, describing the exaggerated population of the Weasley family.

The Daily Prophet published a photo of the Weasley family, and everyone who saw the newspaper would subconsciously count the heads.

But after counting the photos, everyone was silent.

Twenty-six people in total, not counting the ones in the womb...

The Weasley family has seven children, seven partners, and the Weasley couple, there are already sixteen adults alone.

The eldest Bill has three children, Charlie has two, Percy has three, George and Fred have one each...

This number is really something that some pure-blood families dare not even think about.

Arthur and Molly were ridiculed by all pure-bloods for their poverty for half their lives.

But their luck turned around, and the Weasleys slapped everyone in the face in the second half of their lives.

Now there are 26 people, who dares to imagine what the Weasley family will be like in 20 years...

The article in the Daily Prophet, or the article by Lockhart and Rita, really empathized with many people.

"Does the future of the English wizarding world belong to Weasley?"

In Malfoy Manor, Lucius threw the newspaper heavily on the coffee table.

"You..." Lucius turned his eyes to the side.

He was about to scold Draco for not living up to his expectations, but when he saw his granddaughter looking at him with a pair of watery, innocent eyes, all the words on his lips disappeared in an instant.

"Lucy, come and give your grandfather a hug." Lucius opened his arms and said softly.

On the side, Lucy, who was only three years old, also stumbled over.

Draco sat quietly on the sofa, watching the warm scene of grandparents and grandchildren in front of him, and the smile on his face never disappeared from beginning to end.

Unlike the grievances of the previous generation, he did not have too many opinions about the Weasley family. Whether it was working with George Fred, or Ron working in his own magazine after graduation, they were generally happy to get along.

And the change that led to all these changes, a figure suddenly emerged in Draco's mind.

Perhaps, it was that summer vacation that Ino took him to the Burrow as a guest that led to the extension of subsequent events...

Inexplicably, Draco thought of one thing, if Ino had not entered Hogwarts, or had not been assigned to Slytherin.

However, in a flash, he was also amused by his own thoughts. There are not so many ifs in this world.


Time is like flowing water.

The sixth day after Halloween.

The castle under the morning light is solemn and eye-catching.

Today is the first match of the Triwizard Tournament, and all the young wizards got up early today.

After having a few bites of breakfast in the hall, they all walked out of the castle.

But this time, the crowd did not go to the Quidditch field, but to the Whomping Willow.

Not far from the Whomping Willow, about fifty feet away, stands a dreamy cabin.

The small house is covered with mottled wooden coats, and the years have carved delicate textures on it.

The roof is covered with thick moss and wild flowers, and the windows are inlaid with stained glass. Under the extended windowsill, there are wind chimes made of various shells hanging, and the breeze blows through them and makes crisp sounds.

The door of the cabin is open.

The little wizards have already lined up in a long queue and began to file in one by one.

Because they were told a long time ago that the first game of the Triwizard Tournament would be held in this cabin.

"I think this should be a door key..."

"Who knows, it always feels weird."

"I heard that this cabin belongs to Professor Swinburne..."

Swinburne, this name is like magic, and after hearing the name, all doubts disappeared.

In the long queue, there are only various discussions and speculations.


A moment.

As the little wizards crossed the threshold one by one, they all found that they seemed to have entered another world.

An oval open-air square that was several times larger than the original Quidditch field, and the overall shape was a bit like the stadium of the Quidditch World Cup.

As everyone entered the circular audience seats, they found that there was a small town full of life outside the square.

Or, a city without city walls.

Through the telescope in hand, you can see that the structure of the houses in the whole town is very strange, tree houses, mushroom houses, small houses, miniature castles...

But what is surprising is that although there are many houses here, no one in the town has been seen.

The renovated Screaming Shack also made its first public appearance.


On the stands.

Ino sat quietly in his seat, and next to him were Colin in a suit and leather shoes, and Draco in a retro robe.

The three listened to the exclamations and discussions of the little wizards around them, and they all smiled.

In a trance, they also remembered their performance when they were in school.

Especially Colin, who picked up the camera he carried with him and started shooting immediately.

Colin and Draco were able to return to Hogwarts again, all thanks to their identities - the founders of "Once Upon a Time at Hogwarts".

A magazine established based on Hogwarts, with the development of these years, has been steadily increasing in both influence and sales.

Now it coincides with the Goblet of Fire. While allowing the Daily Prophet reporter to enter, Professor McGonagall also allowed Draco and Colin to enter.

Compared with the Daily Prophet, which only reports but does not pay, "Once Upon a Time at Hogwarts" pays 30 Galleons of site rental to the castle every year.

Professor McGonagall has always been clear about the closeness and distance.

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