The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 56 The second communication with the principal

"Professor! It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. The difference is that the fortune teller can clearly see it and make the corresponding choice."

After Dumbledore finished speaking, Eno retorted decisively.

"Did you know? In the past few months at Hogwarts, I have been walking in the corridors often, so I found a very interesting portrait. He calls himself Sir Kagendor."

"I think you will be familiar with his story. So I want to say... we can't expect everyone to be like this 'brave' knight, risking his own life and jumping into the dragon's mouth."

At this point, Ino stopped.

Similarly, he was now absolutely certain that the previous divination for Harry should have been filmed by a hidden surveillance camera.

He also had some guesses about Dumbledore being able to monitor the castle in real time, so he deliberately used Sir Cargendo as an example.

"Hahaha, that's right! The portraits told me about the divination you gave Harry." Dumbledore chuckled and winked.

The answer was as if he could read his mind, coupled with the unexpected frankness, it was a bit overwhelming for a while.

"Professor! Actually, I..."

"No need to explain! Just think that I specifically want to tell you this. By the way! This is not Legilimency, so you can rest assured." Dumbledore said first.

Before Ino could react, he heard Dumbledore's slightly confused voice again.

"Your magic seems to be very special. It seems to be protecting you. Anyone who tries to peek into your heart, whether it is a wizard or an alchemy tool, will be attacked by it. The frozen mirror is the best proof."

Special magic power? Upon hearing this statement, Ino was stunned for a moment.

But he soon realized that it seemed to be what Dumbledore said. After all, although the Mirror of Erised could reflect the heart, in other words, it was not just a disguised spying.

"Professor, I have no idea what you're talking about." Faced with such profound questions, he never asked questions without understanding.

"This is too normal. No one can understand the secret of magic, including me. But you can rest assured that although your situation is special, it is harmless, just like a kind of protective magic."

As if remembering something, Dumbledore said with emotion: "Just like the Dumbledore family, they can always get help from the Phoenix when they need it most."

"Guardian magic? Bloodline?" Ino murmured, gradually falling into deep thought.

He probably figured out the cause of the matter, but he also had new doubts. Maybe being too emotional to the extreme is really willful?

However, if you think about it carefully, this seems to be in line with the character of the White Witch. After all, it is not incomprehensible for a person who can get angry when listening to stories to do some unbelievable things.

Besides, a real queen probably does whatever she wants.

Relief, doubt, inquiry, incomprehension... thoughts together are like weeds in the wilderness, inexhaustible, endless, and endless.

However, Dumbledore seemed to really have the ability to read minds, and once again accurately guessed Ino's thoughts.

"If you can't understand something now, why not leave it behind or leave it to think about later?"

"Professor, I don't have to worry about the answers to things, because some things often don't have answers..."

In the middle of speaking, Ino was stunned. The explanation just now was subconsciously made by a bard who had been a bard for a long time.

But now that I think about it... maybe this is really the case. Some things in life may never have answers.

"Look! You didn't need me to convince you, you convinced yourself." Dumbledore spread his hands, his expression seemed a little innocent.

"Hahahahaha, yes! I convinced you."

After thinking about it, Ino also smiled heartily, "If my accordion hadn't been placed in the dormitory, I should have played some music at this time."

"I have it!" Dumbledore said proudly, looking like a child showing off his new toy to another child.

"After I left the tower last time, I went to Diagon Alley and bought one of the same model, but... it could never play the same song."

As he spoke, Dumbledore tapped the table with the Elder Wand and cast another silent summoning spell.

On the other side, Ino also saw the accordion that suddenly appeared in the air. No matter in shape or shape, it was exactly the same as his accordion.

The only difference is that the accordion in front of you has a pink ribbon tied around its corners.

Soft music sounded, and the melody of the accordion seemed to become a kind of magic of time, integrating the past that happened here with the present.

The abandoned classroom in the movement seemed to come alive at this moment, telling its own story.

The little wizards who once took classes here, their laughter, tears, dreams and losses, and the mottled walls and messy tables and chairs have become the remaining witnesses.

Time seems to have pressed the pause button.

a long time.

"Professor, to be honest, I don't like philosophy very much. Socrates drank poison hemlock after being trapped in a dungeon in his later years, and said his last words before death: I will die, you will live. As for whose way is better, only God Know."

Here, Ino paused for a moment.

After the conversation just now, he no longer dared to underestimate the wisdom of this centenarian.

Similarly, the figure on the tower who leaped without hesitation is also very regrettable.

"Eno, no matter what you saw, what I want to say is that everything that happens in the future is what should happen."

Dumbledore seemed to understand, but didn't accept it.

These words also made Ino give up the idea of ​​persuasion. After all, the future has not happened yet.

Besides, there are many things that cannot be changed by standing aside and saying a few words of philosophy.

In the final analysis, the real reason for Dumbledore's death was that his longing for his family and half a century of hard work made him want to give up.

As a top white wizard, even if you look at the entire magic world, you can't find anyone who can match you, can you not see the curse on the resurrection stone ring?

Maybe it really is family love that trumps reason.

In short, this centenarian has embarked on another adventurous path.

Thinking of this, Ino also sighed: "Okay, I respect your choice, I respect everyone's choice."

"Thank you! Ino." Dumbledore said.

Although neither of them said it explicitly to each other, both of them knew exactly what they were talking about.

After a moment, Dumbledore seemed to remember something again and leaned forward slightly.

"I saw your name on the holiday registration form. I'm sorry, but what I wanted to say is that if you can't find a place to stay in Hogsmeade or need my help elsewhere, remember to write to me."

Hearing this, Ino's eyes lit up slightly.

Because he suddenly thought of a problem that was not difficult but also needed to be solved.

"Professor, can you help me with anything? If so, I really need your help."

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