The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 61: Gear of Destiny Quidditch

With the end of the Christmas holiday, everything in Hogwarts is back on track.

But the only difference is the mentality of the little wizards.

It seems that the holiday was wrong. Instead of bringing the joy and happiness of the holiday, everyone has a dark cloud on their face.

Those who don’t know would think that they have experienced something tragic during the holiday.

In this atmosphere, Hogwarts is also rare to be unified. Including Slytherin, all the little wizards in the four colleges have an expression of "I am not happy".

However, this depression did not last too long.

It seems that the professors understand the little wizards' minds very well, so after the Christmas holiday, there is an annual Quidditch College Cup.

This event, which will be held in the second half of the school year and last for six months, will completely ignite everyone's emotions.

Yes, everyone! Not only the little wizards, but also many professors who love Quidditch, and Quidditch enthusiasts around Hogsmeade.

However, Ino never cared about all these disturbances and changes. He is now thinking more about the magic of Animagus.

In the few days after the holiday, with the help of Madam Pince, he found many books on Transfiguration, especially the previous editions of Transfiguration Today magazine collected by the library.

Among them, there are even papers written and published by Dumbledore when he was a professor of Transfiguration more than 60 years ago.

This is really a huge wealth of knowledge!

While thanking Madam Pince, Ino also absorbed this valuable knowledge as much as possible like a sponge.

Similarly, in these books, he also found a solution to the problem of Animagus holding leaves. After all, it is not realistic to hold a leaf in the mouth for a whole month.

However, the solution to this problem is also very simple. A sticking spell can easily solve it, so that the leaves of Mandrake grass stick firmly to the ceiling of the upper palate.

Although it affects daily life to a certain extent, this is the only feasible solution.


In the evening.

After dinner in the hall, Ino left quietly.

On the way, there was no meaningless chat or magical encounter, and he simply returned to the dormitory.

Although it was a bit boring and monotonous, he liked this kind of life very much. He could absorb magical knowledge and read about the past glories every day.

After all, the so-called loneliness a person feels is actually more of a spiritual and spiritual emptiness, a kind of inner desolation.

In the dormitory.

When he opened the door, he saw Malfoy lying on the table, quietly grinning and writing and drawing.

For Malfoy's intermittent mischief, Ino was not surprised. After all, it was not uncommon for the other party to laugh wildly in dreams at night. Now it was a drizzle for a person to lie on the table and grin.

At the same time, Malfoy stood up as soon as he heard the door of the dormitory being opened.

"Ino, how about this? It will be used to cheer for the team tomorrow, and you can also see Scarhead make a fool of himself!"

Malfoy held a two-foot canvas in his hand, on which the Slytherin emblem was painted with magic. The dark green color flashed, and it was very beautiful when standing far away.

"Quidditch, tomorrow?" Ino asked a little late.

Life has been too full recently. After seeing this canvas, he remembered that tomorrow seems to be Slytherin's first match against Gryffindor.

"Merlin! Are you an old scholar living in the Middle Ages? I bet you are the only one in Slytherin who has this reaction."

Malfoy's eyes widened, as if they were meeting for the first time.

On the other side, after hearing about Quidditch, Ino suddenly remembered something he had forgotten.

He turned and walked to the bedside, opened the box on the shelf, and then took out 10 real gold coins.

"Speaking of Quidditch, I have always said that I would give you a gift in return. The value of those candies is not worth the gold man you gave me, so I found these in the vault at home, and I will give you a return gift."

As he said, Ino casually piled the gold coins on the table, as if one or two pounds of gold was no different from a box of Super Bubble Gum.

Although this is a manifestation of eliminating inner greed.

But this scene fell into Malfoy's eyes, it was another deep interpretation, especially after hearing the word "family vault".

Unlike Malfoy's entanglement, after putting down the gold coins, Ino turned around and pulled out a chair to sit down, thinking about future plans.

If nothing unexpected happens, tomorrow will be the highlight of Harry's debut, and it will also be the time when the trio completely dispels their previous doubts and determines that Snape is the culprit who stole the Philosopher's Stone.

To be honest, he really doesn't care much about a Philosopher's Stone that has run out of magic power.

After all, he has seen big scenes, and even when he was with Teacher Hans, he was lucky enough to hear the legend of Adam's golden apple.

For the so-called immortality, it may be difficult in the magic world, but it is really easy in the gorgeous fantasy world.

In fairy tales and folk tales, there are too many ways to make people immortal or even make wishes.

That is true immortality, not the immortality of the Philosopher's Stone.

At the same time, just as Ino was thinking about the future, Malfoy's slightly cramped voice sounded in the dormitory.

"Ino! I... I'll give you a statue. It... It's not pure gold."

"Not pure gold?" Ino raised his head in surprise.

He had also played with the Quidditch statue. Whether it was weight, density, or color, it was the same as gold. Now he said it was not pure gold.

"Yes! It's not pure gold." As if he was letting his secret go after it was exposed, Malfoy spoke without stuttering or being embarrassed.

"The statue is made of goblin gold, which is made of gold Galleons. It can only be considered a work of art and is worth at most a few dozen Galleons."

"..." After this explanation, Ino felt that he had seen a ghost. The goblins of Gringotts really knew how to play.

However, before he could say anything, Malfoy's voice came to his ears again.

"I can't accept those gold coins. They are too expensive! And my father doesn't allow me to accept gifts over 50 Galleons. He always says that if I want something, I can write to him and he will buy it for me."

"Okay! Then do as you wish."

Without any reluctance, Ino waved his wand, and then all 10 gold coins on the table floated in the air, and then automatically returned to the box at the head of the bed.

Now he figured it out. If the statue was really pure gold, two pounds would weigh more than a few thousand Galleons. Maybe Lucius could take it out easily, but it was obviously not in line with the value of giving gifts between children.

Speaking of Lucius, he quickly thought of another thing that had not been completed.

"By the way, Draco! Do you know where I can get a flying carpet? I prefer to sit on a flying carpet and fly in the sky comfortably rather than a broom."

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