The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 69 The Returning Train

The train was running in the early morning, and outside the window were fields and hills passing by quickly.

In the compartment, Ino quietly looked at the scenery outside the window.

At the beginning, he also boarded this train with great expectations and headed for the fairy-tale Hogwarts.

Now, a school year has passed quickly, and he is leaving on the same train again.

It seems that nothing has changed, but Ino knows that many things have changed dramatically.

Although Quirrell or Voldemort's remnant soul was defeated by the magic of love under the inertia of fate, Gryffindor also achieved a comeback after a big score deficit.

Slytherin's seven consecutive championships were not achieved after all.

But similarly, some minor things have also changed.


Turning his head to look at the train compartment, Malfoy is still Malfoy, but Goyle and Crabbe have been replaced by Pansy and Daphne.

Knock knock knock!

The door of the compartment was pushed open.

"Children, do you want some candy?"

"Of course, ma'am! We want some." Ino said before everyone refused.

Although he had too many candies and snacks piled up in the box, buying them on the cart and buying them at Honeydukes were two completely different experiences.

Probably, just like the moon in my hometown, it is always rounder than outside.

After paying a Galleon, Ino bought all the items on the cart.

Looking at the candies piled on the table, Malfoy said hesitantly:

"Ino, you don't have to be like this. I have everything at home. I can find you whatever you want to eat.

"Your home?" Pansy caught the key point of the whole sentence in an instant, "Mr. Swinburne will visit your home during the summer vacation?"

Although she was asking Malfoy, Pansy's eyes were already firmly locked on Ino.

"Well, yes! I will visit Draco's home during the summer vacation. "Ino replied helplessly.

He now felt that Malfoy was very loose-lipped. They had agreed not to mention this matter in the dormitory, but Malfoy not only mentioned it, but also in front of Pansy and Daphne.


After getting the accurate answer, Pansy was suddenly a little speechless, and the expression on her face was also changing, puzzled, shocked, suspicious, unbelievable...

"I just stopped by his house for two days, just two days! After that, I will spend the holiday according to my own plan." Ino hurriedly explained.

When he saw Pansy's expression change, he had a bad feeling, and Daphne covered her mouth and laughed secretly, and her ambiguous eyes kept flowing between him and Malfoy, like a little fox who stole a hen.

These scenes added up, Ino felt a tingling scalp. You know, this is England. If he doesn't explain it now, God knows what kind of rumors will be caused after school starts.

"Ino just went to my house for two days. This is my father's invitation. What are you two thinking about! "

Malfoy also realized the problem belatedly, because his cheeks showed a sickly red flush because of anger.

He is also afraid of gossip now. If it spreads to the castle after school starts, Scarhead will definitely use it to laugh at him...

"Why are you so loud? Did I say anything?"

Pansy retorted to Malfoy, and then looked at Daphne who was watching the show.

"And you, is it so funny? You have been laughing non-stop since just now."

Although it was a strong response, Ino could also feel that Pansy's whole person relaxed inexplicably. Although she didn't say much at the beginning, she was like a dam full of water.

And at this moment, Pansy seemed a little strong, but she was releasing the flood, and the potential energy of the water was decreasing little by little.


"When there is a chance, I will invite you to my house, next Christmas, or during the summer vacation. In short, I am considering buying a house of my own in Hogsmeade. "

Ino slowly told his plan, and at the same time, he also wanted to dissolve the slightly awkward atmosphere in the compartment.

"Buy a house?" Malfoy turned his head in surprise, "Leave it to me! Let my father help you find one. If there is no suitable one, you can build one next to my house. Anyway, the surrounding land has been bought by our family."

Listening to Malfoy's answer, Ino immediately thought about how to refuse tactfully. After all, the previous proposal was fine. Asking Lucius to help inquire would save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

As for the latter...Build a house next to Malfoy Manor? This is because they are afraid that when the Death Eaters gather later, there will not be enough room to live in, so they will build another guesthouse.

However, before he could refuse, Pansy also adjusted at this moment and took over the conversation and said:

"Mr. Swinburne, our family has idle properties in Hogsmeade, whether it is a shop or a residence, it can be solved well. You don't have to find Draco. The Malfoy family does not have too many industries in Hogsmeade except for a few more shops in Diagon Alley. "

On the other side, as Pansy finished speaking, Malfoy rarely refuted, but turned his head to the window, which seemed to be a disguised acquiescence.

"Thank you very much, Miss Parkinson! My budget is not very large, only about 10,000 Galleons, so I don't consider a shop, a small house to live in will do. "

After some calculations, Ino also quoted his psychological price, 10,000 Galleons is the limit he can afford.

After all, Gringotts exchanged one large gold coin for 145 Galleons. Although Old John gave a full bag, it was at most a hundred.

"And me! We have a surplus of house-elves. Although I can't give them to you, I can sell one to you." Daphne, who was standing by, also took the opportunity to speak.

"Thank you as well, Miss Greengrass! But I don't plan to buy them for now. Maybe I'll find you when I need them in the future." Ino politely declined.

Although it was a resale, the favor was not discounted at all.

During his time in Slytherin, he also learned some things, such as the pure-bloods have always controlled the house-elves, and there is no chance of outflow at all. Even if there is a sale, it is all digested within the circle.

As for the black market such as Knockturn Alley, even if one or two house-elves appear occasionally, they are bought by dark wizards for experiments.

After all, no one dares to use house-elves without a contract.


The train leaving school for the summer vacation is running safely on the track.

Another carriage not far from Ino.

In the compartment, Hermione gently stroked the owl's soft feathers, feeling the slight vibration and warmth from her fingertips.

Similarly, the owl seemed to like this interaction very much. It half-closed its eyes and rubbed its head against Hermione's palm to express its joy.

This scene was perfectly presented in Ron's eyes.

He first glanced at Hermione's owl, then turned his head to look at Hedwig, the snowy owl on the shelf.

Then, Ron calmly reached into his pocket and grabbed the sleeping Scabbers tightly.

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