The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 82: Sorting out the Harvest and the Three Brooms

Wiltshire is a place in the southwest of England, where there are beautiful Cranmore Hills and Salisbury Plain.

Standing on the old streets of Wiltshire, the scenery in front of him is familiar, but Ino's mood is completely different from before.

Although there is no obvious gain in this journey, not even half a copper coin was obtained, and the whole journey was spent in a passive and tense atmosphere.

But it is undeniable that some hidden gains are still huge.

Apart from anything else, just having an optional travel destination is already the biggest gain.

In the past three years, he could only keep moving forward, and what was ahead was unknown.

Sometimes he also thought that if there was a bottomless abyss ahead, he might have to bite the bullet and go on, because there was no choice.

But now, there is an additional choice of the Woodland Elf Kingdom, and in the future, it will no longer be a passive journey, but an independent choice.

The second gain is time... and time is what underage wizards lack the most.

Although this trip to Middle-earth is less than two months, of course, it may also be because of the story background.

But it is undeniable that one more choice can add a few months or even half a year, and it is time without consumption and cost.

If you think about it carefully, the next hundred years of Middle-earth will be a blank period of the story.

Staying quietly in the Woodland Kingdom, even if he does nothing, just reading books and singing songs, he is confident that he will have the magic power of an adult wizard in the third grade.

Of course, not to mention the mysterious blue brick path, the change of his own miracle is crucial.

If it weren't for the confidentiality law, Ino would want to try it now, because deep in his heart, he has a feeling that he can enter the blue brick path at any time.

The only uncertainty now is the speed of time.

If everything is ideal, there is no need for life-saving dice, or even traceless extension boxes. An absolutely safe shelter will become his biggest trump card.

Even if he faces Voldemort directly, even if he provokes the entire wizarding world, at least he doesn't have to worry about his own safety.


A secluded street in Wiltshire.

Ino held the suitcase in his left hand and took out his wand in his right hand. He stood quietly at the intersection without using any magic.

Now he had to wait for a means of transportation back to London.

The Knight Bus was undoubtedly the most cost-effective choice, both in terms of speed and price.

Wiltshire was a full 132 kilometers away from London. If he really took a Muggle taxi, he would probably have to empty all the pounds in his pocket.

Even if he rented the little guy to Hermione for 7 years before the summer vacation in exchange for 50 pounds of rent, it was far from enough to cover the cost of taking a taxi.

Thinking of Hermione's meticulous writing of a rental contract, he couldn't help but curl his lips.


Suddenly, a sharp brake sound rang out.

A three-story bus seemed to emerge from the air, and with a sharp brake sound, it stopped in front of Ino.

On the windshield of the car, there was a striking logo in golden letters: Knight Bus.

"Whenever you stand by the road and raise your wand, the Knight Bus will appear and take you anywhere you want to go. Of course! We don't go to the sea."

The door opened, and a young wizard with big protruding ears and acne on his face, wearing a purple uniform, read the contents of the manual in a rhythmic manner.

"Hogsmeade! The Three Broomsticks." After Ino said the address, he walked towards the door.

"Okay, the fare is 6 Sickles!"

The conductor standing at the door of the bus quickly quoted the price, and then fiddled with the old-fashioned ticket machine on his chest.

"Here is your ticket! Of course, if you pay three more Sickles, you can get a chocolate. If you pay four more... Forget it, the journey is too short to use a toothbrush. By the way, my name is Stan Shunpike, and I will serve you throughout this journey."

Faced with this bundled sales, Ino shook his head decisively and refused.

"Sorry! I don't need it. Also, I'm very tired, can you let me rest for a while?"

"Okay, I wish you a pleasant journey again!" The conductor shrugged indifferently, then turned to look at the driver's seat:

"Let's go! Hogsmeade, the door of the Three Broomsticks!"


Ino sat on a bed with copper pillars, and while the conductor was talking, he tied himself to the bed neatly.

Even though he had used a nearly tied-up method, the huge inertia generated when the Knight Bus started almost made him fall to the ground.

However, after a short shock, he gradually adapted to this high-speed driving mode. It must be said that some people like to drive fast, and there may be certain reasons.

Under this high-speed driving, the adrenaline secretion brings stimulation and pleasure, which is also a kind of enjoyment.

Knight Bus.

Ino half leaned on the bed, took a deep breath of fresh air, and felt the tranquility and peace unique to the English countryside.

At the same time, he made up his mind that he would not go anywhere this summer vacation, and would stay in Hogsmeade.

In addition to giving himself a quiet time, he also had to think about the future direction.

Magic, or the magic in the Harry Potter stories, is never a simple trick, although many people use it as a trick.

But he was very clear from the beginning to the end that the world he was in was not inferior to Narnia or the Lord of the Rings.

If it is regarded as a story, it is definitely an epic story.

Time passed slowly.

The Knight Bus violated the rules and exceeded the speed limit throughout the journey, but it took less than ten minutes to complete the entire journey from Wiltshire to Hogsmeade.

Ino got off the bus, looked at the doorplate of the Three Broomsticks, and pushed the door in without thinking.

After chatting with Ms. Rosmerta for a few words, he returned to the old room and looked at the familiar furnishings, which inexplicably gave him a sense of intimacy.

Of course, there were also differences.

For example, the Christmas tree and other decorations in the corner were now replaced with blue bellflowers in summer style.

Ordinary days are like a long stream, neither hurried nor slow.

But they also silently fill the hourglass of years.

Similarly, time also flows slowly in the ordinary, like a stream gently caressing gravel, everything is silent.

Ino stayed at the Three Broomsticks for a whole week, during which time he temporarily declined Ms. Rosmerta's invitation to sing in residence on the grounds of summer homework.

This was not an excuse, but on the third day of his stay, he received a package from Professor McGonagall.

A latest issue of "Transfiguration Today" and excerpts from the Best Newcomer Award essays in recent years.

Faced with these naked hints, he could only temporarily stop other things and prepare a draft before school starts and send it to Professor McGonagall for review.

New book release, new journey, thank you all for your support.

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