The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 94 The legendary principal's office

Dawn had not yet broken, but the eastern sky was already bright.

Faint light shines through the windows and onto the bluestone paved floor of the castle corridor.

On both sides of the wall, magic torches for lighting were looming, as if they were going to go out at any moment.

In the alternating light and dark corridor, Dumbledore slowly spoke:

"We haven't talked in a while, and my office happens to be on this floor, and we can have breakfast together, if you don't mind."

Faced with the sudden invitation, Ino thought about it and agreed:

"Of course, Professor. It's my pleasure! It will save you a while in a crowded auditorium."

After all, when he decided to give Tom's notebook to Professor McGonagall, he knew that this day would come sooner or later, and he couldn't hide from it.

Although the Hogwarts Principal's Office can also be reached through the eighth-floor corridor, it is essentially an independent tower.

Ino followed Dumbledore, walking all the way, and finally came to a door guarded by a huge stone beast.

"Sizzling honey candy!"

Dumbledore said the password without hesitation, then turned to look behind him with a smile:

“Only Honeydukes adds Billywig stings, so their candy tastes the most authentic.”

"Thanks to you, we have a qualified Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. At least he is serious about collecting magical animals."

Ino didn't hide the dissatisfaction in his tone. After all, after the last frank chat, he didn't have much resistance to the old principal.

"Haha, many people are dissatisfied with Lockhart, including Minerva." Dumbledore said with a smile:

"But it is undeniable that Lockhart has his role. Rather than learning more magic, I think it is more important for the young wizard to establish the correct character and recognize the consequences of vanity, pride, and arrogance."

After hearing Dumbledore's reasons, Eno did not speak immediately.

It is undeniable that what Dumbledore said is reasonable and even important. After all, in the long run of education, skills are never as important as character.

To be honest, people who are capable but have no moral character often cause huge harm to those around them.

"Maybe you are right! But I think that without the corresponding abilities, when the little wizards are in danger, they have no means to save themselves. After all, quality does not seem to be that important in the face of survival."

He did not deny Dumbledore's decision, but he also expressed his opinion.

Hogwarts is not a Muggle school, it is a supernatural school that teaches magic.

Extraordinary is essentially a kind of inequality. Not to mention the thousands of years of grudges and grudges between Muggles and wizards.

"It seems we have a disagreement on this point, but it doesn't matter, we can chat while eating."

As Dumbledore finished speaking, the stone beast slowly opened, revealing the spiral staircase hiding behind it.

Passing through the stairs is a gleaming oak door with a brass knocker in the shape of a griffon.

The office is a spacious and bright circular room, with portraits of previous principals hanging on the walls.

I don’t know if it’s a little early, but most of these portraits are snoring and sleeping.

There is a huge desk in the center of the room with a lot of fine silverware on it.

"Please sit down. At this time, we can only eat some candies to fill our stomachs. It will take some time for the kitchen to serve breakfast. Even as the principal, I have no right to change this."

Dumbledore smiled and walked to the locker nearby. When he opened the door, there were jars of brightly colored candies inside.

But with a quick glance, Ino also saw another interesting thing in the cabinet, a pensieve whose production method had been lost.

After a short delay, Dumbledore placed all kinds of candies on the table.

"Ino, you are right! In front of life, many things seem unimportant."

After Dumbledore sat down, he continued the previous topic.

"What I want to say is that today, both the wizarding world and the Muggle world are in a peaceful era. In the context of this era, quality also highlights its importance. There is only one person like Lockhart. That's enough."

Hearing this explanation, Ino couldn't help laughing.

"Professor, I won't argue with you. I just came to have breakfast and talk about some interesting topics, such as arrangement and music."

He finally noticed that Dumbledore was also a bit stubborn.

In this case, there is no need to talk about this topic anymore, after all, everything has already happened.

On the other side, Dumbledore didn't say anything more.

He first looked at the gray-blue sky outside the window, and a deep light flashed in his eyes.

Then, in a calm and unhurried way, he cleverly took the topic in a new direction.

"Or we can talk about magic. Ino, what do you think magic is?"

What is magic?

The moment after hearing the question, Ino realized that it might be a test. After all, Dumbledore also asked another student half a century ago in the story.

Looking at Dumbledore, who looked a little older, he no longer wanted to hide anything. Although he had the protection of Occlumency and ice and snow, it was easy to deceive.

But for some reason, when he thought of the image of him resolutely jumping off the tower in the future, he didn't want to tell this lie.

After all, he didn't intend to be the third generation Dark Lord, he just wanted to live quietly in this troubled world, that's all.

"Professor, I think magic is a miracle, the guarantee of my life, and the means of survival."

Having said this, Ino leaned back slightly and adjusted to a more comfortable sitting position.

"Before coming to Hogwarts, I relied on divination for a living. If there was no magic, maybe I would freeze to death under a bridge or starve to death by the Thames River."

"No matter what other people think of magic, to me, it is like this. With magic, I can live the life I want and protect everything I have."

After finishing speaking, Ino raised his head and looked directly at Dumbledore. He did not dodge at all when their eyes met.

The entire office fell into a brief silence, and even the snoring sounds of the portraits nearby became much quieter.

a long time.

"Thank you for your trust!"

Dumbledore broke the silence, his voice filled with relief and relief.

"You know? As an old man, he will always unconsciously consider what will happen after him. They praise me as the greatest white wizard of the twentieth century. Although I don't think so, as the principal of Hogwarts, I I really hope that every little wizard who comes here can truly feel happy!”

"And all I can do is try to keep them happy."

Speaking of this, Dumbledore moved slightly. He gently took off his iconic glasses, revealing a pair of deep blue eyes.

There seemed to be some deep emotion hidden in those eyes, as if there was a faint mist filling the air, making the blue color appear softer and moister.

"Professor, the crown will make the person who wears it superior to others and is a symbol of status. But its true meaning is that when disaster falls from the sky, it will protect people from everything."

"And you are worthy of the title of Headmaster of Hogwarts, and this crown is shining brightly because of you."

This is not a compliment, Ino is a sincere compliment at this moment.

Dumbledore became the Headmaster of Hogwarts in 1944. In the past 48 years, no student has died accidentally in the castle.

Likewise, whether it was the years when the Wiccan Party was rampant or the more than ten years when Voldemort was making trouble, Hogwarts as a whole was never greatly affected.

In this regard, no matter who is the principal, I am afraid that he will not be able to hand over an answer like Dumbledore.

Please collect~! Please recommend~! Please vote for me~! Thanks to all the big guys for their support.

Finally, Xiaodi recommends a book: "Hogwarts Global Plan"

The single heroine, Hermione, is a bit more everyday, but the author handles the emotional details very well, making it a very warm read.

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