The evening wind passed through the gap in the window, gently brushing the girl's soft broken hair.

  Irene withdrew her gaze from Lynn, stretched out her hand to hold down the loose hair, and said, "If that's the case, are you going to see her now?"

  Unexpectedly, Lynn shook his head and refused: "No."

   "Why not go? Get into a girl's heart when she is most vulnerable. Even if you make a big mistake, you may be forgiven."

   "Having said that, but...forgive me for not knowing how to explain it to her."

   "Explain, what do you need to explain? Why are you doing this?" Irene suddenly laughed, "If this is what you mean, I can tell you clearly that there is no need."

   "She is not an idiot, why and so on, she knows very well in her heart, and may even help you find a good reason—but if you don't show up, it may really become troublesome."

   "." Lynn suddenly turned his head and asked, "You know her well?"

   "No, I don't understand, just." Irene stopped talking here, raised her head, and asked, "So are you going or not?"

  Lynn was a little confused: "You seem to have something wrong."

   "You seem to have been teasing me."

"Is there anything questionable about this?" Irene asked very strangely, "Do you think it's better to be an obedient puppet, or a 'false king' who holds a grudge against us and may trip us up at any time?" ?”


   "Don't look at me, I won't give you any of my insights today."

  Eileen turned her head away from his sight and looked towards the sky.

   "Because I'm angry."

  She said this, but there was no emotion on her face, and no one could tell whether what she said was true or not.

   After a moment of silence, Lynn rubbed the center of his brows.

   "Then I. Go?"


  Eileen's answer was very concise, and then added: "Since you have made a decision, I will go back first."

"great, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

   Without turning around immediately, the girl opened her arms, gently hugged the boy's waist, and raised her head slightly.

  Lin En subconsciously lowered his head and approached, but the next second, he was pushed away.

   "I won't kiss you, because your heart doesn't belong to me today."

  Irene turned around coldly, without even saying goodbye, and left the banquet hall.

   Sure enough, he was really angry.

  Looking at the girl's back, Lynn sighed slightly, then turned around slowly, and glanced at the stars again.

 kuangkuang "kuangkuang—"

  The door was knocked, and as if knowing that there would be no response, it was gently pushed open.

  Sitting in front of the dressing table and looking at her numb face, Charlotte didn't turn her head, even though she could hear who it was from the familiar footsteps.

  Lin En walked in gently, pulled up the chair, and sat beside her.

  He didn't speak, just sat silently, looking in the mirror with her.

   The silence lasted for a long, long time. After an unknown amount of time, Charlotte made a soft sound.

   "Are you here to comfort me?"

  Lin En hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

  Charlotte smiled, and said: "If it was normal, I would be very happy and would say thank you, but now, I am in a bad mood, so there is no way to thank you and apologize."


   "By the way, you rarely take the initiative to comfort people." She suddenly turned her head and stared at him, "Is there any purpose this time, to make me more obedient?"

   "No." Lynn finally spoke, "If it's my own wish, I don't have this idea."

   "Hmm, so someone else has an idea." The girl smiled lightly, "It's rare that you listen to people so much. Is it because you have been under the fence for too long?"

  Lin En opened his mouth, but before he could speak, he heard her talking as if talking to herself.

   "Actually, what she did to me before the dinner party made me feel like she is a general who is close to victory."

"She has the most powerful army, owns the most fertile land, snatches almost everything from her opponents, and beats them to pieces, leaving only the last city, and then she feels as if she is about to win, so she runs away Go down to the walls and shout 'you are so weak'."

  Before the dinner party starts.

   Lynn noticed the prefix word.

  He was acutely aware of what might have happened between Irene and Charlotte before the dinner party.

  But now doesn't seem to be the time to get to the bottom of it, because the girl's story doesn't seem to be over yet.

"At the beginning, I felt that her behavior was a bit strange, because although she spoke harshly and had an extreme personality, she was not the kind of person who would come over to mock others for no reason, until you were not there when I needed you When she appeared, I realized that she had actually captured the flag of that city, and then sneaked into the palace, and I, who knew nothing about the outside world, came to show off."

   Speaking of this, she suddenly smiled self-deprecatingly: "If you came to comfort me because you wanted me not to blame you, don't worry, I understand, you were forced."

   "Even if you actually want to do this in your heart, it's not your intention after all, so I won't blame you, and I won't hold grudges against you."


  Lin En suddenly understood why Irene said that.

  Before he came, she said that she didn't need to explain. When he asked why, the other party refused to say more.

   Now it seems that she made the arrangements in advance and took the initiative to let herself stop the scapegoat.

   No wonder, she said she was angry.

   Really should be angry.

   Sighing slightly, Lynn looked at Charlotte, wanting to say something, but didn't know how to speak.

   "Don't talk."

  Charlotte smiled again: "Come over here."

   Lynn did what she said.

  When the two chairs were leaning side by side, Charlotte stretched out her hands, gently and proactively wrapped her arms around his neck, and put her cheek on his shoulder quietly.

   This hug is neither warm nor soft, it is so stiff and cold, as if there is no warmth.

   In fact, it is true.

  Charlotte is so tired that her brain doesn't allow her to think about anything, good or bad, what happened and what's going to happen, or whatever.

  Now she doesn't think about anything, doesn't want to have any emotions, she just wants to find a place where she can lean on and have a good rest.


   Lynn looked down.

  The girl closed her eyes, her chest rose and fell, and her breathing was very even. Obviously, she had fallen into a deep sleep.

  Dream is probably the best shelter for her at this moment.

   Lynn let out a long sigh.

   A few days later.

  The spring sky is clear and cloudless.

  Plaza Catalena is crowded with people.

  However, these people are not ordinary civilians.

  They were wearing blue and black army uniforms, which represented that they were soldiers guarding the Rhineland. At the forefront of the soldiers, knights in silver armor rode tall horses and were stately.


  Accompanied by the general's loud shout, thousands of feet and the Rhine flag fluttering in the wind began to move forward. For a moment, the people watching from afar felt the killing intent.

  When they came to the high platform of the square, a series of loud noises suddenly exploded in the sky.

  When all the soldiers came to the square, half of them continued to move forward, making the square formation into two rectangles.

   After everyone stopped, there was an empty path among them.


  The roar of the magic cannon began to sound, and gorgeous fireworks burst out in the sky, almost covering the sun.

  When the guns sounded, a large chariot, pulled by four pure white horses, galloped along the widest avenue in Catalina.

   The horseshoe rumbles, stepping on everyone's appreciation.

   "Is that our new majesty? It's the queen!"

   "If she can be our king, that would be really great!"

   "Long live Your Majesty! Long live!"

  The whispers among the populace carry excessive fanaticism.

  Thanks to the king's previous choice, Charlotte has a high reputation and majesty in the eyes of the people, especially those in Catalina.

So not long ago there was news in the palace that the old king died because he was too excited at the celebration banquet after the victory, and when the will made an unprecedented request for Charlotte, who was a princess, to succeed to the throne, among the people It is rare to see any dissenting voices.

   "However. Who is that next to her?"

   Someone suddenly noticed that there seemed to be someone beside the new queen.

  He is not a servant, he wears many badges, looks superior, and has an extraordinary temperament.

   "Is it the prince? Hey, I haven't heard of it."

   "Could it be the new prime minister?"

   "I think the prince is more reliable."


  The voices of the people did not affect the progress of the chariot. When they came to the square, accompanied by the music played by the military band, the Queen stepped down from the chariot with the support of the mysterious man.

   "Long live Her Majesty! Long live the Rhine!"

   "Hooray! Hooray!"

  The uniform cheers resounded through the sky, repeated over and over again, shaking the trees on both sides of the street as if it had entered autumn, and the leaves fell.


The much-anticipated Her Majesty the Queen seemed very uncomfortable with this scene, and subconsciously wanted to shrink her neck, but through the slight force from the other palm, she took a deep breath, and quickly overcame the discomfort, with a friendly Smiling and waving to the crowd, he faced the soldiers with a serious face.

   "Now, you look like a real queen."

  Whispered whispers came from her ears, but Charlotte was not happy about it.

   "If possible, I still don't want me sitting here, even if it's you."

   "I can't because my surname is not Ferdinand."

  When these words appeared, Charlotte suddenly turned her head.

   "You know, a few days ago, after I calmed down, Irene came to me again—during this conversation, I proposed a deal."

   "Deal?" Lynn was taken aback for a moment, "What deal."

   "I asked her to sell you to me in exchange, and when the time comes, your child will be my child."


   Lynn's eyes widened, but time did not allow her to make a judgment on this slightly outrageous transaction.

  Although they were talking, they did not stop and kept moving forward.

   Now that they were in front of the first column, the queen had to stop talking and smile again.

   "Hooray! Hooray!"

  The soldiers cheered deafeningly, and the sound of the brilliant music became more and more excited under the influence of magic. The two gathered together to form a field that could frighten the sun.

   Looking at the soldiers and the respected queen in front of them, people have forgotten that they have just experienced a war that didn't start very well, and instead feel that our Rhineland is so powerful.

  Look around, where is there an army stronger than ours? Where is there a king more respected than us? Where is there a history greater than ours?

No! nothing!

  Charlotte, whose mood unconsciously began to develop towards a better direction, couldn't help laughing, and as her review of the army gradually deepened, this smile reached its peak.

   With the progress of the process, the military parade has gradually come to an end.

   But now, there is one more important thing to do.

  Standing on the high platform that everyone could only look up to, Charlotte lowered her head slightly, letting the cardinal wear the crown for herself, then took the scepter from the hands of the people around her, and held it high.

   "Goddess, I will take over this honor!"

   "From now on, we will be invincible. Any enemy that stands in front of the kingdom will be crushed to pieces!"

   "In the name of Rhine!"

   "Long live Your Majesty! Long live the Rhine! Long live!!"

   This time the cheers were higher and more intense than before.

  Because people at this time knew that they were witnessing history.

 kuangkuang "kuangkuang—"

  In the room, in front of the full-length mirror, Irene was looking up and down at herself, when she heard the knock on the door, she yelled lazily.

"Come in."

   Lynn walked in, and then was about to go out again.


  Eileen pulled a skirt from the side and said, "The parade is over? How do you feel?"

  Lin En didn't answer the question directly, but closed the door and turned his head, saying, "Put your clothes on first."

  Now Irene seems to have just woken up, because she is throwing a transparent silk pajamas beside her, holding a new dress that may be ready to change in her hand, but at least before changing, she only has black lace underwear on her body.

  Irene glanced at him lightly, and said with a half-smile: "What? Are you shy?"

   "As much as I would like to admit it"

  Lin En wisely did not finish his speech, because the girl's eyes had become more and more dangerous.

"Heh." Looking away, she put on her clothes on her own, and then she sat back on the chair and raised her legs, "How does it feel to participate in the military parade with the queen? Although I didn't go, it should be quite majestic, right? "

   "Yes" Lynn didn't intend to continue the topic, but frowned and asked, "I heard that you made a deal with me."

   "Oh, are you referring to our new Her Majesty the Queen? I thought she told you a long time ago."


   "Why do you show such an expression? Is it dissatisfaction? Or reluctance?"

   "If it's dissatisfaction but not ready to rebel, that's fine, and if it's reluctance."

  Irene blinked, and pulled out a document from the drawer that seemed to have been prepared for a long time.

   "Come on, sign this."

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