The Basketball Court Swordsman

Chapter 397: : A group of bandits

The Spurs were so close to victory in the game. They were hailed as the most stable team in the league. They were rarely overturned by their opponents with a big lead.

When he saw Gary Neal explode from beyond the three-point line and the Spurs had led the Pacers by 21 points at their maximum, everyone, including Mike Brin, believed that the Spurs were likely to tie the series total score. It was tied 1 to 1.

However, no one can think of it. Henson was able to complete a shocking reversal in just one game.

From falling behind by 15 points to winning the game by 3 points, these 12 minutes are definitely a textbook counterattack that every coach can refer to.

Henson's flexible employment and timeouts, as well as clear-thinking tactics, allowed the Pacers to fill the gap step by step. When to attack and when to shrink defense, after this game, all coaches will compete for research and study.

Of course, Henson didn't know that he had brought so much influence to the league. At the end of the game, Henson ran into the court like crazy. In the last game, Horford completed the lore, and Henson could still be stretched. If Horford hadn't rushed over and threw him down, he wouldn't have become that disheveled.

But today, Henson is more excited than when Horford completed the lore in the last game. From behind the big score to the counterattack in the last quarter, Henson found that this experience was even more gratifying than a lore.

He hugged the players together, and he did not look like the chic and cold-blooded man who was in the Center Mall yesterday.

In fact, there are few coaches in the NBA to celebrate victory with players like this. Because of their age, it is difficult for them to jump around after a victory like a player. But Henson... his age doesn't seem to be much different from the players.

"Coach Henson, really young." Mike Brin shook his head with a smile, his tone full of envy.

After the carnival, Henson's Armani suit was already disheveled. At this time, he had no game, that was his calm temperament, because after winning, Henson never concealed his emotions.

The reporters rounded up Ray Allen, who hit the key three-pointer in this game. Of course, Henson did not get rid of this fate. His on-the-spot command and Ray Allen's key three-pointers are the keys to the Pacers' victory in this game, and neither is indispensable!

"Coach Henson, congratulations! This is a great victory. The team's performance in the fourth quarter is simply perfect!" After the eSPN reporter came up, congratulated Henson first, and then entered the topic, "Can you tell me, you Did you explain to the players in the last quarter?"

"It doesn't matter what I explained, because no matter how well a coach arranges the tactics, the players can't execute it in vain. Therefore, the key to winning lies with the players. I am proud of their performance at critical moments. They are proud of the momentum they never give up."

It can be seen that Henson is really very happy today. After all, he is rarely so gentle in front of the media.

"Now that the team has achieved a 2-0 lead, do you think you can win the championship in a few games?" The reporter's second question seems to be routine, but it is actually very acute.

However, at this point in the game, Henson will not be humble, nor will he speak politely because his opponent is Popovich. Both teams came to the finals and both wanted to win. Therefore, there is no need to cover up.

"The next three games, we will spend in San Antonio. There is no doubt that it will be a very difficult three games. But my team's ability to resist in difficult situations, I believe everyone has seen it. You ask me I won’t be able to answer you within a few games. I can only say that when we fly back to Indianapolis next time, we will be holding the O’Brien Cup!"

Henson nodded, confident. The San Antonio Spurs don't seem to be so difficult to deal with!

At the subsequent press conference, the reporters interviewed Popovich and interviewed Henson in two states.

When interviewing Popovich, the reporters were very positive. After all, this game has too much for the Spurs to talk about.

"Manu Ginobili made 27 points and made 5 of 10 three-pointers. Gary Neal made 24 points and 6 of 10 three-pointers. Our team made 50% of three-pointers. We are better than walking. The Pacers lost 4 turnovers. In this way, we still lost. To be honest, I can’t comment on this kind of game. The Pacers’ perfect performance in the fourth quarter and Ray Allen’s final three-pointer, completely Killed us."

Faced with questions from reporters, Popovich could only shake his head. Ginobili and Neal made such amazing three-pointers, but the Spurs still lost. Even Popovich could feel a sense of powerlessness spread throughout his body.

Seeing the tired look of the old man, the reporters couldn't help but sigh. Perhaps the position of the league's top coach is also time to change the dynasty?

On the other hand, at the Pacers post-match press conference, the reporters were quite silent. Because this group of guys wanted to use Henson's participation in business activities yesterday to launch a crazy attack on him, as everyone knows, the Pacers actually completed such an incredible reversal.

This victory blocked everyone's mouth.

"Why are you all dumb? What did you plan to ask me? Coach Henson, did your participation in a business event yesterday affect your preparation for today? Coach Henson, Mr. George Armani, did you tell you about the brand spokesperson and the league? The championship can only choose one of two? Ask it quickly, throw out your questions, and I will answer patiently today."

Henson's several rhetorical questions on stage left the reporters speechless. Those are indeed the questions that this group of reporters are going to raise, but the Pacers' reversal victory makes these questions meaningless.

"If no one asks, I can declare that the press conference is over." Henson spread his hands and stood up and walked directly out of the media reception room.

Sure enough, no one complained, and no one dared to stay. Even if Henson was photographed yesterday and was still fooling around in the nightclub at four o'clock in the morning, no one would jump out to question him today. After all, a perfect counterattack can make all doubts disappear completely.

After the game, Henson met An Jiali in the player channel, who had been watching the ball from the sidelines today. Without a word, the girl jumped into Henson's arms.

"It's a great job, even I thought the game could not be saved!"

"Don't worry, I still remember my promise."

"I'll go to the car and wait for you. Go back to the locker room. Your players are still waiting for you." An Jiali kissed Henson on the cheek because there were other people in the player passage. Otherwise, it will be a passionate French wet kiss.

Henson nodded, then walked to the locker room. When Henson walked into the locker room door, the players had obviously been waiting for a long time. Ten seconds after Henson walked in, the $3,000 Armani suit on his body was caught.

"Surprise!" The players shouted one after another, and they expressed their gratitude and respect to Henson with one person and one cup of water.

"Damn, I see, our team will have more new regulations in the future. For example, the coach is not allowed to splash water." Although Henson's tone was serious, his face was full of smiles.

"You lucky guys, Goddess of Luck has taken care of you again. Well, those I said just now are farts. You did a great job, and I am proud of your performance. But as we all know, the next three games , We will have three consecutive away games in San Antonio. For any team, playing three consecutive away games in San Antonio is a very difficult thing. I can tell you very responsibly that the next three games will be for us. It’s a hellish Duncan test!"

Although the game was won beautifully, Henson didn't want the players to relax. After all, it takes 4 games to win the playoffs.

"However," Henson did not want to destroy the confidence of the players. "I believe that when we return from San Antonio, when we walk from **** and come back again. We are greeted by a beautiful summer day like heaven. Two consecutive championships, gentlemen! It's time to create another **** history!"


After Henson finished speaking, the players screamed.

Stevens shook his head. How could this look like a professional basketball. He was clearly a bandit leader, leading a bunch of butchers to San Antonio to rob.

Yeah, bandit. The people of San Antonio have to be careful, because this group of green forest heroes are dedicated to robbing honor...

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