The Basketball Court Swordsman

Chapter 399: : The pinnacle role player?

Popovich knew that he had to seek change.

The series has played 3 games, 3 games, both sides decide the victory or defeat at the critical moment. This point is similar to the Eastern Conference Finals.

In fact, the reason for this situation is the same. The strength of the conventional lineup of both sides is close, and the conventional tactics are guarded by the other side. Therefore, it is difficult for the two teams to completely get rid of each other by relying on conventional play.

Fans like it very much to decide the outcome at the critical moment, and it is also the most enjoyable. But there is no doubt that no coach wants this game to be played. Especially, still at the home of the Spurs.

Popovich hopes that the Spurs can grasp these three home courts, strive to overtake the total score, and make good use of the advantages of these three home courts. The key ball is wasting home advantage. Because whether you are playing at home or not, the key ball is the same for everyone's chances. Popovich didn't want the game to be so tense all the time, every time his life was hanging by a thread.

Therefore, to break this routine, he must make changes. Popovich knew very well that it was Henson who took the initiative to make a change in the Eastern Conference semifinals and caught Spoelstra by surprise that caused the Heat to collapse.

And this time, Popovich decided to follow suit. He does not intend to be conservative anymore, but proactively attack. After all, the Spurs are passive enough now.

So, on June 10th, in the fifth game of the NBA Finals, at the ATT Center, as soon as the Spurs' starting players came on the field, Popovich let the world see his changes.

"It's changed, and Coach Popovich has changed! At this critical point in the finals, Coach Popovich chose to be the first to make the change! He mentioned Manu Ginobili to the starting lineup, it seems The Spurs intend to build an advantage from the beginning of the game, rather than slowly consuming the Pacers."

Mike Brin was a little surprised, after all, Popovich is as calm as the Spurs and rarely changes. But once it changes, it often has an immediate effect.

"Popovich can't sit still," Stevens murmured.

"Yes, he intends to use the fiercest firepower to seek the advantage from the beginning... It doesn't matter, we still fight as usual." Henson said, glanced at Danny who was sitting on the bench. . Green.

Henson did not apply the phrase "becoming a superstar" to any starting player. He originally hoped to leave this phrase to George or Leonard, but considering the defensive treatment the two suffered, Henson felt that Some suffer.

If you want to use it, you have to use this phraseology on players who can kill the game, but won't attract Popovich's attention in advance. In this way, he can use the strongest scoring ability to deal with the opponent's weakest defense. In this way, the benefits can be maximized!

Therefore, Henson left this peak state to Danny Green! Green’s performance from beyond the three-point line in the Finals this season made Henson a bright spot. If it weren’t for Ray Allen’s key three-pointer in the second game of the Finals, now Danny Green should be the most dazzling of the Pacers. Three-point shooter.

Therefore, Henson believes that Green, under the influence of words, will definitely be able to make the Spurs drink a pot from the three-point line. Of course, unlike Popovich, Henson did not let Green continue to start, and did not send a full-fire lineup as soon as he came up.

He had to make his "ace" play dead on the bench first, and then at the most unexpected time, when the Spurs' defense was the most lax, he caught Popovich by surprise!

When the old man reacted to focus on defending Green, Henson believed that Green had already shot the Spurs to death!

I have to admit that Popovich's control of the Spurs can be said to have reached the point where he wants to. His changes had an immediate effect as soon as they opened, and there was no warm-up process.

As soon as the game opened, the Argentine received a pass from Parker and hit a three from beyond the three-point line. Popovich replaced Ginobili in the starting lineup for the purpose of scoring. He intends to establish an advantage from the beginning to control the pace of the game.

More than ten seconds later, Ginobili passed the ball with an angry blow from outside the three-point line and delivered the "cannonball" to Duncan!

This pass made Popovich a cold sweat. As always, Ginobili's pass is always the kind of pass that lingers between the top ten and turnovers.

The pass passed through several people, and as long as one of them reached out, it was a mistake.

But it was precisely because this pass was unreasonable that no one could even think of it, so instead of reaching out to steal it.

In this way, Duncan received this sudden pass and then dunked in a big step. The fans in the ATT Center cheered, but Henson knew that they would not be happy for long.

Subsequently, Ginobili personally controlled the ball and singled George, and used his own rhythm of anger to make an emergency stop in the breakthrough, swaying a little space and then shooting successfully on George.

I have to admit that Ginobili's condition today is really good, even better than the previous one. Popovich's choice to start the gDP in the game is not too wise. That's why Henson felt that Popovich's control of the Spurs team has reached the point where he wants to.

In the opening game, the Spurs beat the Pacers 7-0. But Henson was still calm, 7 points difference, just two three-pointers...

Until 7:08 in the first quarter, Ginobili made the second three-pointer of the game, helping the Spurs to turn the score to 15-10. Since the start of the game, the Spurs have been in the lead and have never fallen behind.

After Ginobili's three-pointer hit, Henson stopped the game. It's almost time, it's time to send Danny Green to try the water.

"15 to 10, the Spurs have a solid control of the situation. Popovich's changes have worked well. Let us see how the Pacers will respond!"

Mike Brin was wrong. Henson called the timeout not because the Pacers were at a disadvantage. But because Henson also intends to take the initiative!

"It’s a good job. Although the opponent’s firepower is very fierce, although the Spurs are now 5 points ahead. But I still have to say that you did a good job. But you can’t win the game if you don’t do it well. You must do it. Perfection is worthy of such an honor as the O'Brien Cup. In the next game, we will play a small lineup!"

As Henson said, he took over the tactical board from Vogel in a hurry, "Paul, George, Leonard and Green, you four make up the outside line, and you mostly seek opportunities outside the three-point line. And yesterday. During training, try to deliver the ball to Green as much as possible. Because Green is the player with the least defensive pressure and the most opportunities among you."

Henson told the players while also telling himself. Paul, George and Leonard, the three Spurs dare not let go. Even, people who defend Green will be used to make up for defense. Therefore, Green has the most opportunity!

The reason why Leonard is not on Ray Allen now is because now Henson still has to keep Leonard and Spurs at the fourth position. After Popovich is on the small lineup later, Henson will naturally send the more powerful Ray Allen.

Why did Henson know that Popovich would definitely change his team? There is no why, predicting the strategy of the opposing head coach, which Henson has always been good at. Those bodies that stayed up late watching the game videos were not hurt.

After coming back from the timeout, Popovich couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he watched Henson's first quarter match and took a small lineup.

It seems that neither side wants to postpone the game to the last moment today. Both teams played very aggressively as soon as they came up, in order to quickly score and widen the gap.

Danny Green is more nervous than Popovich because he knows that in the strategy of Coach Henson, the first scoring point for this lineup is not Paul, who was selected for the best team, nor the team’s first scorer this year. George, not the more mature Leonard or All-Star center Horford, but his own little transparency.

Everyone knows the truth, Henson always likes to use the most unexpected attack points. But in actual implementation, Green still has some pressure. This guy still doesn't know how much power he can exert today.

For the first attack after coming back from the timeout, Mike Brin watched attentively, not daring to blink at all. As soon as the two teams came up, they used heavy firepower to fight against each other. This fight will undoubtedly be very tragic.

As Henson expected, the Spurs put much more energy on others than on Green.

When Paul broke through and gave George a break, and George broke through Stephen Jackson, Ginobili immediately contracted in and prepared to defend George. Danny Green is indeed the lowest defensive priority of the Spurs.

But George didn't decisively break into the penalty area this time, but instead used a disregard of the goal to send the opportunity to Green.

When training yesterday, Henson had already practiced this position several times. So even without looking, George knew exactly where Green was. Therefore, the pass is both decisive and quick.

Green received the basketball, as if he also received the important task of shouldering the team's progress. Ginobili had already rushed towards Green, but Green was not panicked.

He will never disappoint Henson's trust in him.

Raising the basketball and bending his knees slightly, Green looked calm. Ginobili has both feet off the ground, it seems that Green has no shooting space.

However, Green calmly retracted the basketball and stepped aside! He is not shooting, but false shooting!

"Green, he clicked on Manu and took a three-pointer with a horizontal step!"

At the moment of the shot, I don't know why, Green felt like he was electrocuted with his fingers, as if he could control the course of basketball. It feels hot, that's how it feels!

Ginobili panicked. The reason why he threw so fiercely was to induce Green to pass the ball. I just didn't expect this guy to be so decisive.

It stands to reason that in this lineup, Green should be the last shot choice.

Henson was very happy that Ginobili could think so.


Hand up the knife and drop, Green's three-pointer hollowed into the net! The feeling of electric shock on your fingers is really amazing for a shooter!

"That kid beat me when he practiced three-pointers last night." After Green scored, Ray Allen, who was sitting next to Henson, smiled.

"He still feels hot today, Alan. No, I'm afraid that hotness can't describe his state."

Henson knew very well that this time the goal was not accidental. It's the signal that the San Antonio Spurs are beginning to lose!

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