The Basketball Court Swordsman

Chapter 628: : It's true this time

"Dad, what is that?"

The little girl pointed to a ribbon in the sky and curiously asked the middle-aged man sitting next to her.

"That's a shooting star, you can make a wish to the shooting star, so that your wish will come true soon." The man touched the girl's head, his tone has never been so gentle.

The little girl put her hands together on her chest obediently, then closed her eyes and began to make a wish seriously. Men and women smile similarly. The innocence of children is always the favorite gift of parents.

When the meteor dragged its long tail into the valley, the little girl finally opened her big eyes again.

Emily's eyes are very beautiful, there is no doubt that they are inherited from An Jiali. An Jiali herself is a mixed-race, and she and Henson's children are also mixed. So in Emily, she also has the beautiful characteristics of a mixture of East and West.

"What wish did you make?" Henson looked at his little daughter and asked curiously.

Unconsciously, her little angels have grown so big. But as a father, Henson was very sorry. Because he failed to witness the first time Emily spoke, nor the first time the little girl walked with her hands free. He put his blood and energy into the Pacers.

So as soon as the holiday is on, Henson will immediately take his family out for travel, away from basketball and work. He can only use this way to make up for his family. But Henson also knew that it would not be long before he returned to his family...

However, Henson's investment in the Pacers is not in vain. Because just a week ago, the Pacers had just won the NBA championship. That game, Henson is still impressed until now.

At the last moment, Curry missed a three-pointer and the Warriors had to use foul tactics. Tucker stood on the free throw line and made two free throws in the eyes of the home fans, helping the Pacers to widen the point difference to seven points.

Just when everyone thought this game was about to end, Curry used a shocking four-pointer in the next round. The difference is reduced to three points!

That goal was a classic of Curry's career. Under Paul's strict defense, Curry shot the ball with his head, not only hitting, but also causing Paul to foul.

At that moment, Henson felt his heart almost stopped. If he is overturned by the Warriors in the last few seconds, his efforts this season will be wasted.

Fortunately, in the end it was just a surprise. After that, the Warriors continued to use foul tactics, and the Pacers did not miss free throws. And because the Warriors have no timeout, they can't organize an effective halfcourt offense. So in the end, the Pacers beat the Warriors 122-117 at home and won the O'Brien Cup at home.

In this way, the Pacers won the O'Brien Cup for the second consecutive year since Henson's return. And they are away from establishing a second dynasty, they only need to win another championship.

After the finals, Henson, as always, did not attend the night of the awards ceremony. This time he did not even participate in the draft. After all, this summer, the Pacers neither had a first-round pick, nor did Henson have a rookie that was too attractive. Second-round pick Henson was also traded to the Spurs in cash, which was considered a free draft pick.

This can be regarded as Henson's return to Popovich's willingness to help him last summer.

While the whole world was cheering for the Pacers, Henson "secretly" took his family to the isolated New Zealand Aoraki Mount Cook National Park, and started a camping trip that belonged to their family of three. .

"Dad, I'm sleepy."

It wasn't until Emily's voice came in his ear that Henson moved his eyes away from the starry sky. By the way, I also retracted my thoughts of traveling back to the United States.

He picked up his two-year-old daughter and walked to the tent, "If we are sleepy, let's go to bed, get up early tomorrow, and dad will take you to the animal sanctuary to see the antelope."

"Well! It's a deal!"

"Of course, it's a deal."

After coaxing Emily to sleep, Henson and his wife An Jiali sat on the shore of Lake Tekapo like a mirror, enjoying one of the few time between them.

"It's so beautiful here, Henson." Emily looked at the stars against the lake, as if there were two skies here.

"Of course, this is almost the most beautiful place in New Zealand. To be honest, sometimes I have lived in the metropolis of the steel jungle for a long time, and I really yearn to visit the wild."

An Jiali leaned her head on Henson's shoulder and held the man's strong arm. "In October this year, you will be 39 years old, Henson. You said last time that you would retire at 40?"

"Well, next season is my last season, Ann. After that, I will focus all my energy on family. I know I owe Emily too much."

"You love her very much, Henson, you don't owe her anything. I was thinking, this time, how many days can you hold on?" An Jiali smiled and Henson blushed.

Last time he retired, Henson also said to accompany An Jiali and take good care of her body. In less than two years, Henson couldn't bear the restless heart.

"I swear, this time I am truly retiring. In the NBA, I have no competitive honors. In this league, in this basketball world, I have achieved almost everything I can achieve. I will not be like I was so pleasantly surprised when I won the championship for the first time, and I will never be as refreshing as I scolded a reporter for the first time. So, I think it's time to change my way of life."

Henson looked at his wife, only to find that she was just smirking. Obviously, An Jiali still does not believe that Henson can say goodbye to basketball.

Professional players bid farewell to basketball, mostly because of physical factors and have to compromise. For example, Kobe, if it were not for a ruptured Achilles tendon and getting older, he would definitely not retire. In their hearts, they actually still want to play.

But Henson, as a coach, is still very young. And in recent years, because Henson strictly requires himself, his heart is extremely healthy, and there is no physical factor that can stop him.

Therefore, An Jiali thinks it is impossible for Henson to say goodbye to the basketball court completely.

"Forget it," Seeing his wife still didn't believe it, Henson gave up explaining, "Let time prove everything, let's go, we should also sleep."

When the couple walked into the tent, they found that Emily was sleeping in sleep.

Her little mouth kept muttering a word, but these words made Henson's heart mixed.

"Meteor, meteor, my wish is, I hope my father can accompany me more..."

Henson smiled slightly and kissed Emily on the forehead. He swears that this is really the last lap. When he finishes this last lap, he will leave the field with honor.

And, this life will not be on the "track" again. He has been the leader for long enough.

The next day, Henson took his wife and daughter to travel all the way at the foot of the majestic Mount Cook. After a two-hour trek, he finally walked into the Liuan Wildlife Sanctuary.

The Hensons did not feel hard along the way, because the scenery along the way can only be described as majestic. It is said that the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy was filmed here. Who would feel tired if he could see the majestic beauty of the movie with his own eyes?

After seeing the antelope in the wildlife sanctuary, Henson drove his family to the Mount Cook National Park Hotel. After camping for two days and one night, it was time to return to modern life.

In the afternoon, Henson took his family by helicopter at his own expense to the Tasman Glacier, the largest in the South Pacific, and stayed on the glacier. Looking around, there is a silver world in front of him, like a fairyland on earth. For dinner, Henson arranged a luxurious palace-style buffet dinner. While enjoying the food, he looked at the majestic appearance of Mount Cook and the taste of the glacier.

Not to mention An Jiali and Emily in this kind of life, even Henson felt extremely comfortable. If so, who wouldn't want to enjoy life this way?

After dinner, when Henson was looking at the beautiful view of Mount Cook from the balcony of his hotel room, his cell phone rang untimely.

Only a few people have private numbers on Henson's mobile phone, which means that unless there is an emergency, no one will harass him.

Looking at the teledisplay, it was Bird's call, and Henson was even more worried. Bird will never disturb him unless he encounters something he cannot solve.

"Bird, I'm here." Henson answered the phone, and the leisurely expression on his face disappeared without a trace.

"Henson, I hope it didn't disturb your vacation. I don't want to disturb you either, but you must know about this and deal with it as soon as possible!" Bird's tone was a little nervous.

"Go ahead, what's the matter?"

"It's the Houston Rockets. They gave Paul a maximum salary contract. The maximum salary! I think we may not be able to keep him!"

After listening to Byrd finished, Henson reluctantly covered his forehead.

The thing he worries the most is here.

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