The Basketball Court Swordsman

Chapter 631: : Big point guard?

LeBron James believes that the Pacers are still very strong after losing Paul. But other teams don't believe in this evil. The arms race is still going on. Both the Eastern and Western teams seem to see the hope of winning the championship.

This summer, even the low-key Spurs were not idle.

Leonard, who had a complete fallout with the Spurs, and Raptors star DeRozan swapped their clubs. This was also the transfer that made Henson the most embarrassed after James moved to the Lakers.

Kawai Leonard, he used to be so taciturn, there will never be any trading rumors that can find him. The San Antonio Spurs, they are used to the gDP-style unity, they always think Leonard and Aldridge are the next gDP combination.

But that's just wishful thinking of Spurs fans. Leonard is not a gDP, and he is not obligated to be a gDP for the Spurs. So, again, just like leaving Indianapolis. Leonard left the Spurs because of salary issues.

With Leonard's departure, Ginobili retired and Tony Parker joined the Hornets, the Spurs' unbreakable myth was finally shattered.

There is no permanent banquet in the world, and even the San Antonio Spurs cannot escape this law.

After Leonard joined the Raptors, Henson instantly worried about his situation next season. James, who had finally said goodbye, had to head-to-head with Leonard...

Although he and Leonard have a good personal relationship, Leonard still likes his Pacers career. But on the basketball court, there is no friendship to talk about. Henson believes that Leonard's joining will make the Raptors next season very different.

No one knew the strength of that guy better than Henson. After all, he was originally "carved" by Henson himself. I don't know if Henson regretted that Leonard was carved too perfect.

The fact that Leonard joined the Raptors made Henson a little nervous. He is also very clear that he must now find a player who can replace Paul. Otherwise, the Pacers would really not even be able to find a point guard in the new season.

But looking at the free agency market this summer, there are not many point guards to choose from.

Spanish veteran Jose Calderon? He is indeed comparable to Paul in experience, but he is only experienced. In defense, scoring and other aspects, Calderon couldn't satisfy Henson.

Little Thomas? If three or four years ago, Henson would definitely chase Thomas. Stevens can make good use of Thomas, and Henson believes he can too. But Thomas Jr. had a very bad performance last season because of a hip injury.

Therefore, Henson didn't dare to put Bao on a former star point guard who didn't know his status.

Seth Curry is good, and occasionally draws three-pointers really like his brother. But Henson needs an organizing point guard, not a scoring point guard. The task of scoring is enough for George and Antetokounmpo.

Devin Harris? It's not very useful anymore. Dennis Schroeder? Henson has no chips. Shabaz Napier? how to say? Too ordinary.

Looking around, only former Celtics star point guard Rajon Rondo met Henson's requirements.

Rondo has excellent organizational skills and defensive ability, which can basically fill the vacancy left by Paul. But Rondo, who is not good at shooting, can't satisfy Henson's offensive style of space. To be honest, if Rondo is in charge, Henson is still a little worried.

For a time, Henson was in entanglement. He admitted that this was the hardest summer he had ever experienced. Even the summer when he just returned, Henson didn't find it so difficult.

And in the transfer market, you can't think slowly. When you think about it slowly, the good players are all taken away.

Therefore, Henson did not hesitate anymore. He called Larry Bird and motioned him to contact Rajon Rondo.

Although Rondo will probably not start next season, having such an experienced master will always come in handy. Henson would rather sign him first instead of thinking that no one will be available at the critical moment.

"Henson, take a break, you have been facing the computer all afternoon."

An Jiali walked into the study with a cup of tea, Henson smiled at his wife, and then rubbed her temples.

"I don't want to work all the time, but I have to pay attention to the free agent market 24 hours a day. The signing plan... is much more troublesome than I thought." Henson took a sip of his tea, he really didn't want a holiday Still immersed in work, but there is no way.

"Take a break and change your mood. Maybe you will suddenly have a clue."

"Well, let's go, let's go out as a family." Henson smiled and nodded. Of course he didn't expect to have a clue. It's just that I want to spend some time with my family.

In the afternoon, walking by the artificial lake in Carmel District, Henson's mind was still thinking about signings.

Rajon Rondo can come, and that's the best. But Rondo's current strength as the master of a championship team may be a bit difficult. Sometimes Henson was a little envious of the "Magic" guy. Although he took the Lakers, as long as the Lakers made a little progress, the "Magic" was successful.

Henson is different. Next season is his last season. As long as he doesn't win, it means failure...

Magician, magician...2 meters 06, but playing point guard, really **** talent.

and many more? A 2.06 point guard? Yes!

Henson patted his head and found that he, who is best at breaking the rules, was limited by his inherent thinking! Who stipulates that a point guard must be a small guard? As long as you have the ability to pass and control, as long as you can read the game, you can play point guard!

What's more, the Pacers have not been a team particularly dependent on Paul. Therefore, it is not impossible to survive without the master control. Relying on the original system, the Pacers' offense can also unfold!

In the 1980s, Pat Riley used "Magic" as a point guard. Riley said at the time that the distinction between positions on the basketball court would be very blurred in the future. How come to yourself, instead of thinking stiff?

Last season, the 76ers used Simmons as a point guard, and Henson sees it as a very good choice. The Warriors point guard is Curry on the surface, but in fact it is Draymond Green's big mouth.

Big players play point guards. This happened in the 1980s. Now that the 21st century is almost ushering in its third decade, why not let a big man play a point guard?

"Sure enough, walking out can improve your thinking." Henson walked, suddenly raised an eyebrow at An Jiali.

Henson picked up the phone and called Bird.

"Damn, I just contacted Rajon Rondo. Will you be patient? It's been less than two hours since you called me last time. I can't sign a player in two hours!" As soon as the call was connected, Bird exploded on the spot.

It can be seen that this basketball operations chairman is as anxious as Henson at this time.

"I'm not calling to urge you, Bird. You can take care of Rondo's affairs slowly, let's not worry."

"Huh?" Byrd looked dumbfounded, and just didn't know who was the most anxious.

"I have found a point guard for next season, Bird."

"Who? Don't tell me it's Rajon Rondo, this kind of joke is too boring."

"No, next season, I am going to let Antetokounmpo play the number one position."

Henson smiled after he finished speaking, but Bird's mouth on the other end of the phone turned into an "o" shape. For some reason, he suddenly remembered his old opponent from the professional player period, the guy called the "Magic".

That **** Henson Joe always has some crazy ideas coming up.

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