The Basketball Court Swordsman

Chapter 633: : Stand up

B.J. Armstrong will never forget the call between him and Rose in his life. It was the time he heard Rose's choking voice.

When Rose learned that he had been traded by the Knicks and sobbed and yelled "You lied", what Armstrong heard was not a roar, but a heartbreaking sound.

Indeed, as the youngest MVP who was once famous for a while, as the “Heir of Jordan” from Chicago, Rose has experienced too much. Most people choose to forget a player who has fallen like him. However, who really cared about them?

I thought that the Cavaliers and Timberwolves would be a new start, but the reality is often more cruel than the world of calls. There is no story of Diaosi's counterattack, and it is not so easy to make a comeback. Derek Rose has become an object that no one cares about this summer.

Until that day, B.J. Armstrong received a call from Henson Joe.

"Derek Rose, interesting choice." When Bird heard that Henson wanted to contact Rose, he commented.

"Can you imagine? In your first year coaching the team, you were eliminated by Rose's team. At the beginning, the Bulls and Rose were your biggest opponents. But now, you actually want to recruit him? It's...fate is impermanent."

Bird was very emotional, he never thought that Rose would join the Pacers. But again, what weird things will not happen in the NBA today?

Durant can stay in the Warriors with peace of mind, James can wear a purple and gold jersey, Leonard can travel far to the north... So it seems that it is not surprising that Rose joined the Pacers.

"Derek still has remaining energy. He just lacks opportunities. I believe that next season he can guarantee relative health. Then when I need it, stand up and score for me." Henson briefly explained that he chose Rose. reason.

In the playoffs last season, Rose played five games for the Timberwolves and averaged 14.2 points per game. Rose's stats are naturally not worth mentioning compared to his peak period, but as a chaotic scorer who disrupts the opponent's layout, this stat is enough.

And in the game video, Henson saw that Rose had a desire. He still doesn't want to be forgotten by people, he still wants to win the game. He broke through, fell, and then got up again and again, just to tell everyone that he was okay.

Henson believes that as long as an athlete retains this desire, he has not been completely "killed." Of course, the most important point is that Henson believes in the power of his badge, not to mention making Ross full attendance, but at least he can stay relatively healthy.

A healthy Derek Rose, how long has it been since people have seen it?

Therefore, instead of choosing Jennings or Beasley, these two unreliable "great immortals", Henson might as well take a bet on the youngest MVP ever.

"When are you going to find him?" Byrd did not stop Henson, as agreed, he would not interfere with Henson's affairs.

"As soon as possible, just for a few days."

"Why, afraid that other teams will take him one step ahead of you?"

"No," Henson waved his hand. "I'm just afraid that he might retire if he doesn't hurry up."

Derek Rose agreed to meet Henson, but did not intend to join the Pacers. If placed two or three years ago, he would definitely look forward to the Pacers. But the terrible experience of the Knicks and the Cavaliers made Rose not dare to imagine.

Nirvana rebirth? champion? These things are already dreams. He was afraid that the better he imagined, the more painful he would fall.

Henson was really taken aback when he saw Rose's first side. After this guy changed his dirty braided hairstyle, he was not as energetic as he used to be when he had a short head, and his face was full of scum, making him look like a tramp.

"Um... sit down, it's a bit messy, just a moment." Rose obviously didn't know what to say to Henson, so he smiled awkwardly.

Speaking of which, although Henson and Rose fought so hard back then, it was the first time they met in private. Therefore, they can be said to be strangers who are very familiar with each other.

"Mr. Joe, I have heard about it. But I don't want to go to Indianapolis, I want to retire..." Ross brought Henson a cup of instant coffee. Poor, I don’t even bother to prepare coffee beans.

This can be seen from his messy living room. This man is not only on the court, his life is full of frustration.

"Just call me Henson, I know, you haven't had a good time in recent years."

Rose listened, did not speak or comment. So Henson continued to speak.

"Champions, victories, have always wanted these to come back to you all these years, but what greeted you was repeated failures. You used to be the youngest MVP in the league, you have eliminated I, you almost dominated the East. You always think that injury ruined you, but that is just an excuse. You are running away, Derek, you are afraid of failure!"

B.J. Armstrong, who was sitting aside, looked up suddenly, he didn't expect Henson to speak so bluntly.

"Yes, I'm afraid of losing. Because the person who fell to the ground again and again is not you!" Rose joked, he didn't care what the Chinese coach said. Anyway, he has decided to retire, he wants to experience a different life. The basketball court seemed to him only frustration.

"Yes, it's not me who fell to the ground again and again, but I almost died in front of the game video because of basketball! Every time I step into the court now, I risk arrhythmia. The doctor said I can't Continue to work in this job, he said I will die. But I know that if I choose to give up, then I am really over. The result? As a result, I led the Pacers with 30 consecutive victories and won 73 wins that year. Two years later, I won two championships."

Henson found that Rose's gaze had become much gentler, he had obviously listened to his words, so he took advantage of it.

"My good friend, Craig Sage, still sticks to the profession he loves until his death. Of course I will not force you, and I will not say anything like that I feel like you. Because I am at the root. I don’t know what it feels like to be injured. I have no right to comment. But what I can guarantee is that I can make you stand up again. I can give you the opportunity to hit the honor, and I can make you remembered by people again! You have this opportunity , But whether to give up or not depends on you. Because only if you still want to play is the key to your standing up."

Henson stood up after speaking, apparently ready to leave. B.J. Armstrong looked dumbfounded, where could anyone negotiate like him?

Armstrong thought that Henson would persuade Rose with good words, but obviously, he didn't know Henson's style well.

Before going out, Henson stopped suddenly, then turned to look at Rose, "Don't underestimate yourself, you are Derek Rose."

In less than ten minutes, the coffee was still steaming, and the meeting between Henson and Rose was over. B.J. Armstrong sat on the sofa at a loss. He didn't know whether he should chase out Henson or reassure Rose.

But in the end, it was the silence that Rose broke first.

"Heh," Rose said with a dry laugh. "As rumored, he is a bastard."

"Uh...Don't be angry, I think your way of communication..."

"Angry?" Rose interrupted Armstrong, "No, I'm not angry. He was right, I was scared. But what? Anyway, I..."

Rose didn't finish speaking, but stood up and glanced at the messy living room.

"We should clean up the house, B.J.."

On the other side, Henson was walking down the street in Minnesota and looked at the sky here.

Windy City Rose, he shouldn't be like that. Just retire like this? He must be very unwilling.

Shaking his head, Henson continued to walk and got into the taxi. He didn't worry that Rose would reject himself, because he could not refuse. Just now, Henson used a word trick. A verbal technique that he has been hoarding for a long time, but has never had the opportunity to use it.

Words: Another championship: persuade players to give up retirement and promise to increase the strength of the lineup to hit the championship.

Let me help you stand up, Derek Rose.

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