The Beast’s Blood Boils

Vol 4 Chapter 273:  Assault across the board

The atmosphere on the battlefield seemed to freeze, and the experienced fighters knew it, where? Behind the general silence, **** battles are often about to happen. \\mStarter\\

While "Golden Sword and Capricorn" Ali Daiy was staring at the battle formation in Beamon, Liu Zhenshock also stood behind the formation of the united team, built a simple high platform with a carriage, and patrolled the desert humans with an eagle-eye telescope. Under this soil embryo city wall, the little parrot was standing on his shoulder, dozing off with a scoop.

This **** half-loop earth wall moves like an eggshell, with a section protruding slightly in the middle. The remaining earth wall is recovered in a very introverted arc, and the angle is unusually tricky. This gave the offensive commander Liu shocking. Cause a little trouble-this protruding earth wall and inscribed arc will naturally divide the Bimon fighters into two scattered attack points.

As for the silver pillars that emit light on the back of the earth wall, it also made Liu Shock a bit of a headache. The power of this thing is not weak. It is a standard covering weapon, composed of twelve prismatic silver pillars. An equilateral triangle can cover at least two hundred squares in a single shot. Although the rate of fire is a bit slow, the Toulon United team swarmed up and launched an attack. The soldiers were all crowded together, and even if they wanted to hide, they couldn't hide.

"Obis Latch! What is this?" Liu shocked to see the thick black smoke rising from the other side's soil wall, and he was startled. He even forgot to chew the incense sticks in his mouth. The old eagle eye sleeve hung in the eye again and took a closer look. That's right! It's thick smoke! These thick smoke is too weird. It floats three feet above the ground, always gathering but not scattered. The black is spreading across the prickly pear bushes. Where the smoke rolls, it seems that there is a beast in it. Come and go.

At this time, the five Chimera knights swept over the Toulon United team, hit by the huge fleshy wings, rolled up a strong air current, and went straight to the center of the Yale Oasis.

"Under the crown...I...I think these desert bandits seem to be regular soldiers." General Reyes stood beside Liu Shock, and the five Chimera knights who were looking at the sky with their heads upright felt puzzled. From which wave after wave did you get so many followers? It seems that he didn't bring so many people with him?

"The bandit doesn't have this kind of equipment, this thing is a standardized ordnance." Liu Zhenshake smiled at the general, and pointed the eagle-eyed old sleeve to the opponent's prismatic silver tower.

"Under the crown, we let each squadron form a wave and try to rush..." General Reyes paused for a while, and suggested again: "...or consider it carefully? After all, there are more enemies than us! "

"Are you sure there are 4,000 of these robbers?" Liu shocked, chewing the bamboo slices in his mouth, lowered his body, and quietly asked the two elf knights standing beside the carriage.

"Yes! Originally, these bandits were hidden in the woods and couldn't see it, but when my partner fell, they rushed out a lot of fighters from all directions. We estimate that there are at least 4,000. Please hurry up and launch an offensive order. Come on! Our two companions don’t know what’s going on now! Richard, I beg you...hurry up and save them..." These two horned eagle riders are beautiful female elves, tears streaming down their faces. Liu shocked and knelt.

"Don't say that, I am also very worried about the two elf knights who have fallen into the oasis!" Liu shocked "pooh" and spit out the chewed bamboo piece, twisting his eyebrows and said to the two elves: "But now We are at war! If two people die, we will cry and fight! Even if we charge now, can we save your partner?"

"Okay! You don't save us and save ourselves!" The stubborn personality of the elven clan was suddenly revealed. The two elves who had just had tears on their faces immediately turned cold, wiped away their tears and prepared to mount the horned eagle's saddle. . \\mStarter\\

"Damn! Tie it all up for me!" Liu shocked his face and made a stubborn mouth. Immediately, several warriors with big waists rushed up, grabbing the hair of the two elves, and kicking them on the knees with their arms. An elf fell on the hot yellow sand.

"Obis Latch! Two little hooves dared to rebel!" Liu Zhenshock pretended to kick them both. Seeing the scared eyes of the two elves closed, Old Liu couldn't help but smile, and took it back. foot.

"Richard, don't frighten these two little nurses, let's get started!" Helen held the sleeping Guoguo and pulled Liu's shocked arm, and said a little bit grotesquely.

Liu Zhenshake looked back at the large cowhide tent erected at the back of the Toulon United team, pointed to the five Chimera knights flying above the Yale Oasis in the distance, and watched with a questioning expression. Helen.

Helen put his hands on the seven-degree gold ring and nodded.

"Mianxia? Which squadron will go first?" A group of Olefin squadron captains rushed over and yelled as they walked, "Didn’t you let us prepare for the attack? Hold on, the morale of the soldiers I'm going to slack off..."

The voices of the Olefin squadron became smaller and quieter. With a trace of surprise and incomprehension, they looked stupidly at the twenty or so mammoth powerful men who suddenly appeared next to them under the Divine Comedy Shaman's crown. Each of them was a lot taller than them, lying on the yellow sand and blowing bool.

Not only these mammoth hercules but also a large group of unfamiliar hippo warriors and mastiff warriors are playing pinballs on the ground with a bunch of conch shells, dozens of iron-clad golden mastiff dogs like lions lazily Lie down beside them, with his tongue drooping.

Where did these followers under the crown come from? The Twenty Olefin Squadron captains of the Toulon United team looked at the big tent built behind the carriage with a confused look. They really couldn't see that this big tent could accommodate so many people.

Liu shocked and laughed. He knew whoever the Toulon United team was, he still had this question in his heart.

"Under the crown, there are twice as many enemies as we are! It must be impossible to rush up rashly. The opponent still has powerful weapons. I think we should carefully consider the level of offense!" General Reyes can't stand it anymore. The chief shaman looked sloppy, aggravated his tone, and said anxiously.

"Tell me about your plan!" Liu Zhenshake moved the left eye of the eagle eye sleeve to the right eye, and pointed it at the thirteen five-meter towers made of wood, standing under each roof covered by palm leaves. There are three people, two warriors with shields, and the other one is the imam who has long admired the name by looking at his style. Others are not so proud of Bull B.

"I think it's a rebellion and a frontal assault!" General Reyes said firmly: "Using five squadrons and prisoners in the assault regiment to launch six waves of attacks, violently attack the front wall. There is no pause, no pause. The seventh assault team, selected in advance from all the fighters, strong and strong, and together with twenty Orlefin squadron captains launched the seventh impact, hit with a sledgehammer, even if it was hit with a body, it would break a gap. The earth wall is only more than three meters high. Our pug warrior is not tall. It is not economical to build a human wall. As long as we break through the gap, we will have a chance of winning by swarming!"

"It's a good way, but the casualties may be greater, but are our troops less powerful than them? Haha..." Liu Zhenshake removed his eyes from the eagle eye sleeve and cast a glance at General Reyes: "Actually yours The commanding talent is good, the rules are satisfactory, and there are ideas. Why are you so shy?"

"Xia Xia... I..." General Reyes did not expect this Xia Xia to say such an inconsequential remark, and for a while, he didn't know what to answer.

"I'm not intentionally sorry! General Reyes, I want to know, how are you going to deal with the opponent's Imam Master and Prism?" Liu shocked, laughed, and patted the fox general on the shoulder.

"To be honest, if I lead the Territorial Union team myself, I don't think there is any need to continue this battle." General Reyes shrugged: "But now I have you, I miss those Imam and Prism shouldn't need me to worry about? Our sacrifices and demons, plus you, are enough to suppress each other. As long as they climb up the city wall and enter the melee, the opponent's Prism must not dare to fire?"

"It seems to make sense!" Liu shocked and nodded.

"Then please Mianxia and the priests start blessing the war hymn halo!" General Reyes lowered his head and slanted eyes looking at Richard Mianxia.

"No problem!" Liu Zhenshake put his fingers in his mouth and blew a loud whistle. The doors of several carriages opened one after another, and the five young priests of the Fei Lengcui land offering sacrifices to the magicians and the expedition sacrifice group followed suit. Get out of the car.

Helen handed Guoguo, who was asleep to death and bubbling in her nose, to a butterfly maid, and put the little parrot that was dozing on Lao Liu’s shoulders into the carriage. She put down the Medusa badge on her chest.

"Listen to me!" Liu Zhensha yelled at all the priests and wizards: "I don't care how you fight! But one thing! Don't break the prism silver towers for me! That's a good thing! Nedved and Grein, no one is allowed to attack the operators on those prism silver towers! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The wizards nodded vigorously, and several priests put down the Medusa badge on their chests, and cast out a dazzling halo.

"Okay!" Liu shocked and turned around and laughed at the Olefin squadron captains and General Reyes, and suddenly his face became stern: "The attack order is as follows!"

"Click" There was a neat clash of spurs, and all the officers reflexively stood at attention.

"Don't leave a reserve team, let me all, use the skirmishers formation, and attack the soil wall!" Liu Zhen shakes his arms and roared wildly: "Using human sea fighters, drown all their sights!"

The officers were all dumbfounded, rolling their eyes and staring.

"The skirmish attack?" General Reyes stammered and asked, "Under the crown, the opponent is deploying defenses on more than two thousand yards of dirt walls. We focus on a breakthrough, and at least we can reduce casualties and expand. This...this...isn't this sent to the other side's knife?"

"Violators, cut!" Liu shocked peeled off a piece of emerald green bamboo wrapped in tin foil, broke half of it and threw it in his mouth, and stuffed the other half into General Reyes’ mouth, and also plugged Reyes. General's question.

When the tide-like Bimon warriors rushed up with a roar, Ali Dayi’s first reaction was to think that he had read it wrong. These Western Barbarian infantry were simply killing their lives, so that the line of stragglers spread out in disarray. Can impact the city wall bunker? Concentrating your strength to break through a point, and then expand the result, this is the basic method of attack!

The more exaggerated thing is still behind. Ali Dayi saw that the other side also tore the soldiers behind him. He couldn't believe his eyes, and the commander who didn't even leave the reserve team?

Are you too cautious? Ali Daiyi was amused secretly. Knowing this, he might just take three thousand camel cavalry to attack them directly. Why do you have to do so much?

"All the imams and the mirror gunners of the'Light's Beggar Tower', all pay attention to me! Wait for the enemy to enter three hundred concentrate fire on their dense spots! The last six are listed' Begging Tower of Light', remember to pay more attention to patrolling your sky. There are five empty knights on it. Beware of their feather arrows. One person has just died. I don't want you to be the next one!" Ali Daidai Yi raised his head and roared at the tower, and then waved his hand at the two thousand cavalry in the oasis, and roared, "Strike from left to right! Speed, speed, speed! Remember, don't divide the opponent's infantry for now, give me First smash those sacrifices to pieces!"

The camel cavalry had all sat on the hump at this time. Hearing the command of the Golden Sword and Capricorn, the two commanders of thousands immediately turned around, screaming like "Oh gram~ oh gram~", desperately The camel under the crotch was clamped on the ground, and the back of the knife in his hand was slapped loudly. The two camel cavalry quickly divided into two turquoise torrents, slid along the wall and separated from each other, and rushed out of the wall quickly.

The hoof was thunderous, and the earth trembled.

The dazzling halo of the loud battle hymn was shining, and the brave Beimon warriors issued a wild battle cry.

"Even if you have sacrifices, I will win!" Ali Daiy looked fiercely at the situation on the battlefield. The opponent had several carriages parked six hundred yards away, although there were still two or three hundred around the sacrifice. Followers, but they can't play a big role. In front of a torrent of two thousand camel cavalry, everything will be crushed.

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