The Beast’s Blood Boils

Vol 4 Chapter 344: Stars gathering

The last day finally arrived. \\mStarter\\

In the gloomy Babi underground prison, if you want to accurately calculate the time, you can only judge by delivering the food.

The temporary jailers of the Flying Camel Legion only gave the giants two meals a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. The amount of food and water was obviously strictly controlled, and only enough for the minimum physical consumption of each prisoner.

Liu Zhensha has not drunk a drop of water for two days and two nights, and has suffered several whips. The Mainz shooter who delivered the meal felt that the eyes of this Shaman than Meng were too arrogant, and that look made the proud Mainz shooter have The illusion that you are a prisoner.

"When will your caliph Abdullah meet me?" Liu shocked the Mainz shooter who came to deliver the meal in the morning. There was a dry crack on his lips, and every word in his vocal cords was like scraping with a spoon. With a rusty iron pan on one side.

"What are you doing in such a hurry? Go to Po Yi Road and reincarnate?" With mocking eyes, the temporary jailer insulted the once incomparable Shaman Beamon. "Now during the Obon Festival, His Highness the Caliph has to fast and pray during the day. How can there be time to meet you as an inferior prisoner right away? Don't worry, before entering the palace in the evening, I will give you some food and water depending on your mood. It depends on your performance!"

The dozen or so Mainz shooters who had brought the meal together burst out laughing.

Liu Zhen squinted his eyes, narrow shot a light that would rather die than yield.

"Look! It's this look again! I really hate you to the extreme. 1" The temporary jailer teased the little white mouse in front of him with interest: "I heard people say that all Bimon in the Aegean are tough guys, please, As long as you ask me, I will reward you with a sip of water."

"I beg you, please give me a sip of water to drink..." Liu Zhensha was very obedient.

"I thought you were really an iron hit, so I can't resist it!" The temporary jailer winked at his back. The other Mainz shooters also laughed louder. The excessively high volume is a bit deliberate and artificial.

"Please give my pet the clean water." Liu shocked the little parrot hanging on the guillotine and the little parrot.

"I owe it first, I just didn't specify when to give it." The temporary jailer was quite proud of his wit, smiled slyly, waved to all the Mainz shooters, turned and left the ground. prison.

The last Mainz archer who walked out of the dungeon was a girl. This was a desert elf with a childish face. Her eyes were still shining with the girl's peculiar sympathy when she passed by Liu Zhensha. He hesitated for a moment. After seeing Liu shocked her dry lips, the desert elf girl hesitated. Taking advantage of the moment her companions walked out of the cell, she quickly unplugged the water sac and hurriedly into Liu Zhensha and Guoguo's mouth. Each took a sip of water. Then he slipped out of the cell in a panic.

Liu's shocked eyes stayed on the long, khaki-colored hair that strayed away, and his eyes gradually turned from cold to soft. He poured all the clear water in his mouth into the high hook mouth of the little parrot. .

There was a loud noise, the heavy prison door was closed, and the sound of the key turning the lock spring came.

A series of violent joints followed.

Liu Zhenshake held the chains with both hands, did two pull-ups, and landed on the ground with an somersault. He moved his wrists and ankles, and the little parrot stood on his shoulders. Obediently help him comb his punk hair.

In the dark dungeon, countless pairs of shining eyes stared at Liu Shock through the iron railings.

No matter who it is, it must be the same expression to see a Beamon shaman locked in a giant shackle and iron chain enough to subdue a rhinoceros, and then get out of trouble like a trick.

at the same time. Guoguo lowered his head and sprayed out a scent of frost and snow, which was just poured on the dense hemp rope. The frosty ribs "peeled and peeled" on the palm fiber, Guoguo sniffed his nose, took a deep breath, fat belly The belly slammed hard, and the ropes on the body were frozen into brittle and tense ropes and burst into pieces, turning into pieces and falling apart. The fruit fell from the air like a ripe grape, and hit the ground quickly. He rolled, dangling big ears and stood up.

"Tan Tan..." The giant little Lolita, Giskebi, timidly affixed to the iron fence, and the opponent Liu shocked and whispered to the ground.

"Xiaxia!" Catwoman Victoria and Foxwoman Liwei stood and kneeled one by one, looking at the kingdom's theocratic spokesperson with tears streaming down their faces. The divine comedy shaman's strong chest was criss-crossed with new and old welts.

"Worry everyone!" Liu Zhenshan walked into the trapped area and greeted everyone politely. He strode like flying, but Guoguo hurriedly couldn't catch up.

"You are..." The mudfoot giant chief Keen grinned, looking stupidly at the chain of giant chains that were still "big" on the stone wall, and then looked at Liu Shao.

"We at Feilengcui have a basic subject training called'Bone Reduction'." Liu shocked and shrugged his shoulders: "This technique comes from a marine octopus warrior. Unfortunately, there happened to be a former Westerner under my command. The instructor of the Imperial Army in the Ya Empire, so I have learned a little bit about this technique. Although it is impossible to pass through the transom, let alone through the hole, it is still trivial to break free from shackles.

"Richard, it's useless! This prison is a fully enclosed underground cell. The door is made of steel plates up to twenty-four inches thick. It can only be opened by mechanical brackets. The four stone walls are as thick as a mountain! Even if you have the ability to break free of the trestle bridge, you still can’t escape.” Buddha Giant Chief Desailly sighed: “Don’t you see that Rommel doesn’t even need a jailer?”

"Really?" Liu shocked his head and smiled at Chief Desaili. Guoguo stood at his feet with a smile on his face, pointing to a black ring on the tip, which is not a big model. A magical power of Ruoruuowu was tinged on the ring surface. [m rapid update]

"From the conversation between you and Rommel, I have learned that after tonight, you may not be able to live." Buddha Giant Chief Desaili did not pay attention to the ring of mutual fruit. Still self-consciously said: "The giant Buddha can't die without saving, but I have a way to help you out, but I don't know if it will work."

"Really? If you can do it yourself. Why stay in this prison? Why not take your people away!" Liu stroked the parrot's feathers in shock. Asked without looking up.

"Even though the desert is big, where can the giant Buddha go? Rommel has been with us for ten years. I have known his temper a long time ago. He will never let go. He knows us too well." A sad and bitter laughter swayed in the enclosed space: "This way to escape the siege may only be done by you. We ordinary Buddha giants have no hope at all."

"Quickly speak and listen." Liu Shaking's eyebrows raised slightly, which was a surprise.

"Rommel has told you..." Chief Desaili was silent for a while. Slightly unwilling to say: "...The guardian warrior of our Buddha giants family,'Weiduo Giant', has passed away."

Alternative giants with petite bodies are also found in our Aegean continent, but the birth rate is very low. If I remember correctly, the current population of your Buddha giants is only 132 people. With you so rare, it is impossible to give birth to one. An alternative giant also makes sense. "Liu Zhensha shook his head with a wry smile:" In fact, as long as you Buddha giant want to leave. This prison can't stop you at all. Whether there is Giant Wei Duo, you all have this strength. "

"Richard, since the history of our Buddha giants, the guardians of the law have never been dated!" Chief Desaili hurriedly argued: "I don't know why this time, our Buddha giants actually lost this The inheritance of history! Now there are no pregnant women in the clan, and none of the children are the height of the'Weiduo Giant'! I'm already wondering whether this is a sign that our Buddha giants will be annihilated!"

"This is really bad, it feels as bad as our Bimeng lost the sacrificial heritage." Liu An secretly smashed his lips. The birth rate of Napoleon of the Buddha Giant is really high! There are advantages and disadvantages. For these kind-hearted Buddha giants, the powerful guardians like dragons are just like the regular army of a country. A country without an army will surely fall. What about the Buddha giants who have no guardians?

"Our hope has not been lost. Just when I looked at you, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration. I found that the entire Buddha giant family had the same height as the'Weiduo Giants' and there was one you! Richard!" Chief Desaili was excited. Standing up, the head full of tumor **** and the top of the iron cage slammed into each other, and the whole prison reverberated with humming.

"What are you kidding?" Liu was shocked.

"Kiss Caybe is destined to be your Tannu, then you are a well-deserved foreign Buddha giant! Then you are our native! Richard..." Chief Desaili grinned while rubbing his head. He said that the iron cage above his head has become the format of the bird cage of the Apex Palace.

"Wait a minute!" Liu Zhensha quickly waved his hand and interrupted the ardent words of Chief Buddha Giant.

"Dear Chief Desaili, Kise Kaby is only six years old this year! I don't need to talk more about other nonsense, right?" Liu shocked with a sneer: "I don't understand the customs of the desert. , Buddha giants are a magnanimous race, should I be able to forgive my recklessness?"

"Of course, there was a burst of outrageous clamor from the inscription cell.

Liu Zhensha was taken aback. Seeing the angry look of the mud-footed giants and the Buddha giants, it is estimated that they were not physically weak, but they were blocked by iron railings, and could rush out and tear himself alive.

"Richard, I just gave a hypothetical idea. This is a crooked idea that I really can't help but come up with! As for whether you can become a giant of Wei Ruo, I am not sure!" Chief Desaili waved his hand and motioned to everyone. Don’t make any noise, and look at Liu shocked kindly: “Since ancient times, no foreigner can stand here soberly under the'light of washing the shadow' of the Buddha giant woman. I swear, even if Fei Xing is this Daoguang will definitely become an idiot if he is shot!"

My bloodline magic power and Tyrant Halong power are not comparable to a giant dragon. Liu Zhensha was said to have suffered from the pain in his heart, and his nose was sore.

"Richard, after being washed by the light of the wash, you already have the qualifications of a foreign Buddha giant! However, this does not mean that you can become a guardian warrior Wei Duo giant, all of this. You must wait for me to give it to you Only after the'Taigu empowerment' did I know! It’s not that now the whole clan is the only one left with the short height of the'Weiduo Giant', I will never do this." The Buddha Giant Chief smiled: "Didn’t I just say it, I There is a way to help you get out of trouble. I just don’t know if it’s okay...Only the Buddha giant who really has the sentiment of a guardian warrior can be'initiated' by'Taiguo' and unlock the combat power belonging to the'weiduo giant'.

Daigo empowerment? Liu Zhensha is no stranger to this term. Elder Anduran was passed on by his mentor, Master Apennin, in this way to become an ascetic monk. To put it bluntly, "Taigu initiation" and "Wisdom Enlightenment" in the ritual place of Bimeng are One thing.

"Richard, don't hesitate to stretch your head over the railing." Chief Desaili beckoned. "Is it feasible? You just have to try it!"

"Dear chief, even if I can really become a giant of Wei Duo, I won't rely on this ability today." Liu Zhenshake thought a little. He raised his head and smiled confidently: "I am a Beamon shaman, of course I need to fight like a shaman! At least in Kalimantan!"

As soon as the voice fell, Guoguo, who was already ready, rushed to the clearing, summoning a lot of things from the seven-degree golden space ring, including the magic teleportation array of steel and mithril. There are Coulee fire guns, and Liu shocking death lord equipment.

Guoguo put on the death lord's ring and summoned the tide lord Grein.

The area of ​​the underground prison dedicated to executions was really huge. When the huge Grein appeared, it didn't appear to be crowded. After being chewed by the gold-thirsty ants, Green's body fell into tatters. , Bai Shengsheng’s bones are clearly visible, and it has the appearance that an undead creature should have.

People in the entire underground prison. Except for Liu Zhensha, they all covered their mouths in surprise.

A white light immediately shining through the golden steel magic circle on the ground, and the shadowy figure appeared from the center of the wide circle. In the twisted elemental light, it gradually changed from haziness to clarity.

This time not only the giants were dumbfounded, but Liu Zhensha was stunned.

The first group of people killed in Kalimantan. In addition to Fei Lengcui’s progeny and Prince Kahn, there are also Puskas masters, colorful dragon Ibrahimovic and his wife, dragon knight Lampard, dragon knight Garcia, two old magicians with white beards and deep wrinkles. From the strong oscillating magic fluctuations of these two old mages, one can imagine how lofty their levels are!

And... Mourinho, who always wins the snow in white, the handsome and handsome swan priest!

Yijo pounced and hugged the strong and powerful body of the old hooligan.

"I'm glad to see your return. My gold medalist! Liu shocked and slapped Yitiao's back, and hugged Good and Vieri again. He found that he was fighting the two fighters in the world. He became stronger and weaker in front of them.

"We have already returned to the Chesang Continent a while ago, and now our people have all reached Feilengcui!" With a red ribbon tied to his forehead, Goode looked extremely fierce: "One hundred and seventy-eight Panta fighters and six Ming Mo Shao illusionist is ready to go! We can level the city alone!"

"I will continue to guard you, my lord!" Vieri straightened up and tapped his breastplate hard.

"I promise that your honor will bloom brilliantly tonight!" Liu Zhenshake nodded vigorously, took the red ribbon handed over by the bear, and tied his fingers around his forehead.

Katyusha rushed into Liu Shock's arms, and slapped Lao Liu's **** in one bite. She recognized the position with great precision, which made Lao Liu take a breath.

Holding Katyusha, who didn't let her mouth out, Liu Zhensha hugged each of his confidantes.

"Can't the little parrot speak in the future?" Ning Yu asked, raising her face, tears wafting in her beautiful eyes, and the clam shell behind her trembling slightly.

"Don't you hate it to swear?" Liu shocked her face with a smile.

"I don't hate it anymore." Ning Yu sighed, "Little beast swears, what is a sin?"

"It has a blood in its body. Fei Wenli's python bile regeneration ability cannot be eliminated by'pushing the palace'." Liu shocked gritted his teeth bitterly: "But this hatred, I will return it to Mu a hundred times. Lanren!"

"The little gangster is murderous today! I can't see it!" The colorful dragon Ibrahimovic tweeted.

Liu shocked and smiled and stood in front of the old mother-in-law and the old mother-in-law, and hugged the mother-in-law fairy Long Lenna. The angry colorful dragon Ibrahimovic knocked a head hammer on this little deflated head, almost smashing a brain tumor from a giant Buddha.

"Helen sends at least one hundred and fifty flame text messages to remind us every day, but Lenna and I did not dare to delay at all! The fire brought all the one hundred and fifty dragons!" Colorful dragon Ibrahimovic scolded angrily "You little beast. Is this action your meeting ceremony? Do you know who you are holding?"

Liu shocked his arms tighter and turned a deaf ear.

"One has told us everything Guoguo saw! Child, you have suffered!" The fairy Long Lenna kindly stroked Liu Shock's punk hair, softly comforting.

"Excessive self-confidence and arrogance made me fall into a tumble." Liu Zhensha straightened up and smiled faintly.

"Little Yakuza, did I read it right? You will also recognize your own mistakes and shortcomings?" Master Puskas laughed aside.

"Wrong is wrong, what do I dare not admit? Is Rommel only allowed to be smart and not allowed to be stupid? If you lose, you will lose, and you will lose forever! Master, without dragon power, without magic, so do I Hit all over the world!" Liu shocked and tugged Master Puskas's sloppy beard playfully.

"Between strength and might, there is no fixed equal sign." Master Puskas gratified Liu and touched Liu's shocked face: "Child, you have finally grown up!"

"This trip to the desert, I began to understand the indoctrination you had taught me." Liu shocked and let out a long sigh. I can't brag about it: "A senseless fight with ordinary people shouldn't be the work of a strong man! If you want to fight, you should also fight vigorously with a strong man of the same level! It is a pity until Prince Richard fights. When I died on the battlefield, I suddenly understood this truth."

"Frustration and experience have finally taught us a little bit of life philosophy. Shilong will not quarrel with a parrot, and an elephant will never be able to provoke an ant." Master Puskas nodded and took Liu shocked hand. , Introduced him to the other two white-bearded magicians around him: "Richard, these are the two magical masters of the Aegean Continent that you and I mentioned, the "Alchemy King" Master Emma and the "Closest to God" The magician' Master Stefano!"

"God of War is on!" Liu Zhenshock almost bit his tongue in shock. These are the two town magicians of the Pompeii Empire and the Francis Empire!

"Li Jun, I have seen some of your magical equipment in Feilengcui. To be honest. It's too nonsense! You even use the most primitive method for forging such an excellent magic metal like steel, which is really convincing. I feel immensely angry for the alchemist! You are using gems as pinballs!" Master Aimar was dressed in a golden magic robe and peaked cap, with a burly body and two fish with piercing eyes.

"Yes, yes!" Liu shocked, smiling eyes drifting towards Zorna, and the fairy dragon's face immediately turned red like a dragon scale between her brows.

"It's no wonder that Ortega, my least successful apprentice, followed you so desperately, and actually broke through the bottleneck and rose by another level, Richard, as Ortega's mentor, it is my honor to see you." Master Stefano He has the aristocratic style of a court master, his silver hair is meticulously combed, and his temperament is luxurious.

"Master Stefano, you can cause you not to shake your hand and kill me!" Liu shocked and laughed: "Otega was originally an excellent fire mage, but I was a little incompetent."

"After all, with Ortega's strength, you shouldn't let him use the wand inlaid with the magic crystals of the six-winged flame demon and the flame emperor... hey... you boss..." The master smiled bitterly and shook his head, and patted Liu Shao's shoulder gently.

"Feelengcui is a small place, how did the two noble masters want to come?" Liu Zhenshake asked Master Pushkass with a little formality.

"The war between Pompeii and Fransco, through the efforts of the Holy See, has transformed from a touch-off to a confrontational negotiation. The two masters and I are acquaintances. After clarifying the key points with them, they are willing to accompany me to Fei Leng. Cui was relieved. Both sides have already agreed. Even if the two sides fight again, they will only engage in regular warfare and no longer bring magicians." Master Puskas sighed: "Let you laugh, we humans are coming in magic. It was really unwise to tear down each other before."

"It's one thing to sell your face to the teacher, but it's another thing to make a wedding drink! I now admire the teacher for your predictive ability to the point that I can no longer admire it!" Master Stefano smiled .

"The ability of a teacher is indeed not what we can imagine." The expression of the alchemy king Master Amar looked like a humble disciple looking up to the omniscient teacher.

"Drinking wedding wine?" Liu Zhen was taken aback, not knowing where he started.

"Li Cha, when you go back, there will be a great happy event that will tell you, now don't rush to ask." Ning Yu looked at Lao Liu with a smile.

"Oh?" Liu was shocked for a while. What happy event does Feilengcui have that can attract the two super mages of Pompeii and Francesca?

Could it be the breeding of Rongshamon? Liu Zhenshake guessed viciously.

Lampard and Garcia have also been politely paying a meeting with Liu Shock.

"I need my help, just say it." Lampard smiled reservedly: "Any real knight is bound to save a princess in trouble."

"I will definitely not let you idle, my old friend." Liu nodded gratefully and shockedly: "Next time I have a place to be useful, I will never stop going through fire and water!"

Two sisters, Golini and Gotanni, stood behind her father and kept winking at Liu.

"Teacher, what I am most happy about is that you can come." Liu shocked the corners of his mouth, walked straight to the front of the Swan priest, and first greeted Mourinho with his chest.

"After my father learned about you, he immediately left everything behind and rushed to Feilengcui!" His Majesty the little elf prince Mali shocked Liu to show off what he knew.

"Because you are father's most proud apprentice!" Gemez said triumphantly.

Liu Zhensha's head hung down, not knowing what to say.

"Under Richard, you don't need to be moved! I just don't want an excellent shaman in the kingdom to die in vain. If it is replaced by another sacrifice, I will do the same!" Mourinho's cold voice did not seem to be A trace of emotion: "This has nothing to do with whether you and I came from the same This product is exactly the same as before. Liu Zhensha is kind, funny, and a little moved.

"Should be able to start? Under my crown!" Prince Kahn with a red belt tied on his forehead said anxiously: "I'm waiting for this day, I've been waiting for it to explode! The soldiers have assembled in Feilengcui, Just waiting for your command!"

"First get rid of the guards outside the prison. We can't let all our soldiers appear in this underground prison, right? I still know two giant friends, can't we still put them here to endure hunger and thirst?" Liu shocked Prince Kahn smiled: "Things have to be done one by one! I have sorted out an action plan in the past two days. Kalimantan is a big bun, I have to break it and eat it!"

"Now His Majesty Greek Thrall is on his way to Feilengcui, I hope you can give your Majesty a surprise!" Prince Lionheart groaned slightly, and told the truth to Liu Zhensha: "Sorry, my crown Your Majesty, I still have to inform Your Majesty about this! Carving a chapter with a turnip, believer Wang Xi mobilizes the army, at least I cut it first and then play it!"

"Don't talk about your Majesty, it's the God of War, what should I do or how should I do it!" Liu Zhensha took the equipment that Guoguo handed over, put them on one by one, and smiled: "Everyone, the show has begun!"

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