The Beast’s Blood Boils

Vol 4 Chapter 644: Hornet's nest

The sea level of the poisonous ocean showed the first rays of dawn, and the two Di Polo rushed to bloom with their own smiles, and dyed the large area of ​​the sky with enthusiasm. [m rapid update]

"Zaoxia is red. Last night must have been another killing night!"

Heathfield stood on a high cliff on the shore, looking out into the boundless misty ocean.

Jin Lu was cold in the fog, and the clouds turned red and waves.

The dazzling blood in the distance was like golden needles, which deeply hurt his delicate heart and sad eyes.

Heathfield is the current chief of the Coal Goliath clan, and his tall and tall physique is not inferior to the giants of the sky. His hair is thick, curled up like a snail, his skin is as black as ink, cast like crystals, and his teeth are even more white when he mutters.

It's not superstition, the older Goliath is, the better he has the ability to premonition.

There seems to be a **** in the dark? Generosity gave Coal Goliath another pair of eyes of the soul, so that they could feel the tremors brought to nature by the killing storm in this world.

The last time Chief Heathfield had a similar telepathy has been traced back to thousands of years ago?? At that time, three million organs hated the warrior suddenly rebelled against the Lich King, a brutal and **** war of independence and anti-independence. Thousands of living lives have been turned into ghosts and ghosts in just six months.

This time, Heathfield's feeling was much stronger than the last time by countless times, so strong that even he was a little bit scared.

Although the entire ethnic group has been living in seclusion in the Forgotten Forest grazing the charcoal layer for thousands of years, the "Coal Goliath" is still recognized as the most powerful branch in the Demon Goliath, and the only user of the coal system arcane land; Derogatory words like fear and timidity shouldn't appear in Coal Goliath's emotional dictionary.

The chief squeezed his tight face hard. It seems that I want to squeeze the heart palpitations away from the body like acne.

"Master Chief, our local friend, the witch Shalilian is looking for you in a hurry." A coal Goliath with a white pine crown tattoo on his arm walked quickly up the cliff and bowed respectfully to salute. A small and delicate bone union treasure box was inserted into Chief Heathfield's ear.

As the communication continued, Chief Goliath gradually brewed an unbelievable and angry black storm on the face of Chief Goliath. The color change can appear so clearly on his dark skin, it is conceivable. I know how excited Heathfield has been.

"Reina, immediately summon all the acolytes." After the communication was over, there was a full silence for a long time, and the chieftain squeezed an angry roar from his teeth: "Tell them, I want to wake up the sleeping ancestors! "

The coal Goliath named Reina was stunned when he heard the words, and looked up at his chief dumbfoundedly. After a long while, he said "as you wish". When he turned and left, he went all the way because of In a trance. Stumbled and crashed several large trees that hugged the ground.


The Pyramid Altar is set in the center of the Forgotten Forest. Under the polygonal stone platform is a carpet made of rain and fallen leaves. The black rock engraved with mysterious symbols has not been used for many years. It has been covered by vines and green moss on the ground several feet thick.

The ancient sacrificial song needs to linger in the forest for ten days to awaken the ancestors buried deep underground.

Chief Heathfield bowed down under the pyramid altar with all the Digorias, waiting for that great moment to come.

Unlike the Goliaths in other farming and pastoral forests in the Demon Realm, the coal Goliaths cannot rely on 20,000-year old trees to awaken a new life and enrich the population of the entire ethnic group.

Therefore, reproduction of the two sexes is the only way for them to continue their race. It is precisely because of this that the coal Goliath tribe with only 542 people has become the most scarce resource.

More than a year ago. A brave silver-eyed knight led a team of demons into the perilous Forgotten Forest expedition, and inadvertently saved the chief’s beloved son, the naughty little Pizarro; in return for this kindness, Heathfield At that time, the chief sent ten young and strong coal Goliaths who were curious and explored about the outside world to become the followers of this silver pupil knight?? This is also the coal Goliath who has been living in seclusion in the Forgotten Forest for generations. Try to contact the outside world for the first time.

The brave silver-eyed knight Mateus is willing to help Chief Heathfield to make an unprecedented attempt to flourish the race. He promises that he will take these ten young coal Goliaths to keep in touch with other parts of the Demon World. The Goliath ethnic group that cannot escape the world. Strive to find a new marriage partner for the coal Goliath tribe.

This benefactor did not break his promise. Six months ago, he took ten coal Goliaths and successfully visited the "Green Forest" Goliath tribe in the Quegang Forest, allowing the ten young men to gain Favored by the Goliath girls, when he received the Annunciation of the Bone Union, Chief Heathfield's Zeng Le didn't close his eyes.

But now all this is in vain.

The benefactor Mateus is dead, and the demons who accompanied him as guests in the tribe are also dead. The ten young coal Goliath lads are also not spared?? They should be grooms in half a year !

The murderer who caused this tragedy is still at large!

Chief Heathfield's heart was bleeding.

Fortunately, Mateus left him a bone union treasure box. Otherwise, the Chief Chief really doesn't know how late he will receive the bad news, delaying the time for revenge.

Heathfield learned from the witch Shalilian how powerful the enemy is, and that level of force, I am afraid that the entire coal Goliath tribe will be exhausted even if the entire coal Goliath tribe is out; for this, the chief is doing a little bit. After hesitating, she agreed to Xia Lilian, and she would come forward and be responsible for negotiating the mutual cooperation between the two sides with the Mozu army.

However, Goliath's hatred, after all, had to be reported by Goliath himself. This firm belief could not be shaken in the hearts of Chief Heathfield and all coal Goliath.

That enemy has irrefutable and almost invincible strength, and Coal Goliath also has its own ultimate force at the bottom of the box!

When Shouyuan was near the end. \\m First issue\\ As long as the coal Goliath is buried underground by the acolyte with the secret technique, he has the opportunity to be transformed into the supremely powerful and incomparable "Diamond Diamond Goli" by the aura of time and earth after sleeping for countless years. It must be admitted that most of the coal Goliath buried in the ground will rot over time and become rotten bones. Just like other intelligent races, but there are always a handful of coal Goliaths that will pass that level.

Under the tribe’s pyramid altar, there are four ancestors sleeping safely. The oldest ancestor has fallen asleep for many years. Even the grandfather of Chief Heathfield’s grandfather does not know the exact time.

If the Coal Goliath tribe is now capable of revenge on their own, Chief Heathfield will never have the heart to awaken these ancestors??? After being awakened, no matter how hard the ancestor’s body has been diamondized, their lifespan will continue to last. , Will not survive for long in the world.

This is the first and possibly the last time that Coal Goliath has been driven to a dead end by a powerful enemy!

Coincidentally. The Jade Emperor is now in desperation.

Three days ago, the overlord of the rivers and lakes of the Silk Continent, the brave and fearless avenger, and the emperor of jade with absolute control over jade, brought with him the grassy heroes under his command. Successfully captured a demon city.

Calculating the record, along the way, forty-four cities have been swept across by Hua Ting, and all the guys with silver threads in their eyes were slaughtered.

After occupying this city. The Jade Emperor and all the people in the flower court were like a flock of tired migratory birds, who had to stop and rest in place. I even began to think about whether to transform this city into my own base first, and end the previous locusts' circling crimes like this?? This is the idea, which is by no means a whim. It has been a while since I came to this strange world. Now, the Jade Emperor not only failed to retrieve his beloved "God of Wealth Jade Bowl", on the contrary, he was exhausted physically and mentally from the harsh natural environment. After the freshness of arriving at the noble realm for the first time disappeared, there followed more and more severe pressures for survival, and then wandering around like this. It is impossible for the underlings to have no complaints.

As soon as the hearts of the people dispersed, the team would be difficult to lead. As a leader with vision, the Jade Emperor couldn't wait until the group of loyal guild thugs under his hand complained before making plans.

At the beginning, he was willing to come to this sky with two suns and two moons. The strange world died from heat during the day and freezes to death at night. The main reason was that the people here were indeed like the words of Tang Zangwu, who ransacked the Yihua Palace. The thief leader is the same race.

After dispatching meticulous work to conduct detailed investigations, and after confirming that the information was correct, the Jade Emperor did not hesitate to bring all his armed forces in Silk Continent to this strange and foreign land. He actually understood that the Tang Tibetan government wanted to get out of the Silk Continent sooner. His Highness Five would come to the door so eagerly and offered to assist the Hua Ting army in teleportation, so that he would never return.

The Jade Emperor didn’t care at all. Ever since he decided to leave the Silk Continent, he knew that once he left, he would never return to the Silk Continent???? Not only him, all the silk beasts had never heard of it, Tang Zangshuo When did the scholar invent the teleportation array!

These days, I don’t keep my master here. I have my own master’s place. The fist is the same everywhere. If you can dominate the Silk Continent, you can be famous in other places. The Jade Emperor has his own skills. With absolute confidence, there shouldn’t be any problem for him and Hua Ting to open branches and leaves in a foreign land?? The people who accompanied him to the foreign land this time can be said to have gathered the essence of the entire Yihua Palace, except for the four great flower fairies. He Huashi, Huayou, Huamao, among the Huajue, there are also a large number of humanoid beasts, and there are countless strange men and strangers of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains, among which there are many powerful quasi-super- and super-class beasts.

The Jade Emperor was tired of merging into human society. This time he was ready to be his own master and establish an order belonging to the beast.

A little fly in the ointment is that the other three Caomang emperors of Silk Continent only supported the Jade Emperor materially, and did not gather elite soldiers to fight the world with him. Regarding this regret, the Jade Emperor was quite slanderous at the same time secretly mocking the small peasant consciousness and narrow eyes of the Dragon King, Ming Emperor and True Monarch.

The sect's foundation accumulated for thousands of years is of course important, but the increasingly disgusting attitude of the Tang-Tibet Empire's government agencies to the recklessness of the rivers and lakes has become more and more obvious every year, even if there is no such thing as the "God of Wealth Jade Bowl". The Jade Emperor has also moved his mind long ago?? Continue to sway on the Silk Continent, and one day the Tang Tibetan government will show a butcher knife. The Jianghu Cao Mang really wants to confront those masters who hold Jinwu. A fish died and the net broke.

The troubled times are prosperous. The collapse of the prosperous age has become the natural law of the reproduction and development of the sacred beasts' guild; ridiculously, many sacred beasts have been born in a powerful empire era, but they still can't see this point and still have illusions.

The city currently occupied by the Jade Emperor has a relatively good geographical environment. It is adjacent to virgin forests and rugged mountains behind it. There are mountains and water. The city is built in a warm extinct volcano, unlike the one encountered some time ago. city. Just like an earthworm nest, the cat can't see the sun under the ground.

The more he stayed here for a day, the Jade Emperor felt that the world was so fucking. The difference between cold and warm is nothing more than the last small earthquake that shook his head and shook his head. If a base area is established in an underground city, it may be buried alive by an earthquake. The Jade Emperor doesn't want to be a hero for a lifetime, and he will end up in such an unbearable state.

This city also has natural resource conditions that make the Jade Emperor have to be tempted?? The mountains nearby are rich in various jade. There are even rare magnetites that attract each other like magnets!

Speaking of it, the Jade Emperor couldn't believe it. The little dwarfs in this city were so tugging that they could actually soften the jade with a steamer. Then, like ironing, the jade is forged into a variety of utensils, weapons, and armor, without carving.

Not long ago, the Jade Emperor only saw a large number of crystal products in this world city?? This time made the Hua Tingzhong think that he had made a fortune. It was not until there were more places to go that the oriental beasts understood. Coming over, it turned out that it was so ridiculous to carry a dazzling array of crystal vessels in his waist.

This lesson was very helpless. The Jade Emperor wanted to communicate with the natives here and obtain the information he wanted from the beginning. But unfortunately, because everyone's languages ​​are different, communication is always difficult to start.

It was only recently that Hua Ting's army finally caught a captive who was quite capable and able to conduct dialogues with thoughts. Although this captive also had a pair of nasty eyes with twinkling silver threads, the Jade Emperor still kept him in check. Small life.

From the captives, the Jade Emperor learned that this place was originally the coast of the Demon World, not the continent of Juan; he knew that the guy with the silver light in his eyes was called Yintong, not the descendants of the previous dynasty; he knew this place. There is no water in the sea, only poisonous fog; I know that the crystal here is cheaper than steel, I know that the territory here is larger than the silk continent, earthquakes and volcanoes are commonplace; I know that there have been two suns and suns since ancient times. There are three moons and emperors, all surnamed Wu and Yaowang.

The Jade Emperor didn't care much about these materials. What he wanted to inquire most was the whereabouts of the "God of Wealth Jade Bowl".

The Jade Emperor who didn’t get the answer at first thought it was a captive deliberately uncooperative. The bandit who ransacked Hua Ting brought a regular army armed to the teeth. Obviously, he was not a waiter. The Jade Emperor didn’t believe that he would be unknown in the devil world. .

After a lot of severe punishment, the Jade Emperor had to admit helplessly and painfully that this prisoner did not lie, he had never heard of the "God of Wealth Jade Bowl"! However, the Jade Emperor finally figured out one thing. The silver pupils that have the power to lead the Demon Realm, only those powerful winged knights, somehow narrow the range of suspicious characters to a certain area.

The second good news that the Jade Emperor learned from the tortured captives who are not like humans and ghosts are not like ghosts: the jade production of the Devil World is very scarce, and the entire coast contributes to the continent. Currently, only three cities produce it. Fiyta City, which was just occupied by Ting's army, happened to be one of them!

For example, the more silver in your pocket, the more you can buy goods. Whether the Jade Emperor’s combat power is strong or not depends largely on the amount of jade around him; limited to the loading capacity of nachos equipment, the Jade Emperor will carry it with him on this trip. There are not many jade stones; the Jade Emperor could not find a second explanation except for the dictation of heaven.

If you want to build a base area, besides FIYTA City, where is there a more suitable place?

Should I go or stay? In order to make a correct decision, the entire Hua Ting executives spent half a day in discussions.

If you continue to run around to fight guerrillas. The advantage is obvious. It can avoid fighting with the eagle claws of the demon world government, and can better preserve its own strength; but the disadvantages are also obvious. The natural environment here is too bad. Especially after nightfall, the waterfalls can be frozen into the strange cold of glaciers, and continuing to wander in the wild is like killing your life.

Stopping to establish a base area, one can recuperate, wash away the dust of the servants, and secondly come here to be rich in jade. Sooner or later, for the Hua Ting and the Jade Emperor to find a place to stand on, it is simply a perfect home made in heaven, of course, there are disadvantages. No, once you are entrenched here, you will inevitably have to do a few fights, and the government of the Demon Realm will be useless. Nor would it sit back and watch a gang of Jiang Raptors take root.

After intense discussions, Jade Emperor integrated everyone's opinions and decided not to leave. Let's stay here and build a nest.

The Devildom is not a silk continent. The warriors and wizards here have no magic weapons. Except for a few weird winged people, most of them can't fly.

There are more than a thousand people in Hua Ting, even the most crappy Luo can take the sword into the air!

Fiyta City was built on the ground. Backed by Chongshan Junling, if you really can't do anything, you can't resist the army of the demon world official. Hua Ting can fly up and down into the virgin forest, anyway, the official eagle claws here can't lift off into the sky, not afraid that they can catch and kill Hua Ting.

But there is always a huge gap between the facts and imagination. Hua Ting only stayed in Fiyta City for only three days, and before he could establish a general rule framework in the future, he was attacked by an iron fist from the Demon Realm official government?? To the extent, it is not difficult for the Jade Emperor to guess that these masters belonged to the inner court guards of the Jinwu rank.

But he still didn't understand. Didn't it mean that the capital of the mainland contributed by the coast is tens of thousands of miles away from Fiyta City? How come these masters of internal ban came here in the blink of an eye?

Even worse, the eyes and ears that the Jade Emperor arranged on the wall. They were all like the blind and deaf, let these masters in the demon world sneak into the city of Fiyta silently, and encircled the palace with iron arms in the city lord’s mansion by surprise, without knowing what weird tricks they used. The vast majority of the flying swords in the Hua Ting suddenly lost the effect of controlling the air. The Jade Emperor's plan to break through and advance and retreat was immediately announced.

Jianghu has the most loyal spirit. The Jade Emperor can successfully escape with a few masters, but he can't do this. In any case, he must fight again!


Outside the mansion of Fiyta City Lord surrounded by heavy soldiers, swords and guns are like forests and banners are rolling.

"Who are these thugs?" Garbo sat on the throne in the makeshift hall, frowning and asking his military minister.

From the intelligence point of view, this group of murderous thieves with thousands of numbers, everyone has the ability to fly in the air, and their individual strength is very strong, but why they are connected to the quiet teleportation circle without knowing that they are closed, and even let the demon masters pass the teleportation The magic circle entered Fiyta City and controlled the situation?

Is it because they are too strong and self-confident, or because they are too idiot?

"Your Majesty, this gang has slaughtered all the silver-eye nobles in the forty-four cities that contributed to our coast in the mainland in nearly a month. The methods are extremely brutal and the style is extremely violent! As a host with a very scarce population. For the war race, every death of a silver eye is a huge loss for our country! So I think that no matter how sacred this gang is, we must kill them all with the force of thunder, and cut them off. Pile a Jingguan under the head to deter the ugliness and maintain the stability of the society!" The Minister of Military Aircraft himself is a silver pupil, so he seemed to be filled with righteous indignation, and his tone was passionate.

Although there are no more than 20 silver pupil nobles who settle in a small rural city, most of them belong to the local lord family, but the gang is too much. If the other demons don’t kill, they will choose silver pupil. .

"I'm going to take off the head of the bandit by myself, make it into a specimen, and decorate my study!" The Minister of Military Aircraft took the initiative to ask the Lich Queen to fight: "Your Majesty, these bandits are both Ouwu Shuangxiu, and they are good at it. Send messages to Bollywood and Hollywood for help, so that the Six Winged Kings and all the winged knights over there come to help out?"

"Is it necessary?" Garbo looked at the Minister of Military and Aircraft in a strange way. In order to eliminate this gang of gangsters who committed crimes, the coast contributed a strong army to the mainland, except for a four-wing general and eighteen wings. The knight led a thousand death knights outside. There are also five hundred crypt lords and five hundred fear princes, and the arcanist troops are as many as four regiments with two thousand people!

With the Lich King sitting in town, there are only more than a thousand opponents, so it is not the opponent of the regular army of the demons.

In fact, these vicious bandits have also tried to break through. However, the Obsidian Destroyer deployed the "Elemental Interference Enchantment". They have lost the ability to fly, and can only charge dryly on foot. This desperado tactic, which is similar to sending death, is equivalent to the Arcanist troop and the ground. The cave lord and heavy crossbowmen provide live targets.

"It's not this gang that we need to guard against! These gangsters also know to stop to rest, and they also know that they are tired and tired. They are stupid, so stupid that they can't even use the Arcane Teleportation Array! But Bimon is different, I don't understand. , Why can Bimon conduct such a fast and large-scale space mobile teleportation. As long as they come to massacre a few times in this way, our ruling authority will be gone!" The military minister snarled, "In view of this, We must implement the same retaliation against Mongolia. The purpose of gathering three four-wing generals and six-wing king Artest again!"

"This..." The Lich Queen squeezed her eyebrows forcefully as a conditioned reflex. To be honest, she has now had a sequelae of summoning the elite troops to carry out raids behind enemy lines. The three major Dreadlords and Six Winged Heavenly Kings who contributed to the mainland by the coast were killed in this way. of.

"Issue the order." After thinking about it again and again, Garbo accepted the words of the Minister of Military Aircraft. Proceeding from reality, if you want to retaliate for Bimon's evil deeds in the city, only elite troops can shoulder this responsibility.

There is space for teleportation array and bone union treasure box. The speed of mobilizing manpower is fast. In less than half an hour, Artest, the six-winged heavenly king, and two other four-winged demon knights, thirty-two winged knights, and more than two hundred high-level liches from Borlay Woo, Hollywood rushed to the city of Fiyta that contributed to the coast: What moved Garbo very much is that Her Royal Highness, Queen Dembol of the mainland of Hollywood, and Her Majesty Monroe, the newly crowned Lich Queen in Bollywood, are also together. With the troops rushed here to supervise the battle, accompanied by the two kings was also an old man with thornskin crane hair and majestic eyes.

"I thought... I didn't expect it would take you a hard drive." Queen Garbo was flattered, unabashedly, and excitedly looked at the mighty old man with admiration.

"Don't be too polite, my Queen Garbo." The eyes of the mighty old man are like a small universe in his pupils. Everyone can clearly see the deep galaxy: "Your Majesty Monroe has just been crowned as the Lich King, so I made my own claim and took the initiative to send a tear. By the way, I also want to know what happened to the Demon World recently. Why do I hear the souls of so many powerful demon worlds crying in the endless ocean!"

"Did Your Majesty Monroe tell you what has happened?" Garbo asked.

"Yes, I have fully understood the heavy blow that the Demon Race has suffered recently." The mighty old man sighed in a low voice, and gently stroked the scaly old skin on the back of his hand: "As the guardian of the demon world, My Majesty Scolari and I said the same thing back then. It is always unjust and immoral to rashly invade other people's territory. For this, your demons must prepare and prepare for the worst!"

The Lich Kings of the three continents were silent, and it was a rare sight in a thousand years that this seemingly sincere expression of accepting criticism could appear on their faces.

"But there are pests from other planes who dare to slaughter our native natives in the Demon Realm. This is even more an evil deed that I can't tolerate!" The mighty old man changed his sharp tone, and the tone of the sky changed: "This time I will live with you. Once those foreign pests are messing around again, I will be responsible for removing them for you!"

Queen Garbo, Queen Monroe, and Her Royal Highness Dumbledore were stunned for a while, then their expressions turned into ecstasy. Although this mighty old man would not help the Demon Realm to go to the Aegean Continent to fight the world, he is an out-and-out and short-term protection **** in the Demon Realm!

Even the ignorant Demon Race knows that this old man's ability is enough to seal the gods? He is the real number one master in the Demon Realm!

"I suggest you to communicate with the organ hatred. These constructed creatures are already alive. They are qualified to communicate with the demons on an equal footing! You must learn to use all the hidden powers around you. What is it? It's nothing more than a place and status where you can multiply and develop a race!" The mighty old man took a pity on the three Lich Kings: "Next, you don't have to go to have trouble with those dragons. Those reptiles, as long as they encounter a small blow, they will retract into the cave to lick their wounds! They are as greedy, mean and cowardly as Zifiano!"

"Thank you for your reminder, the protector of all the demons! It is hated by the organs... I am afraid it is a bit difficult..." Queen Monroe smiled bitterly: "As for the dragons, we will try our best to fight for it again. After all, their power is undeniable. ..."

"Whether it works or not, always give it a try." The mighty old man smiled: "Zifiano and the Aegean sacred dragon are actually brothers. They both passed through time and space at the same time, and one came. The Devildom, one has entered the Aegean! For me, they are the most annoying outsiders, so the dragons who follow Zifiano make me feel very upset! But you don’t have to care too much about my feelings, What to do or how to do it, trust your own judgment."

The two Lich Queens and a Queen Regent agreed only conscientiously, and made a lot of gestures.

"Why hasn't this gang that killed Silver Eye been cleaned up yet?" The mighty old man raised his eyes to see the city lord's mansion where the killing sound was gradually subdued. Just now, the silk beast launched another breakout, and he was quickly caught by the crossbow and Austrian. Shu Feng shot back: "Do you need my help?"

Garbo was overjoyed when she heard this. The toughness and good fighting of this group of bandits greatly exceeded her expectations. If it hadn't been for the heavy equipment and arcanists they had brought with them today, and if they had been caught off guard, Her Majesty the Queen would treat her own army. Whether it can besiege such a brave giant thief is skeptical, the ancient Piacenza crocodile king is willing to take it personally, and naturally he can't dream of good things.

"No!" Before Garbo nodded and agreed, His Majesty Monroe decisively rejected the kindness of the ancient Piacenza Crocodile King, this majesty Clark Gable's beloved daughter, who had just succeeded as the young princess of the Lich King, Put forward another special suggestion: "The Crocodile King just said must learn to use all the hidden powers around us! So I want to enter the mansion and try to get in touch with the opponent’s boss. Can all these gangsters be pacified!"

"Your Majesty Monroe, you have just become the Lich King, I am afraid..." Although Monroe has taken the tears of the ancient crocodile king, in a short time, her strength is still not comparable to the senior Lich King, so Garbo can't let her take risks.

The wall of this mansion has long been beaten into a garbage dump by Arcanists, but the bandits inside quickly used a large amount of jade to erect another wall, which shows their strength.

"Everything has to be tried." Queen Monroe answered neither humble nor overbearing, winning the ancient crocodile king's pleased smile.

Garbo and Monroe, the royal special edition bone union treasure box of the two Lich Kings, suddenly rang out of time.

One good news, one bad news.

The good news is that the Sea Clan’s sturdy Wangyou Valley defense line was retaken by humans and Bimon.

The bad news is that they don't seem to be ready to return it.

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