The Beast’s Blood Boils

Vol 4 Chapter 689: Countdown to the final battle [15]

The first shot of the ultimate decisive battle was fired in Caiyu City. \\mStarter\\

But this first shot was not as Six Winged King Artest expected. Prince Yuwu blatantly disobeyed the imperial order and commanded the Mozu army to fire. Instead, Rommel commanded the Jade City Army to initiate the attack and actively sounded. The death knell of a decisive battle.

Mei Shuai knew very well why he was assigned to this city by Richard.

Although Mourinho, the chief priest of the Swan, is famous and powerful, he has not heard of any outstanding achievements in the military. There is a saying that "separation is like a mountain." A famous sacrifice and a famous commander are two different things. Being effective in the army does not mean that you will command the battle.

However, after coming to Caiyu City, Rommel still felt that Richard was watching people in the gate.

The swan chief priest is indeed an almighty genius in an almighty genius! Just a slight glance at Caiyu City's defense measures, Mei Shuai definitely gave this exclamation point conclusion.

The city of Caiyu, which faces east and west, is backed by snow-capped mountains, and the left and right sides are guarded by dense lush coniferous pine forests. A huge stretch of solid tree wall is built against the mountain, which encompasses the mountain wall behind the city along with the Qingquan waterfall. On the towering and steep snow rock mountain wall, the leaders of the Jade City have dug out a number of caves and blue platforms, which are used as positions for setting up trebuchets and bed crossbows-this is an excellent commanding height.

There are many arrow towers on the huge tree-walled city tower, and there are strict warriors. The old war trees are full of vigilant sentries. Well-trained soldiers are already ready to fight; the troop caves and strategic reserve warehouses inside the city wall are structured. They are all reasonable and very convenient for the guards on the towers to call. Such an urban defensive layout is the result of careful design by experts. Through special geographical conditions, Cai Jade City not only makes full use of the natural nature on the snow-capped mountain walls. Commanding heights. The virgin forest was also used to cover the left and right wings of the city. Once the war broke out, the offensive could only launch a one-way offensive from west to south, while the defenders had to do their best to defend the five-mile-long Western Wall. There is no need to worry about threats in other directions, which greatly saves troops.

The most insidious thing is that Mourinho built the jade mining city in the deepest part of the coniferous pine forest. If you want to enter the jade mining city from the Danube Wasteland, you must first cross a narrow forest path! This is another big problem for the offensive side of the large corps movement. If a large enough flat land is not opened up in the coniferous pine forest in advance, let alone heavy equipment, even the troops will not be able to deploy in front of Jade City.

The coniferous pine forest at the foot of the snow-capped mountains is virgin forest. Each coniferous pine is over a thousand years old and is at least ten arms apart in diameter. It is not an easy job to cut down such a sturdy old tree on a large scale.

Even if the opponent can pull the posture, the fifteen-meter-high tree wall of Caiyu City, the geometrically chamfered wall, and the cross fire of the duplex structure are enough to make this semi-circular tree wall a nightmare for any attacker! Mei Shuai is a super master in siege. Of course he knew that in the era of cold weapons, there was no military fortress more difficult to conquer than this kind of multi-sided structure! This is the crystallization of human wisdom in the Aegean, the fruit of sublimation after the defensive art has been quantified and refined!

The elves certainly cannot create a tree city with such extreme military tendencies. All of these are obviously masterpieces of the swan master.

But from the wall outside the tree wall. Rommel still saw a part of the defensive measures in the elven style, the thick layer of thorny vines clinging to the wall, no one except Aegean Mainz would use them-these giant rose-like vines. Each one is as thick as a child's arm, twisted and entangled like a strange python, and clusters of finger-thick brown spines are clustered in the dense green and fat leaves. The fighters on the siege are stabbed by this thing and will not be daggered. Where is it so good? As for the huge scars and tree holes on the wall of the tree wall, you don't need to ask to know that it is a hidden fire spot.

The most distinctive feature is that there is no moat dug in the front area of ​​Cai Jade City. Instead, the inner wall of the tree wall is filled with shin-deep warm water, which is drawn from the hot spring waterfalls that are poured down from the snow-capped mountains. [M Rapid Update] Flying flowers and squirting jade are full of heat. Although it is winter, it is full of colorful duckweed flowers and large-leaf water lilies, which is beautiful-this is obviously an artificial wetland set up for fire prevention.

The houses in the city are also very distinctive. The canopies of old pine trees are covered with cobweb-like complex vine bridges, swinging between the big tree houses. There is no need to be down-to-earth at all. If the demon’s trebuchet wants When attacking this city, I am afraid that we must first ask whether the elastic tree canopy agrees or not!

City offensive and defensive warfare is an extreme combat method of fighting will and exhausting. Among all types of battlefields, the technical content of siege and defense is the smallest. It is not easy to be able to mine the jade city.

Paying attention to the high-end lineup of Jade City, Rommel secretly smacks his tongue, the Snowy Faceless Giant, Jingwei Phoenix, Liverpool Zhuniao, Nimea Giant Lion, Fire Phoenix, Moon White Tiger, Deep Ocean Blue Polar Seal, and Emperor Clam , Moon Elf Mage, Cloud Giant...How the **** is the strength that a noble territory can possess...

"A beautiful and solid city, a commander skilled in military affairs, and a strong and elite army." This is Rommel's evaluation of Jade City and Mourinho and the defenders of Jade City.

Meishuai is a military expert who is very good at using geographical conditions to win for himself. Caiyu City can make perfect use of all the natural resources available around him, and it is not surprising that he won his praise.

However, Caiyu City is not perfect. In Meishuai’s eyes, this city is not only a perfect place, but it is also a “dead city”. I can’t find any way...This kind of "dead city" will only have two consequences in a war, either a great victory or an entire army...

Based on his sensitive identity, owner’s self-esteem, and current magical conditions, Rommel tried his best to avoid the unpleasant topic, and only asked Mourinho the most concerned doubts: "Master Jose, I don’t say you should I know that a forest fire broke out in the coniferous pine forest at the foot of the snow-capped mountains some time ago. The coniferous pine has such a high oil content. If you built the jade city in a pine forest, wouldn’t you be afraid..."

"You are afraid that our enemy will attack with fire. Cai Jade City will be burned, right?" Mourinho played with the golden flute and explained without expression: "If there is a forest fire, of course we have only one way to retreat. Let's go! But the other party has already written a battle book to me. I think they shouldn't be so inconsistent..."

"Speaking of which, you may not believe it. According to our scouts, these demons seem to love the coniferous pine forest at the foot of the Temuraya Snow Mountain. All their heavy equipment is made on the edge of the Southern Cross Forest, and they have not moved. Passing through a piece of bark in the coniferous pine forest at the foot of the snow-capped mountains! In addition, there are no less than 100,000 Mozu engineering troops, who have been active in the snow-capped pine forest recently, digging holes." The old Duke Bruckner shook his head with a wry smile and pointed. The demon army who lived outside the city of Jade Cairn and sweated woods and cleared the ground said: "To be honest, I really can’t figure out the intentions of the demon and I know that... the military value of the jade city is equal to zero. There really is no need for the clan to risk casualties to attack this city... It seems to them that it would be more economical to burn it all down..."

"Are they trying to make aerial bombs?" Rommel's military sense was revealed at this moment. In the blink of an eye, he guessed the true intention of the Mozu: "The oil content of pine trees is quite high, especially the snow mountain coniferous pine. The Mozu deliberately protects the snow mountain pine forest. It is nothing more than this purpose."

If the two great Lich Kings of the Demon Realm were here, they would definitely shout the monsters when Rommel said this.

In order to kill the future rival Sea Clan army by surprise, the "turpentine bomb" of the Demon Air Force has not been exposed at the bottom of the box.

The swan priest Mourinho and the old Duke of Brückner looked at each other, their eyes flashed violently, and they were obviously shocked by Rommel's speculation-if the speculation was correct. It is completely logical that the demon army chose to attack and mine the jade city instead of burning it.

Rommel raised his head to look at the sky, and carefully observed the movement of the demon army outside the city with the observation machine in his hand, his eyebrows frowned slightly. Reached out and found out his bone union.

"In fact, even if they have aerial bombs, it's not a big deal..." The old Duke Bruckner smiled coldly and restored his original arrogance: "We are Smy! The patent for the blue sky restricted zone is always in our hands!"

"The situation seems a bit weird." Rommel put the Gulian treasure box back in his pocket: "I contacted Feilengcui and Wangyougu, and the result was that the enemy is preparing and has not launched an attack."

"Do you suspect that the other party will use aerial bomb offensive to clean up us?" Mourinho, the chief priest of the swan, tapped the beautifully contoured forehead with a golden flute, and the bone union treasure box appeared smartly: "Okay, I'm here. Contact London and dispatch three hundred Smyr fighters to Feilengcui and Wangyougu each."

"Sorry to disturb you." Two colorful dragons and two fairy dragons walked over in full, full of armor. Pretending to be a soldier, the fairy dragon is covered in a cloak, pretending to be a mage: "The enemy is clearing the ground, and the battle is about to start. Where should our partners set ambush? Just throwing them in the space ring is not a waste of resources!"

The two dragon cities sent a total of two pairs of high-ranking dragons and 46 ordinary dragons to support the Jade City, plus the six **** black dragons and a silver elephant brought by Rommel, so many large heads are hidden on the tower. It is absolutely impossible to hide. But instead of hiding in the tower, it relies on two pairs of colorful dragons, fairy dragons, three-headed third-order dragons and Rommel hiding among the tower’s defenders, and the effect of the sneak attack is bound to be limited. , The enemy master must focus on attacking the main tower. If fifty-six dragons can fire together...

"I can't solve this problem." Rommel raised his hand very simply: "There are more than fifty giant dragons on the tower, even if the demons collectively have cataracts, they will not be invisible."

"This is indeed a big problem..." Old Duke Swan hesitated.

"If you can't hide, just don't hide it, just pull it out and do it with the real sword and gun!" The violent colorful dragon was covered by the armor on his body, the invincible Aegean dragon clan, dictionary Is there ever a sordid and cowardly word "ambush"?

"Don't do that!" Rommel's face was immediately flat: "Do you want to kill Richard?"

"Kill Lord Richard? What do you say?" A fairy dragon with pimples on the tip of her nose asked strangely: "Mr. Rommel, are you too alarmist?"

"The combination of Richard's sneak attack and ambush strategy and the tactics of "upper vs. lower" is indeed a beautiful strategic plan, but this plan also has a natural fatal loophole-the number of Aegean high one is too small!" Rommel sneered. Said: "Which one of the high-ranking members of the Three Realms of Mohaiming is the rice bucket? If Caiyu City reveals its strength in advance, can the Aegean masters still keep the news? By then, everyone will be fighting open fire. Real swords and guns will fight for victory or defeat. , How confident do you think Aegean is to defeat the power of the Mohaiming three realms?"

The two pairs of colorful dragons and fairy dragons wilted immediately.

"What is Caiyu City? Caiyu City is the biggest bet in Richard's plan!"

"He bet more than fifty dragons here. This is a high-end power that the Demon Clan absolutely never expected!"

"We must rely on sneak attacks and ambushes to severely damage the enemy's high-end forces. In order to achieve the goal of supporting the other two-line battlefields as soon as possible!" After Rommel finished speaking in one breath, he asked the fascinating colorful dragon just now: "Now you still Do you think we should pull out all the dragons to fight against each other?"

"But..." Qi Cailong is not stupid: "How many masters can hit each other hard by just a few of us?"

"It's because we don't have the strength to inflict heavy damage on each other, so we have to leave this task to Wangyougu and Feilengcui!" Rommel's expression is extremely painful, and it is not a happy thing to explain strategy and tactics to an elm bump: " Don’t you understand? There is always one side of the Three Great Wars that will take the lead in the war. Since the news of the Aegean masters will be exposed sooner or later, of course, the harder the attack on our enemies, the better! Feilengcui has an iron curtain projection, There are many humanoid masters in Wangyougu, and they are far more advantageous to attack the enemy! Cai Jade City currently has only one mission, no war. Once the war starts, the opponent must be resolved as soon as possible, and then quickly support other fronts!"

"Rely... How come Feilengcui and Wangyougu have been slow to fight..." Colorful Dragon was a little unconvinced. But there was nothing to refute, and I could only mutter a few grumble words and vent my depressed heart.

"Just one word, wait!" Rommel shrugged his shoulders, meaning I couldn't help it.

His Gulian Treasure Box screamed at the right time, after turning on the knob. A hint of joy flashed across the handsome and handsome face.

"Good job! The demon army that attacked Feilengcui finally couldn't help but began to summon Forbidden Curse!!!"

"This is for death. As long as Fei Lengcui engages the two domains to cover the sky, this guy who summons the Forbidden Curse should be backlashed by the elements." The four descendants of the sacred dragons laughed when Mei Shuai said so: "These alien invaders seem to believe that our Aegean masters are all misfired."

"Feelengcui is the place most likely to hit the enemy's masters. The Iron Curtain of the Abyss is too ruthless. Looking at the high slopes of red soil from a distance of more than 500 yards, it will be pitch-black! I dare say that even if Richard doesn't treat his masters Send in battle, and the pure golden feather arrows and magical magical magic can also kill a large number of top powerhouses in the three worlds of the magic sea and the underworld." Rommel laughed and said: "I am afraid that the number one leader of the underworld can't hold so much magic. And the moment of the golden feather arrow blasted wildly, right?"

"If I can figure out a way to hide the body of the ten-headed dragon, can you lead us to shoot the first shot in the ultimate battle before Wangyougu and Feilengcui?" Mourini who never spoke Ao, asked Rommel abruptly: "Ten dragons, this number plus you with hidden murderous intent. It should be enough to damage the masters of the demons outside the jade city!"

"I will lead you to start the battle first..." Meishuai's sweat ran down: "Master Mourinho, the highest commander of this city should be you and the old Duke of Bruckner?"

"You’re Although your behavior in the Battle of the Oil Mound is very uncomfortable to us, I am still convinced of your tactical command talent. There is a specialization in the surgical industry, and the military command of Caiyu City Of course, the power can be given to you as an expert to play the best role."

"The meaning of the magic bird is what I mean." The old prince nodded and agreed: "Although we are proud, we still dare to face our own shortcomings and admit the strengths of others."

"This..." Rommel knew in his heart that Mourinho was afraid that he was the same as him. He was too cruel to be crushed by Richard's limelight. He was thinking about when he could earn some face for himself to prove it. He is also a genius of this era, no worse than the Divine Comedy Shaman.

"Don't you want to prove your worth?" The chief priest of Jinpao didn't know if he could see through Rommel's mind, like a spoonful of oil poured into a fire pit, and only one sentence inspired Meishuai's ambitions. "I, the most outstanding sacred phoenix priest in the history of the Smai and even Beamon, Jose, Mourinho, and you, Rommel, the famous and victorious general in the Taklamago desert, can we add up? , Not as good as a lascivious?

The flushed Rommel clenched his fists tightly, and his body trembled violently. Although he didn't say anything, everyone could see how excited and eager he was at this moment.

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