The sound of a group of night partridge flapping its wings suddenly appeared in the grass in the distance. This strange situation immediately quieted the group of professional robbers.

The bear goblins don’t have the habit of wearing shoes. The bear goblins who stayed behind to guard the prisoners under the high **** of the red earth suddenly felt a slight and imperceptible tremor from the ground to the toe. They are all habitual bandits of the Dunau Wasteland. , Immediately several bear goblins fell to the ground, their furry ears leaned against the roots of the grass, and listened carefully.

An experienced bear goblin spit on his fingers, twisted his hands, stood up and shouted at the goblin leader on the high slope: "Head! People are coming from the east, I can't tell how many footsteps there are. Human! It looks like a behemoth with a heavy body like an earth otter!"

"Fuck! Hurry up!" The bear goblin leader shook the bronze axe in his hand and shouted loudly: "Some other goblin tribe must know that there are fat sheep here! Come over and want to get a share! Damn it! Except for the Razor Mountain Goblin tribe, no one raises a large beast like the Earth Otter! Let's do it now! How much can we grab!"

Ningyu and Avril’s faces were still happy when they heard that someone came from the east. They thought it was Goode and Bellamy who came back with the guards to help, but when the bear goblin leader said this, just now Wei Wei's heart immediately became Bing Tuotuo again.

   Earth otters are huge cave-dwelling beasts. They usually live in deep underground pits. Although they can’t use magic, they are not inferior to the terrestrial dragons, and they are simply nightmares for any creature. Goblins have always liked to provide food to powerful creatures. Needless to say, this earth otter must be an accomplice of another goblin bandit tribe.

   The gang of bear goblins in front of them are already powerful enough, and there is another tribe of goblin bandits who are afraid of even these bear goblins.

   "Oh gram!" The bear goblins under Gaopo heard the leader's call, and a part of them immediately stood up to respond to the call, waving the nail-headed stick in their hands and preparing to rush up.

   The bloodyness they had just burned was interrupted by a sudden episode.

A big rock suddenly flew out of the grass in the night breeze, and hit the chest of the most screaming bear goblin. With a crisp sound of rib fracture, the bear goblin's chest was bent into a limp Yes, one head fell on the bonfire on the ground, and the flame first went dark, and immediately singed on the body hair of this bear goblin, the flames billowed thick black smoke, and suddenly rose up.

This bear goblin screamed screamingly on the fire, but couldn't move it anyway, letting the flames lick his strong body, a burnt smell spread, and the fire turned bright and dark, sizzling. The boiling sound kept coming.

   All the bear goblins who were about to rush to Gaopo to participate in the encirclement were stunned. They turned their backs to the wasteland and didn't see the stone hitting it. They just saw a partner falling on the fire and howling.

A few bear goblins immediately went up and kicked the firewood from the fire, and dragged the hapless guy out with all their hands. It’s weird to say that he was screaming loudly when he was roasting on the fire. , On the contrary, out of breath.

   Several bear goblins looked at this hapless companion in disbelief, their eyes widened.

This bear goblin’s strong pectoral muscles were completely knocked and collapsed, and several broken ribs pierced out of the chest obliquely, and were scorched to black by the campfire. There was a cracked gap in the waist, and large chunks flowed through the gap covered with ash. s things.

   At the moment when the bear goblins' minds were blank, the grass suddenly turned into a breaking wave, striding out a dozen majestic Bimon.

These Bemun orcs all shave their shiny bald heads, and the beards on the corners of their mouths are braided, and they hang down to their open chests. Their naked arms are full of wild, rock-like muscles. It was freshly shaved stubble, glowing with blue light.

Their noses are thick and drooping, and the two legs exposed under the gorgeous animal skins are as thick as ancient stone pillars in the wasteland. They have a long ivory sharp blade in their hands, which seems to carry a little bit. The scratches and gaps, and the sharpened ivory long knife is not very sharp, but in the night it exudes a chill that makes the bear goblin bandit's back cramped.

   "It's the Orlephan warrior!!!" A timid bear goblin almost burst his vocal cords and screamed while pulling his throat.

"What are you afraid of! Don't you know that these two magician chicks created the illusion!" An experienced bear goblin interrupted the cry of this incompetent partner. However, he didn't know why. Will also be a little guessing.

   This sentence relieved the bear goblins who had almost exploded their nests. They, who had little brains, suddenly remembered the illusion of the Orlephan warrior they had encountered at the beginning.

   Liu shocked, holding a cigar that hadn't been lit for many days, and holding Helen's slender waist, he walked out from the group of mammoth strongmen who had shaved their hair.

   The eyes of the bear goblin robbers suddenly lit up, and Helen's beauty and enchantment were more attractive than the two beauties just now, and her eyes were fascinating.

   Karoo, with his head full of blood stains, also appeared. At this time, Karoo was all over the place and triumphant. He was looking for the two guys who broke his head among the goblins. The goblins looked alike and were not very easy to identify. Karu looked around for a long time and couldn't find them.

   "Richard! Hurry and save us!" Avril and Ningyu cried with joy, and screamed loudly at the same time.

   Guoguo and Piggy rolled each other's eyes, Guoguo shrugged, her big ears drooped, and sighed.

  The bear goblin bandits still didn't understand what kind of fate they would face. They looked at each other with a sneer, picked up the nailhead in their hands and approached the group of people who had just arrived with evil eyes.

   The mammoth warriors extinguished the surrounding fire without saying a word. Fire is the most annoying thing of the Olefin clan, and the mammoth warriors find the light an eye-catching.

They extinguished the fire in a unique way. They picked up the bear goblins who were close to them, punched them in their stomachs, and threw them beside the bonfire. They drew quickly, and there was a gust of wind, and all the bonfires were full. There were several bear goblins who coughed up blood, and the blood clots from the throat opened the gate and poured water on the fire.

   The flame was soon bleaked by the blood, and there was a sweet smell permeating it.

  The bear goblins didn't want to resist, but couldn't resist. A force that they could not imagine destroyed their physical functions.

  The bear goblins suddenly realized a serious problem. These Orlephan warriors are not afterimages or phantoms. They are alive, the most powerful warriors on this continent!

   The back of every bear goblin became wet in an instant, and big beads of sweat came out.

"Welcome to Feilengcui as a guest." Liu shocked to the side of a pile of unextinguished fires, lit the cigar on his lips, and bowed to this large group of bear goblins who were completely at a loss. Nobility etiquette.

The bear goblins on the high slopes of red earth noticed that under the high slopes, around the barren red earth slopes, were approaching huge beasts. There were a few brains turning fast. The bear goblin bandits who had escaped just got into the grass. When they met them, these giant beasts only waved their long noses, and the escaped bear goblin soared into the air, with a scream of "plop" and fell into the distance.

  The bear goblins discovered in a panic that their identities had been quietly changed from predators to prey, and they had been enclosed in their most usual way.

After a brief period of panic, the bear goblins under the high **** began to launch a tidal wave on the Orlephan warriors. This is not how brave and chivalrous the goblins are. The key is that they know not to rush out. It must be a dead end, and Beamon’s army has always treated the goblin robbers to death without leaving a living.

  These bear goblins are still praying while charging. These giant elephant warriors are just afterimages, just phantoms.

An ivory long knife that broke through the air shattered their dreams. The power of the mammoth hercules represented the end of Bimon. Even a giant elephant warrior could not look back. The height of more than three blades can make them face The hill giant is no less inferior.

   Their skin is inherently hard and hard, and the damage to the general is almost completely negligible.

The two-edged ivory long knife, under the dim firelight, passed a pale white light and jumped, and cut the charge of the bear goblin bandit into two pieces. Many bear goblin heads are nail heads in their hands. The sticks were chopped into two pieces together, and some were chopped off, flying out in two slanting, with a smell of blood falling like rain in the night sky.

   The texture of the ivory long knife is very hard, but it is not sharp, but none of the bear goblins' bodies that are cut can be intact.

  Bear goblins have agile bodies, but they can’t avoid the swift light of the sword. The mammoths’ tongues are licking their dry lips, their pupils are sharp, and none of Bimon’s veins is not filled with the blood of war.

   "Bhacha", the ivory long knife in the hands of some mammoths has actually been cut off, and the bones under the strong two-bladed body of the bear goblin are also very hard.

   The bear goblins collapsed.

These giant elephant warriors are not what they can match at all. They can't resist it at all in terms of size and strength. Seeing pity, the ivory long knife in the hands of these giant elephant warriors is broken. They are fierce but undiminished. Their stone pillars are like stone pillars. Their arms and huge legs are also sharp weapons for murder, as well as their long noses. Every wave of bear goblins that rushes past is like a tide pouring into a bottomless abyss.

   The remaining bear goblins all collapsed to the foot of the high **** of red soil, and they didn't dare to rush over again. It was a suicide.

   The dim flames of the bonfire burst into sparks from time to time, illuminating the red earth full of corpses. There were dozens of incomplete corpses on the ground, some of which were still in hot mist, and some were still convulsing.

   Liu's shocked hand pressed Helen's eyes and pulled her into his arms. Helen's hand gripped his neckline tightly, very hard.

   The last bear goblin robber was slapped in the face by Corina's nose, and he immediately covered his face, curled up in pain and crouched down. Corina grabbed his hair and lifted his head. The bear goblin's face had been hit by a meteorite, blood was all over his face, and a dark thing was drooping on it, as if pinched. Broken eyeballs, eyebrows burst.

"Let me come!" Liu Zhenshake threw Helen away, strode forward, and drew the scimitar from his waist, grabbed the bear goblin robber, grabbed the messy long hair on his head, and carried it with him. The blood was dragged to the high **** of red soil, and the hundreds of bear goblins below the **** were nervously squeezed into a lump, one was crushed from time to time, and they were trampled and screamed miserably.

"I'm the master here, my name is Richard, you can call me Sir Sir, or..." Liu shocked the cigar in his mouth, shaking with his words, a huge sparkle of sparks Brightened his face: "...Call me kind master."

   Liu's shocking hand carried the plump body of the bear goblin, and threw it in front of the cowering goblin.

   Liu shocked and floated his head three times, each time his head was swayed and hung down. In the end, Liu shock lost his patience, pressing his neck and slashing his head.

   Many bear goblin robbers turned their heads, afraid to watch this scene, screams one after another hysterically roared from the mouths of the surrounding virgins and skunks.

   The bold bear goblin watched this scene, but his hands and feet were numb.

   "Give you three fingers of time, drop the weapon in your hand!" Liu shocked and scanned the bear goblins in front of him, his eyes looked like an eagle in the cloud over a group of fat quails in the grass nest.

  The bear goblins panted heavily and looked at each other, not knowing what to do. They felt an extraordinary light in the eyes of this orc. It was a kind of light that longed for killing only when it was stained with blood. They also had it, but it was far from surging and fierce.

   Not a single bear goblin bandit was willing to abandon the weapon in his hand, especially seeing that there were so many people around him, a few courageous goblin bandits became restless again.

   Liu shocked, biting the cigar in his mouth, walking around in circles, right in front of the group of goblins. Little piglet Katyusha yelled and squeezed out from the crevices of the legs, leaped off the high slope, and the round and intestine-like body traversed a beautiful arc and landed on Liu. Shocked arms.

   Liu's shocked and murderous eyes suddenly softened.

   The evening breeze is getting stronger and stronger, with the unique chill on the wasteland.

   The bear goblin bandits on the high **** of red clay are the elite of the elite. Under the cue of the leader, several of them could not help jumping down the slope, waving the big stick in their hands and rushing over.

The group of giant beasts have stepped down on the grass and arrived. Under the weak bonfire jumping, the bear goblin robbers on the high **** can see clearly that they are more than a dozen mammoth mammoths, each of which is long. A few sturdy Orphans sat on the mammoth, blocking all directions.

   The bear goblins on the high **** of the red earth also saw the right time, ready to capture this majestic piglet holding the piglet in one fell swoop.

Although those praying mantises were injured, the swordsmanship was too fierce, and they saw blood when they came out. Only this man was bold enough to approach Gaopo single-handedly. The Orphans behind him are still a long way away , And before him, there are hundreds of heavily armed bear goblins.

   The goblin bandits are not stupid. The leader of this peg makes them clear at a glance. If you catch him, maybe it's a way to survive. Compared with a mantis sword saint and giant elephant warrior, a pigeon is the dumbest goblin who knows who to choose as his opponent.

   The bear goblins who jumped down the high **** rolled up a plume of smoke, and used their agility to the extreme, killing Ben Liu shocked.

   The mammoths were smiling disdainfully, the virgins covered their mouths, and the hedgehogs and skunks stared.

   The bear goblins were completely defeated by the cruelty of reality.

Eight majestic, five-big and three-thick bear goblins are the best fighting desperadoes in the tribe. Their scarred bodies don’t know how many fighting skills they have accumulated. They have this confidence. They don’t have any cowardly known pigeons. Clan fighters can take advantage of them in the battle.

Liu Zhenshock patted the piglet's **** in his arms. The puff little piglet opened his mouth with wisdom teeth, half-holding the unlit cigar, and after a soft hum, Liu shocked. He took off the cigar in his mouth and helped it pass the fire. The little piglet clicked the cigar **** in his mouth and snorted with satisfaction.

   At this time, eight bear goblin robbers brandishing big sticks have rushed to the corrupting father and son. The nail-headed big stick rolled up the roaring wind and slammed on the arrogant dog.

   The shimmering water arrow volcano erupted like a volcanic eruption from the mouth of the little piglet smoking a cigar butt.

The continuous and continuous water arrow is not as weak as Avril's magic water arrow just now. The "swift" water arrow with a scream of tearing the air, swings open the little piglet's mouth and curls up. His cigar brought out an extremely brilliant silver thread, and headlessly greeted the bear goblins rushing in.

   The seven strong bear goblin warriors swayed like the thatch swept by the autumn wind, like they were dancing a lame dance. Magic water arrows with mercury-like flash hit the leather armor nailed with ragged scales at close range, passing through them, turning into piles of blood-red water arrows, nailing them unfailingly. On the high red soil **** of China, a series of muffled noises were heard.

These water arrows actually condensed into a series of real feather arrows, and they could still shake the tail feathers tremblingly on the red clay layer. The blood stains on them dripped slowly. Finally, these water arrows quietly turned into water droplets. .

   On the high **** of red soil, it was suddenly painted in scarlet and turned into a dark red abstract painting.

The seven strong and vigorous bodies that were once alive and kicking fell on their backs, turning into collapsed hornet honeycombs all over their bodies. The hollow body-like bodies "squeaked" with blood, and the twisted blood lines exploded from clarity. With a painful moan in the open wound, she reluctantly left her mobile territory.

The nail-headed sticks and thick wooden shields they held tightly in their hands were also full of terrible holes and eyes. A thick pool of blood soon gathered on the red earth lying on their backs, and the withered yellow leaves on the ground were immediately stained. The color of the maple leaf, and slowly floated, and soon, the pool of blood was absorbed by the dry red earth, leaving only a large dark black and veins covered with blood on the ground. Everything that happened.

too crazy!

  Bear goblin bandits can't imagine that there is actually a little piglet in this world who can launch a series of water arrows.

  How can I survive in the face of this kind of torrential rain?

   Ningyu and Avril Lavigne were also stunned. Although Little Piggy had performed this water arrow before, he couldn't imagine that this single magic used to kill was so terrifying.

The bear goblin robber who rushed at the end was the only survivor. He couldn't move at all. He felt a cloud of silver light flashing by. All of his companions who rushed to the front fell down in an instant, with one flashing. With the silver water arrow mixed with blood-red luster, he smashed the stud in his hand with great strength, and also completely slashed the murderous intent in his heart by this sudden blow.

Seeing this hellish god-harvesting piglet aiming the little piglet in his hand at him, watching the cigars drifting away, the only lucky one fell to the ground with a soft leg, and two lines rolled out of his crotch. warm current.

   A large group of bear goblins who were ready to move, "boom" stepped forward and were about to rush along with them, before taking two steps, the group of "boom" turned back.

   There was a bear goblin rushing the fastest, trying to brake, but he didn't listen to his hands and feet, brandishing a stick, stupidly rushed to Liu Zhensha and stopped.

   His stick was held up in the air, but it couldn't fall anyhow, his expression was dull.

   Liu shocked and slapped the bear goblin's throat, which was still in a daze, and his throat was immediately cut off.

The poor bear goblin robber fell to the ground with his throat covered, his legs stomping desperately, his bronchial tube was completely ruptured, he couldn't breathe in any more air, and his face quickly became a velvet color and dark. His nails cut deep gaps in his throat, hoping to get another breath or two of fresh air.

The incontinent bear goblin kicked on the ground and backed desperately, pulling out a filthy drag mark on the ground; those once fierce and stern eyes are now completely turned into little white rabbits under wolf paws~www is full of fear and dodge.

"I won't kill you if I eat it." Liu shocked holding the little piglet, standing in front of the frightened incontinent bear goblin, and gently kicking the ground with his leather boots, which was stained with feces and urine. gravel.

   The evening breeze became more intense, and the surrounding grass resounded like a tidal wave, and the spurs on Liu's shocked leather boots were steadily spinning in the wind.

   The whole audience was silent, except for the deliberately suppressed breathing, all eyes were on the hapless bear goblin robber.

The bear goblin searched around with panic eyes, every companion he saw avoided his face, and every goblin robber's heart was cold to his asshole, as if there were ice cubes falling together, and his whole body was cold. Swish.

"It seems that you lack the courage." Liu Zhenhuan grinned and stepped on the arm of the bear goblin whose bronchus was chopped off. The crisp sound of bone cracking made all the bear goblin eyebrows violently jump. .

   Looking at the companion who couldn't even scream out, the bear goblin no longer had any hesitation, grabbed the gravel on the ground a lot, stuffed it desperately into his mouth, and let out a dry cough.

   Nose and tears overflowed on the face of this bear goblin who was full of humiliation.

   "This is a good boy." Liu shocked and smiled. The sharpness in his eyes reminded everyone of the ivory long knife that had just been spreading vertically.

   The turned master Feilengcui looked at all the bear goblin bandits, and the gentleman bowed: "Gentlemen! How are you thinking about it?"

   The little piglet in his arms snorted, and sparks shot from his cigar butt.

   The night wind blows more urgently, like howling.


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