The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

"Hiss..." Mu Heng sat up from the cold floor and rubbed his temples.

He felt pain all over his body, as if he was hit by a car and flew more than ten meters, and then rolled and slid on the ground for a distance.

"Uh..." Mu Heng was suddenly stunned. This didn't seem to be a feeling. He vaguely remembered that his last memory was a truck with a "Dayun" brand hitting him head-on.

"Wait, shouldn't I be dead? Can I survive after flying more than ten meters? I'm not a sports student..." As he spoke, Mu Heng suddenly found that his voice was not right.

But it was not the kind of hoarseness caused by injury or not drinking water for a long time. Instead, the voice was soft and delicate, like the cry of an oriole, pleasant to the ears.

Because of bone conduction, everyone hears their own voice, which is actually transmitted from the bones to the ears, and is different from what other people hear. Because everyone is "listening" to themselves every moment and has long been accustomed to it, most people think that their voices sound very pleasant.

But at this time, Mu Heng can be sure that his current voice and timbre are definitely not for this reason that he feels good, but are truly pleasant!

Of course, the main problem is not here, but...

"This is obviously a female voice!"

He lowered his head suddenly, and a strand of light blue hair slid down from his forehead, and then, the white skin blocked his sight, and his vision was a little bad.

Finally, Mu Heng tremblingly reached out his hand and reached his lower body, and of course, he didn't touch anything.

But at this moment, a virtual light screen appeared in front of Mu Heng:

[Beautiful girl vest system at your service]

[Host: Mu Heng]

[Current vest: Robin]

[Current target: Songstress (0.00%)]

"System?" Mu Heng was stunned, but soon realized that she was hit by a car, but she was not dead. It was not strange to have multiple systems, right?

Moreover, she looked around. This was a bedroom, but it was definitely not her own home. In other words, it might also come with a "time travel"?

Classic package, normal.

But just when Mu Heng wanted to continue to look down and study this system, accompanied by a "clang", followed by a burst of dense footsteps, and quickly approached her current position.


Then, Mu Heng saw that the door of the bedroom where she was was pushed open, and two adult men in black uniforms appeared in front of her, pointing a pistol at her.

Mu Heng, "???"

What's going on?

No, the others all traveled through time and got the system, and gradually climbed to the strongest. She wouldn't do it all over again right away, would she?

But when these people saw Mu Heng, they were obviously stunned. It was obvious that they took out their guns and aimed as a habit, and when they saw that the target was an ordinary girl who was powerless, their vigilance was obviously reduced a lot.

No, it was definitely not an "ordinary girl". The black-clad man in the lead could see that the girl sitting on the ground had a far more stunning appearance than ordinary people.

When a boy sees a girl, he can usually give her a score in his heart at first sight. If the full score is ten, this person feels that the girl in front of him is at least twelve points, or even higher.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is definitely the most beautiful person he has ever seen in his life.

At the same time, in addition to this amazing appearance, behind the girl's ears, under the light blue hair, there are two pairs of white things like bird wings, and the golden ring floating on her head, all prove that the girl in front of him is definitely not an ordinary human.

The man in black frowned slightly, then quickly put down his pistol, took out a certificate from his body and opened it to Mu Heng, saying, "We are the National Abnormal Investigation Bureau, Qin Chuming, please come with us."

"What?" Mu Heng was even more confused, she pointed at herself, "Who? Me?"

"Don't be embarrassed, this is actually a very normal thing." The man in black said, "You know, since the dimensional rift appeared in this world in 2045, all kinds of bizarre things have emerged one after another. Under the influence of unknown forces, it is not uncommon for a person to suddenly become another person."

"Not to mention turning into a girl, there are even people who turn into animals, lions, cats, and trees

"I know you may find it hard to accept it at first, but this is actually a good thing. Generally, people who have such things will get some [abilities], and in this world, having [abilities] is definitely a good thing, isn't it?" "How many people want to become stronger but have no chance, and now, this opportunity has come to you." "Uh..." Mu Heng opened her mouth slightly, her expression filled with confusion. She felt... the guy in front of her seemed to be comforting herself? But what she cares more about now is: Who is Qin Chuming? 2045? Dimensional rift? It is common to turn into something else? Uh... Then she is at least still alone now, which should be good news? Anyway, Mu Heng can now be sure that she is no longer in the previous world, and it seems that she has traveled to a more dangerous world. Secondly, these people in front of her should have no ill will towards her, he They are the official organization of this world. Although I still don't understand the situation, it is definitely the most unwise choice to go against the official when I first arrived.

So, Mu Heng raised her right hand carefully like a student. When she stretched out her hand, her right hand even accidentally touched the wings behind her ear. The white wings flapped instinctively, and a slightly weird feeling came over her.

From the perspective of others, you can see that the girl's cheeks have become slightly red, looking even more lovely.

Mu Heng said, "So... what do I need to do now?"

The man in black said, "Just register with us, record your situation and your abilities, and help you apply for a brand new identity certificate. Of course, if you are willing, you can also join us and do your best for this crazy world. If you don't want to, you can also go home and continue to do what you want to do. Of course, don't break the law. "

While speaking, the man in black stretched out his right hand towards Mu Heng, with a smile on his weathered face.

This may be a gesture of goodwill to the girl, or perhaps, a proof that there is still hope in this cruel world.


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