The old man was sitting on the bed, and the old man was sitting on the bed.

"Then I'll take a rest for a while... just take a nap..." Mu Heng was really tired. She yawned, then lay on the table, muttering, "Remember to call me in half an hour..."

I don't know how long it took. When Mu Heng woke up, she rubbed her eyes. The hot pot restaurant was still the same as before. The few tables and chairs were occupied by women and children. The rest of the people sat together on the cold ground. Only a few people were walking towards the toilet.

Cheng Hui kept knocking her head opposite Mu Heng, as if she was very sleepy during class.

Seeing this scene, Mu Heng couldn't help but smile bitterly. She was so tired, and Cheng Hui, who was traveling with her, was naturally the same. Mu Heng stood up and pushed the other's shoulder, "Lie on the table and sleep for a while, don't force yourself."

Then Mu Heng looked outside. It was still pitch black. The only light source was the lights in each store. Because she couldn't see the sky, she couldn't figure out how much time had passed.

She took out her mobile phone and took a look. The battery was only 5% left and was about to run out. The current time was 5:23.

"It's already the next day!?"

After a brief surprise, she sighed helplessly.

She didn't know what to do now. She could only pray that the investigation bureau outside would move quickly, break this curtain, and rescue them from here.

While thinking about these, Mu Heng walked towards the built-in toilet of the hot pot restaurant. She carefully paid attention to the people resting on the ground to avoid bumping into them. Just when she was about to reach the toilet, a person ran out of it in a panic and headed straight towards Mu Heng.

"Investigator... Miss!? I was just about to find you!" This person looked about 17 or 18 years old. He was wearing a blue school uniform and should still be a student. He said in panic, "I just went to the toilet with my friend. We were chatting normally, but he suddenly fell silent. I opened the toilet cubicle and saw that there was only one set of clothes left on the ground!"

Hearing this, Mu Heng quickly ran into the toilet. This is the kind of small built-in toilet in a restaurant that is very common. It is unisex and has a small space. After entering, you can see a sink and a squat toilet with a door, as well as some mops.

At this time, the door of the squat toilet was open, and a set of blue school uniforms was very conspicuous.

The student just followed Mu Heng and said stutteringly, "How...what should I do? Has he already..."

"Ah." Mu Heng sighed, "Sorry..."

Or, what else can she say at this time?

The male student lowered his head in disappointment, and his body seemed to be trembling slightly because of fear. Seeing this, Mu Heng reached out and touched the other's head. She showed a confident expression and comforted him, "Don't worry, I will definitely find the monster and kill it!"

Of course, whether she can do it is one thing, but it doesn't prevent her from saying it at this time. After all, it is to comfort people. She can't blow herself up and be scared now.

After the male student left, Mu Heng couldn't help thinking, another death case, maybe more than this one happened last night.

And thinking about it, for some reason, her mind suddenly jumped to a bald middle-aged man, 'That guy...maybe he is dead. '

After all, there are dead people in their group, isn't it more dangerous to be alone?

But if he is really dead, we have to go and see him. If he is not dead and no one cares about him, the bald man will starve to death.

Among all the people, only Mu Heng knew that there was such a person trapped at the edge of the curtain, which means that at this time she either asked others to bring food to the bald man, or she went by herself.

Mu Heng thought about it and finally decided to do it herself. She left the hot pot restaurant, went to the bakery and took a loaf of bread, and then trotted to the edge of the curtain, as if speeding up and seizing the time to go back and forth could reduce the danger of this trip.

Before Mu Heng arrived, the bald man who was leaning on the window and doing nothing saw him in advance, waving his hand and shouting, "I'm so hungry! Is there anything to eat!"

Seeing that the other party was still alive, Mu Heng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but the bald man was on the second floor, so Mu Heng could only throw the things in his hand up, and it took several times to succeed. The bread had already been because of this action.

It was ravaged and messed up, but the bald man didn't mind, as long as it was edible.

"So what's the situation now?" The bald man said while eating without a sound, "I saw that there was no movement over there in the distance, and I thought there would be some scary monsters running around on the street."

Because he was trapped here, the bald man naturally didn't know anything.

Mu Heng was about to say something casually, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she froze in place. She suddenly realized a very critical problem and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Perhaps, the monster that caused several attacks at present was not an invisible monster.

She changed her tone and said "Thank you!", and then quickly left here, leaving only the bald man with a confused face.


As for Mu Heng, she returned to the clothing store. She looked at the clothes scattered on the ground, took a deep breath, and then walked in resolutely, and went straight to some more remote and hidden corners, such as the dressing room.

After opening the dressing room, it can be clearly seen that there is a set of clothes scattered on the ground, and the shoes under the clothes. Obviously, this is one of the two people who were killed in the clothing store before.

This further confirmed Mu Heng's guess.

Whether it is the bakery owner, the clothing store, or the toilet of the hot pot restaurant, it proves that the "enemy" in the curtain is more inclined to attack people who are alone.

On the contrary, the crowd gathered in the hot pot restaurant lobby and the supermarket has not been in danger so far.

Either, the "enemy" is a monster with the restriction of "only attacking lone creatures", but this is unreasonable. If this is the case, then why are the bald man and Mu Heng not attacked at this moment?

Or... the "enemy" is a human being, who is now mixed in the crowd. It is naturally difficult for everyone to attack him (her) in a group, so he (she) can only look for the lone person.

And this person did not attack the bald man because he (she) did not know the existence of the bald man at all.


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