However, just as the three people were talking, the blond young man who was curled up on the ground and holding his stomach gradually recovered. In an instant, he became hazy. With the blond young man as the center, five naked upper body figures who looked exactly like him passed the three people who were unable to react and rushed out in five directions. "Catch me!? It's not that easy!" The effect of this ability is very simple, which is to create several non-existent phantom clones to confuse the enemy. Whether it is used for attack or escape, the effect is very good. "Let's see how you guys chase me now!"


At the same time, inside the stadium, there were still a few minutes before the concert officially started. Mu Heng was behind the stage. She sneaked a look outside and saw that the seats were full.

There were 100,000 people! It is no exaggeration to say that the number of people she had seen in her two lives was probably less than one-tenth of the number here.

"Why, are you nervous?" Cheng Hui was right next to Mu Heng.

"After all, it was my first time on stage. Even though I had rehearsed so many times and made sufficient preparations, I was still nervous when I should be nervous..." Mu Heng sighed.

"That's great. If it were me, I wouldn't just be nervous, I might even faint."

"How could it be that serious?"

"How is it impossible!" Cheng Hui pouted, "There are 100,000 people here. If it were me, I would faint just by imagining standing in front of so many eyes!"

"But, you deserve it, right? This scale is the largest among all concerts. I don't know how many singers and stars dream of the ultimate stage, and your first concert has reached this height!"

"Aren't you also an up master with millions of fans? Only 100,000 people, less than a dozen of your fans." Because of Mu Heng, Cheng Hui's k-station fans naturally increased wildly.

"It's different. The Internet is the Internet, and reality is reality!"

"I see you live and I see you live. I see you with my eyes. Why is it different?"

"You have hundreds of millions of fans online. The audience during the live broadcast must be far more than the current number. It's only 100,000 people. It's not a small matter for you?" Cheng Hui suddenly laughed and changed the topic. "Anyway, time is almost up. Come on!"

"..." Mu Heng realized that the other party suddenly approached her to relieve her nervousness. As it turned out, this did have some effect. Mu Heng also smiled and said, "Thank you..."

As the opening time of the concert arrived, the lights of the entire scene dimmed, and all the light was concentrated in the center of the stage. A girl who was as dazzling as the stars in the sky and as beautiful as an angel walked out from behind the scenes and appeared in front of everyone.

The makeup carefully decorated by the stylist and the extremely gorgeous and beautiful clothes fully displayed the charm of the robin itself.

At the same time, along with her steps, a lighthearted and cheerful BGM sounded, and a brand new original song that no one had ever heard of was presented here for the first time.

[Here it comes, it finally started! ]

[Oh my god, the bird is so beautiful! ]

[People are squatting at the door of the concert site, watching the live broadcast of the concert on their mobile phones, brothers, I'm crying]

[Oh my god, am I seeing this right? ? ? 300 million? What kind of popularity is this? I'm shocked! Is this the power of the robin? ]

It is worth mentioning that although this concert is free to broadcast live, not long after the news was announced, K Station contacted Mu Heng privately and finally bought the exclusive live broadcast rights at an extremely outrageous price.

In other words, the live broadcast is free, but if you want to watch it, you can only come to K Station.

Two hours before the concert started, countless people flocked to this live broadcast room, and even many foreigners had to use this unfamiliar Dragon Country website. It is no exaggeration to say that among all the bullet comments rolling at this time, 30% were not in Chinese, but in various other languages.

The popularity of the live broadcast room reached an outrageous "300 million" the moment the concert started. Of course, this is definitely not the actual number of viewers. As for how many viewers there are, it is estimated that only K station itself knows, but it is inevitable.


Good, good, good]

[Damn it, I was watching a bird live broadcast secretly during evening self-study, and I accidentally laughed out loud and was discovered by the teacher. What should I do? ]

[Oh my god, I thought it was evening self-study anyway, so I thought about watching a bird live broadcast secretly behind the desk, but I found that there were students who were not studying hard and were also watching the live broadcast. What should I do? Should I waste time to educate him? But I don’t want to miss the live broadcast...]

[You two... huh? ? ? ]

However, although the audience in the live broadcast room also enjoyed it, it is still not as good as the live broadcast.

What is the difference between listening to music at a concert and listening to music on a mobile phone? It should be the "atmosphere".

When you see your favorite singer standing in the center of the stage, when you look around, you find that everyone around you is like you.

Everyone is cheering to the rhythm, everyone is in high spirits, and the colorful cheering sticks are swaying. How can this not be exciting?

And you have to know that Mu Heng's songs have a strong appeal and the ability to create an atmosphere. Even if you listen to the clips she sent out on the Internet, some people will be deeply touched by her singing, not to mention listening to the songs live!

As the first song gradually entered its climax, everyone's emotions seemed to resonate at this moment, even Mu Heng herself was no exception. After she started singing, the nervousness before her performance on stage disappeared completely, and she turned her full attention to the song.

Every note seemed to be given life, jumping and dancing, weaving a colorful picture.

Until the end of the first song, there was a tsunami of cheers from the scene, and the live broadcast room of the k station had long been filled with countless words "good to listen to", leaving no space.

"That's great... I want to go there too..." Lv Heng said helplessly with a droopy face. Yes, he was the guy squatting at the entrance of the concert watching the live broadcast. However, just as he sighed, he saw a shirtless foreigner with only one leg of pants left running past him.

"???" Lv Heng was stunned, he rubbed his eyes, "What the hell passed by?"

But then, three other guys dressed differently but also ran fast and chased after the perverted foreigner just now.


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